15 years on TRT and Fertility - What worked for me


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I see a lot of guys going through what I just recently went through myself. I never really considered having kids when younger, and my mindset changed later in life. I'll post my experience after being on TRT for 15 years and being essentially azoospermia. Everyone is different, but this is what worked for me and hopefully can put some other guys on the right track or at least give them some info.

From my personal experience huge doses of HCG aren't needed especially when using HMG which will do most of the work for getting sperm count up. Huge doses of HCG cause a lot of hormonal fluctuations with E2 etc which can make people feel pretty bad, and I believe it's better to spread it out over the week daily or EOD minimum.

My protocol was:

70mg Test / week (Dosed EOD)
HCG 200iu / day
HMG 75iu 2 x week

Later I bumped test up to 87.5mg and added primo at 70mg. (I did start with primo too high which crushed my E2 then I adjusted down to 70mg which worked perfectly.) The first 4-5 months I didn't use any Primo with this protocol and while E2 was slightly high it wasn't causing symptoms after giving 5-6 weeks for my body to adjust.

This protocol resulted in pregnancy within about 5-6 months. No AI's needed, and I always thought I was someone super sensitive to estrogen as well. The biggest factor is injecting frequency I found. EOD or even ED injections make a world of difference and spreading the HCG out into smaller doses each day makes E2 much more manageable, at least for me.

When first starting things like HCG or changing your dose on Test etc you may get some E2 symptoms, but I've found that was more related to the hormonal fluctuations than the actual E2 and your body just needs 5-6 weeks to adjust. Having a knee jerk reaction and taking AI's just results in a whole lot of other problems is what I've found over many years of trial and error.

Couple of factors to consider. HMG is very expensive at least in my country if going through a doctor and most insurance companies won't pay for it. If you do use it from an online source it's hard to test quality and may be best to order from a couple trusted sources and use both to cover your bases. This is just opinion based and what worked for me.
So you increased fertility while still using small doses of test and primo? Interesting. I’ve never researched HMG but I’m going to look into, I’m trying to keep fertility while cycling on and off every 4 months. How old are you? Congrats on the pregnancy goes to show it worked for you
So you increased fertility while still using small doses of test and primo? Interesting. I’ve never researched HMG but I’m going to look into, I’m trying to keep fertility while cycling on and off every 4 months. How old are you? Congrats on the pregnancy goes to show it worked for you
Yes I didn't see any need to stop using trt since HCG and HMG both directly stimulate endogenous testosterone and sperm production regardless of being on TRT. I've always thought it didn't make much since to come off trt and feel terrible like many doctors recommend. I think their reasoning is based more off a cookie cutter approach than science, since there are more experts in the field now that are coming forward with similar approaches that doesn't require the patient to come off their TRT.

If you're coming off every 4 months long enough to regain endogenous production you probably won't run into any fertility issues.
Side note, if you want to have a little boy then don't run the above with nandralone. It seems to cause "male" sperm to go through apoptosis easier than a "female" sperm. There is also a slight detriment to motility while running nandralone, even with HMG and HCG.
Side note, if you want to have a little boy then don't run the above with nandralone. It seems to cause "male" sperm to go through apoptosis easier than a "female" sperm. There is also a slight detriment to motility while running nandralone, even with HMG and HCG.
That's interesting lol. Will be finding out the gender here soon.
@limitphobic just curious if you had any recommendations for retaining fertility. I'm running my first cycle of test e @ 450mg per week for 12 weeks, split into M/W/F. At week 4 I'm adding in 250iu of HCG EOD, and then for the 4 weeks prior to PCT of Nolva/Clomid I'm planning on running 500iu of HCG EOD. Have you found anything else to increase fertility (or decrease negative fertility effects of test)? I have at least 2-3 years before my wife and I want to have kids but I'm doing my best to be responsible until then while also enjoying some test cycles.
@limitphobic just curious if you had any recommendations for retaining fertility. I'm running my first cycle of test e @ 450mg per week for 12 weeks, split into M/W/F. At week 4 I'm adding in 250iu of HCG EOD, and then for the 4 weeks prior to PCT of Nolva/Clomid I'm planning on running 500iu of HCG EOD. Have you found anything else to increase fertility (or decrease negative fertility effects of test)? I have at least 2-3 years before my wife and I want to have kids but I'm doing my best to be responsible until then while also enjoying some test cycles.
Honestly it looks like you got the gist of what I do and it looks laid out well now for pct… I can’t stress this enough (some company should sponsor me) but D aspartic acid (DAA). That stuff will plump your boys up properly at 2-3g a day. Of course that on top of Nolva and clomid. But seriously, look into DAA. Fantastic stuff found in the majority of natural test boosters for good reason.
That's exactly what I did, I was on TRT for 15 years and remained on TRT while regaining fertility with HCG and HMG.

I didn't use HCG or HMG for the 15 years I was on TRT.
Awesome makes me feel better about going on. I'm only 23. Plus it gives you more of a safety net when it comes to unwanted pregnancy. Kinda makes you have top plan for it.
Awesome makes me feel better about going on. I'm only 23. Plus it gives you more of a safety net when it comes to unwanted pregnancy. Kinda makes you have top plan for it.
I'd be careful about going on TRT if it's not needed, definitely get some sperm samples frozen and prepare for the worst just in case.
I'd be careful about going on TRT if it's not needed, definitely get some sperm samples frozen and prepare for the worst just in case.
Thanks for the reply. Yeah I've been depressed to the point of wanting to just end it over the last 5 years and this is kind of like my only chance. My levels came back 350 with libido down as well, so its not something I just want to do its something I have to do.
Thanks for the reply. Yeah I've been depressed to the point of wanting to just end it over the last 5 years and this is kind of like my only chance. My levels came back 350 with libido down as well, so its not something I just want to do its something I have to do.
Understood, definitely would recommend getting the sperm samples frozen first and then go from there with your TRT doc.
What percentage of guys do you think could recover fertility after years of no HCG with their TRT? Whats your experience with it?
Impossible to know it just depends on the person, if I had it to do over again I'd have frozen sperm before hand just for the peace of mind and having a backup plan. Also would have done it to have a baseline for sperm count etc.

