1st cycle help


New Member
Hey community members,

I am trying to start my first cycle but have been getting conflicting recommendations. I want to start my first cycle with test-e. Some questions I have for the community are..

1. Why do some peolle use HCG during entire cycle, but others use HCG at higher doses for 2 weeks during ester clearance? Is the reason for HCG at high doses at the end of a cycle to kickstart natural T production by mimicking LH?

2. Why do some people include low doses of mildly suppressive SARMS like MK2866 and GW?

3. Why do some recommend taking AI at beginning of cycle and some recommended not taking it preemptively and only when noticing signs of high E2

4. If taking Nolva for PCT for 4-6 weeks. Why it there conflicting recommendations of dosages. Some logs say taking 40mg Nolva daily and others will says that 40mg is overkill and should only take 10mg.

I won’t ask about starting dosages of test because it’s mixed opinions but I would be either starting at 250mg a week or 500mg a week for 12 weeks.

Some information about me
31 y/o M
5’8” 182 lbs
Not sure what my bf% is but I do have visible abs already
High stress job as a ER nurse but only work 3 days a weekIMG_0258.jpeg
Getting baseline labs checked on 16th

Gym 5 days a week

Monday- back
Tuesday- chest
Wednesday legs
Thursday- shoulder
Friday -arms
Saturday- HIIT on peloton
Sunday- Meditation

Diet is not dialed in to exact numbers and percentages but I do cook and meal prep.

4 eggs
2 slices high protein bread
1 cup oats
Scoop protein powder
1 tablespoon peanut butter
2 tablespoons of trilogy seeds (flax,chia,hemp)

2 scoops protein powder

1 chicken breast
1 cup of rice
2 cup vegetables

2 cans tuna
2 rice cakes
1 mozz cheese stick
4 egg muffins with spinach and feta
2 rice cakes
1 mozz cheese stick

Turkey chilli
1lb ground Turkey
1 cup rice
2 cup vegetable

Bedtime sback
2 tablespoons high protein PB
1 Greek yogurt
For my second question to be more specific. Why do some people use SARMS at low doses during their PCT but other people are against it?
1. HCG can be expensive which is why some choose to run it only at the end. Throughout is always preferred.

2. Don’t even bother with sarms.

3. Depending on the ester it takes time for serum levels to build to a point of requiring an AI. Use an AI when you notice symptoms and build a schedule from there to avoid those symptoms in the future. It’s different for everyone.

4. Cause not everyone agrees man. There is diminishing returns as with most drugs. Though in the long term using SERMs during pct won’t make much of a difference, especially in a beginner cycle that is not very suppressive. If you get side effects from Nolva then lower the dose, but generally I’d argue for lowest effective dose with SERMs as the sides can be worse than the sides of low T itself.
Thank you for your reply I appreciate your knowledge on the subject. The PCT is where I’m the most uneducated and wanting to learn more about. I did read about the “perfect PCT cycle” on revolutionary but again I know everything is individualized. Just want to make sure I have everything I may possible need on hand for symptom management and protect my health.
Most recommended 400-500 mg test . Keep it simple incase you run into problems you know for sure what it is.. You can also dial in your ai if necessary.

Read up on pct before you start. There is a forum here.
let me just add some anedoctal info of why SARMs might contribute even while taking gear:

i'm running test, tren and dbol

i could recover better while taking 10mg of RAD140 ed without test base

why? I have no bloody idea, but SARMs are just wildly under-studied compounds that while have some weird side effects, also have some very positive anabolic properties
Most recommended 400-500 mg test . Keep it simple incase you run into problems you know for sure what it is.. You can also dial in your ai if necessary.

Read up on pct before you start. There is a forum here.
Yes I’m just going to run test at 500 alone this time around and see how I respond and play around with ai if I experience symptoms and dial that in as well. If all goes well I would be interested in running test with primo but will look into that later on. Thank you for your input.
let me just add some anedoctal info of why SARMs might contribute even while taking gear:

i'm running test, tren and dbol

i could recover better while taking 10mg of RAD140 ed without test base

why? I have no bloody idea, but SARMs are just wildly under-studied compounds that while have some weird side effects, also have some very positive anabolic properties
I was going to run CW (not necessarily a SARM but still considered), during PCT. The reason I wanted to include was to protect gains, not feel winded, and help lower bp and lipids. At this point I’m just going to keep it simple for first time and not add any additional compounds and further complicate things. Thank you for your input though.
Thank you for your reply I appreciate your knowledge on the subject. The PCT is where I’m the most uneducated and wanting to learn more about. I did read about the “perfect PCT cycle” on revolutionary but again I know everything is individualized. Just want to make sure I have everything I may possible need on hand for symptom management and protect my health.
Everything you read on Evolutionary Forum completely forget !!!! It’s terrible. Continue to read and research here, you’ll find a ward to everything you need.
I can't help but laugh when I picture the reactions you'll be getting when you walk out into the ER waiting room at 240lbs looking like a brick shithouse, with hand and neck tattoos. "I'll be your nurse today." Old white ladies will be dropping dead.
1. People like to run hcg to combat small balls. And I think there's some bro sdcience saying this decreases the chances of going infertile over time. But Hcg at the end before pct while the ester clears felt pretty good to me when I did it.

2. I don't understand. Why not include a SARM if you want to run it?

3. Approach to AI dosing varies. Do what suits you. I never dosed it preemptively.

4. 40-60 mg of nolva and clomid is a broscience pct protocol i have seen for years. The new harlem study I think shows 10 mg nolva for 6 weeks is probably enough. I tried this with success.

Run 500. Not 250. That's too low for 12 weeks on enantate
Everything else seems fine except shoulders and arms day. It takes me 15 minutes to do both. Rather have back and chest twice a week than waste 2 precious days doing only arms and shoulders.
If HCG was to be run before PCT starts would it be started after last pin and continued through the 2 weeks during clearance? What dosage would you suggest running?

Can you drop link to Harlem study so I can read it?

Yes definitely set on 500 a week. I think I’m going to run for 16 weeks instead of 12.

Will definitely consider changing up workout routine. Thank you for the tip.