200mg/ml Test P and 200mg/ml Mast P Recipe


10+ Year Member
20+ Year Member
Does anyone have a recipe for Test P and or Mast P at 200mg/ml. I don’t want to brew them together. As well I don’t want to use Guaicol. I am looking for a BA/BB in MCT oil ratio that will work. I know that I will need to warm the bottle before injections, so slight crashing is ok.

Thank you!
I did 1/20 for test prop in MCT and it came out perfect. No crash. I did another brew at 1/12 and it did start to crash.

A ton of pip tho. Almost guaranteed you'll have to water that down later if you want LESS pip.i haven't found a recipe for no pip yet. I am down to 50mg/ml and still getting it but you might be a seasoned vet.
There is a patent from Bayer for 200mg Test P that goes for 20% Ethyl Lactate, 20% Phenyl Salicylate and 40% Carrier Oil (EXAMPLE 9)

Anything with BA/BB I 've seen has 30%+ BB and it still crashes.
Made 200mg test p in castor. Crippling pip.
150 mast p in mct 20%bb 1%ba completely pipless but can crash in cold environments
I did 1/20 for test prop in MCT and it came out perfect. No crash. I did another brew at 1/12 and it did start to crash.

A ton of pip tho. Almost guaranteed you'll have to water that down later if you want LESS pip.i haven't found a recipe for no pip yet. I am down to 50mg/ml and still getting it but you might be a seasoned vet.
Thank you. Cheers
Made 200mg test p in castor. Crippling pip.
150 mast p in mct 20%bb 1%ba completely pipless but can crash in cold environments
Thank you, this looks good. I may try 30%BB. And shoot for 200mg.
There is a patent from Bayer for 200mg Test P that goes for 20% Ethyl Lactate, 20% Phenyl Salicylate and 40% Carrier Oil (EXAMPLE 9)

Anything with BA/BB I 've seen has 30%+ BB and it still crashes.
Thank you. I am using these compounds right now and the Pip is manageable. However I am taking a mixture of 4 compounds so they seem to get diluted. That said, the Test P and Mast P, are always crashed. I want to brew the next batch myself. I am going to try 1/20 on the Test P and 1/30 on the Mast P.
Thank you. I am using these compounds right now and the Pip is manageable. However I am taking a mixture of 4 compounds so they seem to get diluted. That said, the Test P and Mast P, are always crashed. I want to brew the next batch myself. I am going to try 1/20 on the Test P and 1/30 on the Mast P.
I diluted test p with other oils too. Dulited it with pure mct. Still pippy.
Have not tried 200mg in pure mct though. Maybe fine but 100mg gives a little sting too so i rather use lower concentration or replace with test pp
Does anyone have a recipe for Test P and or Mast P at 200mg/ml. I don’t want to brew them together. As well I don’t want to use Guaicol. I am looking for a BA/BB in MCT oil ratio that will work. I know that I will need to warm the bottle before injections, so slight crashing is ok.

Thank you!
i have done TP 2/20 in castor. held for abou a week and it slowly started crashing. (the only reason i brewed it into castor is because i ran out of Test E and only had prop on hand and wanted to extend the release.).

it's held at 150 in sesame oil, however, slowly crashed about a month or two later. didn't bother heating it up but should be fine.
i have done TP 2/20 in castor. held for abou a week and it slowly started crashing. (the only reason i brewed it into castor is because i ran out of Test E and only had prop on hand and wanted to extend the release.).

it's held at 150 in sesame oil, however, slowly crashed about a month or two later. didn't bother heating it up but should be fine.
Do you get pip from TP?
Thank you. I am using these compounds right now and the Pip is manageable. However I am taking a mixture of 4 compounds so they seem to get diluted. That said, the Test P and Mast P, are always crashed. I want to brew the next batch myself. I am going to try 1/20 on the Test P and 1/30 on the Mast P.
Just don’t try running 200mg/ml prop without diluting it with something mate - I’ve never known anyone doing so without debilitating PIP.