Ok, how retarded am I?

Your kidneys are alarming, the rest of the markers are "usual" and manageable.

eGFR is based off creatinine level... obviously, your is 1.66... that's extremely high. It's a good number if you're trying to pack on mass... so, that part of your plan is working.

What's your diet like? I imagine with creatinine at 1.66, you're eating a lot of protein... I estimate it's over 300 grams/day based on your weight. 300 grams of protein/day is putting a huge strain on your kidneys, along with the gear, BP, dhydration, etc. Need to ease the strain.

As far as diet, supplement with 8000mg/day of astralagus root.. it will improve blood flow to the kidneys and reduce protein in the urine (albuminurea).

TUDCA, Milk Thistle, Glutathione, NAC, Fish oil & Vit D are only going to help with liver and lipids.

Yes hydrate, start drinking a lot of water, and supplement with electolyte if still training. Find an electrolyte powder with Himalayan salt and about 1 gram of Taurine. You should be pissing every 30 mins.

Get on BP meds if you're not already, and check your BP 3 times a day until you have the right dosage/BP. High BP will strain and destroy the kidneys.

As far as tests, Cystatin C AND Albuminurea (urine albumin-creatinine ratio (uACR) test). This will give a better picture of kidney health. Then, re-test every 30 days. If within 3 months your eGFR and kidney markers havn't improved (they should), it's time.
NO history of BP issues. But, possible kidney damage from who knows when or why. Earliest egfr I could find was 66 in 2019. I had barely just started at a TRT clinic back then. No previous AAS/cycles.
I just started tracking BP and over this last cycle it seemed to average 130/80 at the start and has been around 140/85 last few weeks.
I think 130/80 has been my norm as far as I can remember.
Is that too high?
140/85 is pushing it mostly the 140 is a concern. It's not horrible for an isolated event but not something you want to have that high over the long term months or years.

130/80 is better, I would recommend speaking to your DR about bp meds.