15wk cycle pct advice/input


10+ Year Member
Was looking for some assistance in developing a correct PCT for current cycle I'm completing. I did some research and have some decent knowledge already but want to get this right. Some stats. 38yrs old, 4th cycle (1st was orals only, 2nd was test and oral, 3rd was test oral, primo, gh) always done PCT post-cycle and bloods throughout.
Before starting this cycle my bloods showed my test was only in the upper 300's after being off the previous cycle for 7 months. I felt fine, held muscle and made small gains since the previous cycle but was shocked how low my test was. All else was normal including E2. Point being, I'm thinking my PCT from the following cycle wasn't done properly. From past bloods my test, off cycle, was usually in the upper 600's finishing up a cycle.

Current Cycle was 15 wk of the following:
wk 1-3- Tbol 80mg/day
wk 1-15- Test C/500mg/wk, Primo 800/mg/wk, GH 4iu 5days/wk, Arimidex 1mg/EOD, HCG 350iu x2days/wk
wk13-16 Anavar 70mg/day

I'll be taking 4 weeks off after week 15 while maintaining arimidex and hcg. I planned my PCT for the following:

Day 1 Clomid 150mg, Nova 60mg
Day 2-14 Clomid 100mg, Nova 40mg
Day 14-28 Clomid 50mg, Nova 20mg

How's my pct look? Any thoughts or input would be appreciated.
That looks like a solid PCT. You could also do bloods 3 or 4 weeks into PCT and see if it has your LH, FSH, and Test levels bumped back up.
Here's what my bloods looked like in the middle of week 4
Good idea, so basically you checked your bloods a few weeks into pct, if your close to normal again stop pct, of not continue and check again later. That might have been my mistake last time. I went on time instead of bloods for my pct and most likely stopped too soon.
Good idea, so basically you checked your bloods a few weeks into pct, if your close to normal again stop pct, of not continue and check again later. That might have been my mistake last time. I went on time instead of bloods for my pct and most likely stopped too soon.

I was trying something different with my PCT, running 3 serms together. I wanted to make sure it was working as intended. I was finished with week 4 when I I got my bloods back, and was confident that pct was a success. If bloods came back shitty, I would have continued clomid and nolva a few more weeks.
Recovery is so important, i'll drive 3 hours to do bloods w/o hesitation.