25yr old stopping looking to stop TRT after 3yrs


New Member
Hey I am looking at quitting my TRT usage after 3yrs of taking 100ml/wk injectable testosterone. I talked to my GP who is fairly new to TRT and told me just stop taking it and after sometime it should hopefully come return to normal? I haven't really been monitored much well being on it which does bother me and I am obviously nervous about quitting as I feel alot better than when I wasn't on any but still by no means feel normal (still low energy, low libido and weak erections, muscle weakness). I was diagnosed with low T in 2010 after I believed I basically starved myself and over trained my self nearly everday for months. DR found my baseline 7.9 nmol/L and free T at 4.3pmol/L plus high cortisol. so very low numbers for a 21 yr old. I believe my diet is now under control and hoping that if I quit I well be able to get to normal levels for a guy in his mid twenties and hoping to be able to have kids.
Questions I have are
-do most recover?
-Is there any methods that help kickstart your body into recoverying faster.

Thanks for reading any info is much appreciated
Hey I am looking at quitting my TRT usage after 3yrs of taking 100ml/wk injectable testosterone. I talked to my GP who is fairly new to TRT and told me just stop taking it and after sometime it should hopefully come return to normal? I haven't really been monitored much well being on it which does bother me and I am obviously nervous about quitting as I feel alot better than when I wasn't on any but still by no means feel normal (still low energy, low libido and weak erections, muscle weakness). I was diagnosed with low T in 2010 after I believed I basically starved myself and over trained my self nearly everday for months. DR found my baseline 7.9 nmol/L and free T at 4.3pmol/L plus high cortisol. so very low numbers for a 21 yr old. I believe my diet is now under control and hoping that if I quit I well be able to get to normal levels for a guy in his mid twenties and hoping to be able to have kids.
Questions I have are
-do most recover?
-Is there any methods that help kickstart your body into recoverying faster.

Thanks for reading any info is much appreciated

Make sure you have the proper baseline labs to rule out causes. Then do a hCG challenge - 1,000-2,000 IU Q3D. Obtain TT after 5-6 injections. More ...
Make sure you have the proper baseline labs to rule out causes. Then do a hCG challenge - 1,000-2,000 IU Q3D. Obtain TT after 5-6 injections. More ...

Thanks for the responses! By proper baseline labs does that mean after a couple weeks of quitting get lab work to see what you at bedofe starting hCG? I have mentioned to my GP about hCG because when the first realized my T was low they checked my LH/FSH and they were both low FSH was 2.3 U/L average being <7.0 and LH 1.6 U/L average being 12.0. I had an endocrinologist a couple years ago and they ruled out any tumors to be the cause. I always figured it was from a massive drop in body weight in a short amount of time and overtraining but Dr's never really figured that was it.
Karila TA, Sarkkinen P, Marttinen M, Seppala T, Mero A, Tallroth K. Rapid weight loss decreases serum testosterone. Int J Sports Med 2008;29(11):872-7. https://www.thieme-connect.com/DOI/DOI?10.1055/s-2008-1038604

To investigate the effects of a rapid weight reduction program under authentic pre-competition conditions, eighteen elite wrestlers were studied with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) before and after two to three weeks' weight reduction regimens.

In order to establish the degree of dehydration and hormonal status, blood samples were collected to obtain blood chemistry, electrolytes and endocrinological parameters after both DXA measurements.

The mean weight loss was 8.2 +/- 2.3 % and it was constituted by the mean reductions of fat mass of 16 +/- 6.9 % (p < or = 0.001) and lean body mass of 7.9 +/- 2.5 %. The rapid weight reduction caused significant dehydration which was noticed as increased blood hemoglobin (7.8 +/- 5.9 %, p < or = 0.001), hematocrit (11.3 +/- 6.8 %, p < or = 0.001), and serum creatinine (35 +/- 23 %, p < or = 0.001).

There was a significant decrease in serum testosterone (63 +/- 33 %, p < or = 0.001) and luteinizing hormone (54 +/- 47 %, p < or = 0.001) concentrations. A reduced body weight correlated with decreased serum testosterone concentration (r = 0.53, p < or = 0.024). Serum sex hormone binding globulin concentration increased significantly (40 +/- 21 %, p < or = 0.001).

The results suggest that even short-term weight reduction may have marked effects on body composition, blood chemistry and hormonal parameters. It may constitute a possible health risk at least in a growing adolescent athlete.
Karila TA, Sarkkinen P, Marttinen M, Seppala T, Mero A, Tallroth K. Rapid weight loss decreases serum testosterone. Int J Sports Med 2008;29(11):872-7. https://www.thieme-connect.com/DOI/DOI?10.1055/s-2008-1038604

To investigate the effects of a rapid weight reduction program under authentic pre-competition conditions, eighteen elite wrestlers were studied with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) before and after two to three weeks' weight reduction regimens.

In order to establish the degree of dehydration and hormonal status, blood samples were collected to obtain blood chemistry, electrolytes and endocrinological parameters after both DXA measurements.

The mean weight loss was 8.2 +/- 2.3 % and it was constituted by the mean reductions of fat mass of 16 +/- 6.9 % (p < or = 0.001) and lean body mass of 7.9 +/- 2.5 %. The rapid weight reduction caused significant dehydration which was noticed as increased blood hemoglobin (7.8 +/- 5.9 %, p < or = 0.001), hematocrit (11.3 +/- 6.8 %, p < or = 0.001), and serum creatinine (35 +/- 23 %, p < or = 0.001).

There was a significant decrease in serum testosterone (63 +/- 33 %, p < or = 0.001) and luteinizing hormone (54 +/- 47 %, p < or = 0.001) concentrations. A reduced body weight correlated with decreased serum testosterone concentration (r = 0.53, p < or = 0.024). Serum sex hormone binding globulin concentration increased significantly (40 +/- 21 %, p < or = 0.001).

The results suggest that even short-term weight reduction may have marked effects on body composition, blood chemistry and hormonal parameters. It may constitute a possible health risk at least in a growing adolescent athlete.

Thanks for the study! Im just hoping with proper diet and stopping TRT that my body well recover with hopefully with no other health problems from it.. My weight loss was a bit more longterm think it lasted 2yrs in which I felt terrible the entire time, with a massive weight loss from 219 to 170 in 3 months.