Previously was running 1000 mg testosterone cypionate (split into 2 injections) with 25 mg aromasin 5x per week (taken with food or a scoop of peanut butter once per day).
On trough, this was my blood results:
* SHBG 7 nmol/L (12-60 nmol/L is normal range)
* Test 162.5 nmol/L (4686 ng/dL)
* Prolactin 6 ug/L (<18 ug/L is normal range)
* Estradiol 198 pmol/L (<160 pmol/L is normal range, 54 pg/mL)
* Free test 6674 pmol/L
* Hematocrit, RBC, monocytes barely elevated over normal range.
Since my estradiol came in high, I wanted to reduce it to within a normal range.
I decided to lower the Test C from 1000 mg to 700 mg and up the aromasin from 25 mg 5x/week to daily.
What I have noticed so far after 1.5 weeks of changing the dose:
* My nipples/breasts are more puffy more often when the temp is warm, like after getting out of the shower
* I have increased appetite for junk food like cookies and chips
* I am starting to feel nipple sensitivity just sitting at my desk or when taking my shirt off. It just feels more "sensitive" (don't have any other words to explain it) and can sometimes feel sharp and painful, like a razor.
* No actual gynecomastia tissue growth yet can be felt under the nipple, chest looks normal when I am cold
I am using the same exact batch of Test C and Aromasin. The aromasin is from a respected UGL source, so not real pharma tablets.
I think that it's odd that I am seemingly getting more high E2 symptoms after lowering the Test and upping the AI. Any thoughts appreciated.
While it has only been a 1.5 weeks I think that the increase in symptoms specifically regarding nipple sensitivity is significant.
On trough, this was my blood results:
* SHBG 7 nmol/L (12-60 nmol/L is normal range)
* Test 162.5 nmol/L (4686 ng/dL)
* Prolactin 6 ug/L (<18 ug/L is normal range)
* Estradiol 198 pmol/L (<160 pmol/L is normal range, 54 pg/mL)
* Free test 6674 pmol/L
* Hematocrit, RBC, monocytes barely elevated over normal range.
Since my estradiol came in high, I wanted to reduce it to within a normal range.
I decided to lower the Test C from 1000 mg to 700 mg and up the aromasin from 25 mg 5x/week to daily.
What I have noticed so far after 1.5 weeks of changing the dose:
* My nipples/breasts are more puffy more often when the temp is warm, like after getting out of the shower
* I have increased appetite for junk food like cookies and chips
* I am starting to feel nipple sensitivity just sitting at my desk or when taking my shirt off. It just feels more "sensitive" (don't have any other words to explain it) and can sometimes feel sharp and painful, like a razor.
* No actual gynecomastia tissue growth yet can be felt under the nipple, chest looks normal when I am cold
I am using the same exact batch of Test C and Aromasin. The aromasin is from a respected UGL source, so not real pharma tablets.
I think that it's odd that I am seemingly getting more high E2 symptoms after lowering the Test and upping the AI. Any thoughts appreciated.
While it has only been a 1.5 weeks I think that the increase in symptoms specifically regarding nipple sensitivity is significant.