Creatine now banned for under 18 adults in NY.

That’s because the leftist radicals want ppl to be weak, the weak can’t fight and their voice means jack shit! By all means though, keep smoking weed, just don’t do anything to be masculine and strong, we can’t have that now!! Fuck that goddamn state with a big rubber dick, and fuck California off the map while I’m at it!

Though I agree these laws are absurd, you are not helping make a case... if anything you are making it worse.

Your body doesn't make you strong bud. That hasn't been relevant since the caveman stage of our social development and even then, mind defeated body. The winners were always the ones who had better tools and/or strategy.

We dont use roids to get strong. If anything, these forums have shown me that you guys are literaly no better than the comic book nerds and computer geeks. You are just the flip side of the same coin. Yet another group high on its own farts. Im cool with it. Im part of all 3 of these groups. We use the drugs for personal reasons, none of which practical. In my case 50% health issues (injuries in my case), 25% mad scientist (because its fun), 25% neener neener (aka vanity).

Note that leftists states have some of if not the best higher ed systems in the world especially CA and MA. You will find the strongest people in our society in the upper level STEM courses working out their minds.

That said... fuck this stupid decision by NY. Seriously wtf? They are the ones that banned large cups of soda too right? But they didnt ban refills (lol)
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