27mg/ml HDL, 144 LDL. Any solution besides pulling gear?

but a 50% reduction, that would replace statins (at least in regards to cholesterol
No, I dont think that's true. Statins are still a lot stronger. Let's say you have Ldl of 160-170 then you may end up with 80-90ldl still even with nebivolol. But using a statin you can push it much lower. And with statins you will get muscle pain once your ldl hits a certain treshold where ldl is (imho) considered to be too low. With nebivolol that is not possible.
No, I dont think that's true. Statins are still a lot stronger. Let's say you have Ldl of 160-170 then you may end up with 80-90ldl still even with nebivolol. But using a statin you can push it much lower. And with statins you will get muscle pain once your ldl hits a certain treshold where ldl is (imho) considered to be too low. With nebivolol that is not possible.

They're stronger and they have other functions, they're very antiinflammatory ... But just pushing down ldl is still a welcomed feat for something that is primarily meant for blood pressure and heart rate. Didn't know beta blockers do this, great you mentioned it.
If you have 4 weeks left, why not just go to the end? 4 weeks with shitty cholesterol values is nothing, it is stuff which will kill you in decades if you have elevated values. Living healthy after will pretty much reverse any damage you started to make. You could look into your diet straight away to increase different foods which are good for HDL and take away LDL increasing foodstuffs. The lists for both are quite long so you can pretty much pick and choose. Even small changes can make a noticeable difference.

I'd look into swapping gear in future if this is a concern for you. Masteron, Superdrol and Anavar, that is 3/4 of the gear you chose, are all in the category of "harsh for lipids". Have you tried replacing Masteron with Primo? Are you using AIs (try replacing em with SERMs)? Instead of Superdrol you could use Anadrol, avoiding too much salt and carbs you can pretty much avoid the water weight from it. Winstrol is quite harsh for lipids, but is it more harsh than Anavar? If it is a cut, you could look into dropping one or two harsh substances and testing out clen(+T3)

I've been on gear non-stop for over 2 years and my bloodwork after few months of weekly 500mg Test, 400mg Tren, 750mg Deca, 750mg Boldenone, 350mg Anadrol, 175mg Dianabol and 140mg Winstrol had only slightly elevated LDL and slightly under reference range HDL (liver values were slightly elevated too). Doctor said nothing requiring actions but maybe in the future if this continues, to look into minor changes in lifestyle like less alcohol, less porkfat and pizza.

The bloodwork was done on the peak of the bulk, and I really had to eat dirty to gain any weight. As I'm not looking to drop gear in the next few months, I did minor changes in diet and gear and waiting few months to repeat bloodwork to see if I can have a good blast with normal bloodwork. Gear I'm going to run while doing the next bloodwork will be only Test, Tren and Boldenone.
Didn't know beta blockers do this, great you mentioned it.
As far as I know none of the other betablockers do that. Nebivolol is very unique in that sense. All the benefits that nebivolol provides are mainly caused by the so called nitric oxide mechanisms that it has. Other benefits for users on gear are: lowering of erythrozyts, hemoglobin, hematocrit, uric acid and of course ldl.

Betablockers in general have a very bad reputation, but nebivolol is different.
I've been on gear non-stop for over 2 years and my bloodwork after few months of weekly 500mg Test, 400mg Tren, 750mg Deca, 750mg Boldenone, 350mg Anadrol, 175mg Dianabol and 140mg Winstrol had only slightly elevated LDL and slightly under reference range HDL

This is very much a genetic thing. No point in comparing your results to any body else's in such a manner. Some folks have your lipids off cycle.

Also, all aas worsen lipids. Primo, which you mentioned, also crushes lipids for a lot of folks ... DHTs are all bad for, some more then others, but all are bad.

The problem with aas is inflammation + bad lipids, coupled with AR agonism ofc. So the time discrepancy for which it takes a non aas using person to develop some sort of a CVD is different then for an aas user.
I’m finishing out the cycle as is, but I doubled my citrus bergamot, doubled fish oil, increased cardio, added IP6, turmeric, increased water intake. Thanks for the info everyone, I will consider all this for my next cycle. Anavar and Superdrol have just given me amazing results but I may have to go for something else next blast.

Primo makes my hair fall out like by the handfulls or I would totally be doing primo. EQ gives me crazy anxiety.

I’ll be gaining anyways, so I’m thinking:

500-600mg Test-E
400mg Deca or NPP
300-400mg Mast-E
10iu humalog Pre workout
3-4iu HGH/day

Thoughts on that?