25mg Nolva


New Member
Hey all,

I'm preparing for my first test e cycle. I'm running 12 weeks, pinning 250mg Mon/Thurs. I'm starting my pct 10 days after my last injection. I'm using nolva to pct and my plan was to dose at 40/40/20/20, however the nolva I have is dosed at 25mg. Would I be fine running nolva at 50/50/25/25? Or should I cut them in half? Any other feedback on the cycle is appreciated!
Wait 4 weeks to start pct and you would be fine with them nolvadex dosages but why not run clomid 50/50/50/50 and nolva 20/20/20/20?
Bc a 23 year old running his FIRST cycle of only T-e is unlikely to benefit from dual SERM therapy, IME. In fact Noobs are much better off running only one drug bc they have a limited baseline from which to judge SERM related adverse effects as is.

Moreover, IF dual SERMs tx is helpful (and that's a big IF IMO) it may be in heavy multidrug AAS cycles or perhaps those whom have failed traditional single drug therapy with Clomid.

The evidence to date supporting dual SERMs is primarily theoretic and extrapolated from rat research and some of the data revealed Tamo had a suppressive effect on gonadotropin secretion.
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I will admit at least the dosages your suggesting are more reasonable than what MANY "bros" have opined are needed for PCT Savage.

I mean the pituitary is one puny gland yet it seems some are hell bent on drowning that sucker in a chemical smorgasbord, lol!.
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I will admit at least the dosages your suggesting are more reasonable than what MANY "bros" have opined are needed for PCT Savage.

I mean the pituitary is one puny gland yet it seems some are hell bent on drowning that sucker in a chemical smorgasbord, lol!.

What effect would it have if some1 were to take nolva 20mg /day without being on cycle and far after pct. at natural levels? Just wondering

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Search Google Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) as therapy for hypogonadism, or words to that effect.