27mg/ml HDL, 144 LDL. Any solution besides pulling gear?


Suspected alternate account for @Axle Labs
500mg Test-E / week
300mg Mast-E / week
40mg Anavar/day
8mg injectable superdrol, 5x/week

I do 15-20 minutes LISS cardio / day on a treadmill
Daily Supplements: 1000mg Citrus Bergamot, 2 fish oil pills, 500mg TUDCA

I have 4 weeks of this blast left. Is there anything I can add to my supplements or regiment to help raise HDL and reduce non-HDL? I know it will come back when I drop the gear, but how dangerous is this to maintain for another month?

I wouldn't worry but a option that maybe is not the great is cardarine.
Cardarine it's showed to be related with cancer in mice but at the dose of 3mg/kg but a human don't take that dose.
Also in US 1 in 3 men will develop cancer in his lifetime so being alive and you already put yourself to risk.
That's the info. You do whatever you want
500mg Test-E / week
300mg Mast-E / week
40mg Anavar/day
8mg injectable superdrol, 5x/week

I do 15-20 minutes LISS cardio / day on a treadmill
Daily Supplements: 1000mg Citrus Bergamot, 2 fish oil pills, 500mg TUDCA

I have 4 weeks of this blast left. Is there anything I can add to my supplements or regiment to help raise HDL and reduce non-HDL? I know it will come back when I drop the gear, but how dangerous is this to maintain for another month?

View attachment 256136
you could try droping just the Var... some people including myself get shit Ldl/hdl from var... i can run a gram of gear and my bloods are good but if I add ecen 25mg var ontop of just 250 test I get 19hdl and 100ldl from 43 and 50 respectively
you could try droping just the Var... some people including myself get shit Ldl/hdl from var... i can run a gram of gear and my bloods are good but if I add ecen 25mg var ontop of just 250 test I get 19hdl and 100ldl from 43 and 50 respectively
I’ll give this a shot. I figured it was mainly the Superdrol screwing the values up.
I wouldn't worry but a option that maybe is not the great is cardarine.
Cardarine it's showed to be related with cancer in mice but at the dose of 3mg/kg but a human don't take that dose.
Also in US 1 in 3 men will develop cancer in his lifetime so being alive and you already put yourself to risk.
That's the info. You do whatever you want
That's not how human equivalent dosing works. It's about 40mg if I remember correctly. All rodent groups developed cancer and not just one kind. Many different kinds. Potentially fucking frightening and not worth the risk imo.
500mg Test-E / week
300mg Mast-E / week
40mg Anavar/day
8mg injectable superdrol, 5x/week

I do 15-20 minutes LISS cardio / day on a treadmill
Daily Supplements: 1000mg Citrus Bergamot, 2 fish oil pills, 500mg TUDCA

I have 4 weeks of this blast left. Is there anything I can add to my supplements or regiment to help raise HDL and reduce non-HDL? I know it will come back when I drop the gear, but how dangerous is this to maintain for another month?

View attachment 256136

Why haven't you considered low dose statins? 2.5mg x week rosuvastatin crushes my ldl with zero perceivable sides.
That's not how human equivalent dosing works. It's about 40mg if I remember correctly. All rodent groups developed cancer and not just one kind. Many different kinds. Potentially fucking frightening and not worth the risk imo.
Yes you are right. I searched now and did a bit of reading as what I wrote it was from what I remembered when I heard what cardarine is years ago.
It is 45 mg for a 80 kg man.
Mice in those studies have been administrated cardarine for 2 years straight and the life expectations is 30 33 months.

For those that are interested in taking do a bit of reading and see for yourself what it has done in those studies and if you want to take it after or not
Im in a similar boat, Var absolutely destroys my Hdl/ldl which is a shame because I absolutely enjoyed running it but at the end of the day for me it wasn’t worth it.
Why haven't you considered low dose statins? 2.5mg x week rosuvastatin crushes my ldl with zero perceivable sides.
I’ll look into it. From the limited research I remember doing, I vaguely remember reading about side effects such as strength loss and muscle pain. Do you experience these?

And any specific statin you recommend? I have telmisartan on hand which isn’t a statin but I was going to start 40mg/day of that also.
I’ll look into it. From the limited research I remember doing, I vaguely remember reading about side effects such as strength loss and muscle pain. Do you experience these?

And any specific statin you recommend? I have telmisartan on hand which isn’t a statin but I was going to start 40mg/day of that also.
The first time I tried rosuvastatin I did experience muscle pain. The second time I started taking it with 200mg ubiquinol daily and I've had zero issues after that. I'm on 5mg rosuvastatin daily + 10mg ezetimibe. From what I've read the main benefit of statins is the effect they have on inflammation. High LDL on its own might not be a problem necessarily.

Telmisartan has a favorable effect on lipids too but it's probably not enough. I chose rosuvastatin because it does not effect your brain but it does have a higher risk of diabetes if I remember correctly.
High LDL on its own might not be a problem necessarily.

Correct. High LDL + inflammation = bad, High LDL + little inflammation = not so bad, but still not totally good. But while on cycle, your inflammation is really high, so having low LDL is a must.

5mg rosuvastatin daily is a lot. Are you sure that you need that much? Have you tried 5mg 2x a week? 2.5 x week literary almost halves my LDL.
I’ll look into it. From the limited research I remember doing, I vaguely remember reading about side effects such as strength loss and muscle pain. Do you experience these?

And any specific statin you recommend? I have telmisartan on hand which isn’t a statin but I was going to start 40mg/day of that also.

Depends on the dosage. It's why I said try something really small like 2.5 or 5mg 2x a week. I doubt you'll see any sides at that dosage but will significantly lower LDL.
I wouldn't worry but a option that maybe is not the great is cardarine.
Cardarine it's showed to be related with cancer in mice but at the dose of 3mg/kg but a human don't take that dose.

That's not how human equivalent dosing works. It's about 40mg if I remember correctly. All rodent groups developed cancer and not just one kind. Many different kinds. Potentially fucking frightening and not worth the risk imo.
Read this before you consider cardarine as an option to manage your cholesterol levels:

Those numbers aren’t bad at all for what you’re on. Mast, Anavar and superdrol will all trash your lipids. If you walked around year round like this it would be a different story. But this is not concerning IMO.
Nebivolol could be an option. It will halve your ldl probably. But I personally would just drop the oral and the injectable superdrol. Both are known to cause lipid problems.

If you don’t want to drop them, then it's probably wise to consider something like nebivolol, a statin or any other helpful medication to at least minimize the potential risk.
500mg Test-E / week
300mg Mast-E / week
40mg Anavar/day
8mg injectable superdrol, 5x/week

I do 15-20 minutes LISS cardio / day on a treadmill
Daily Supplements: 1000mg Citrus Bergamot, 2 fish oil pills, 500mg TUDCA

I have 4 weeks of this blast left. Is there anything I can add to my supplements or regiment to help raise HDL and reduce non-HDL? I know it will come back when I drop the gear, but how dangerous is this to maintain for another month?

View attachment 256136
Chesterol and bloodmarkers will return to normal once back on TRT and not cycling
Have you seen nebivolol do that? A 50% reduction seems a lot for a beta blocker. I've read (study below) it reduces it about 25%, which is also welcomed off course, but a 50% reduction, that would replace statins (at least in regards to cholesterol).

It depends on the dose for sure. With 10mg it's likely an up to 50% reduction. I experienced a little more than 50% myself in my bloodwo. With 1.25mg you may see a reduction of 5-10% at best, which is still great. Let's say you have a ldl/Hdl quotient of 7:1 and with that 10% reduction you push it down to 5:1. That's great.

