2nd bulk cycle

Philly Shawn

New Member
I’m looking into doing my second bulk cycle. My first was 500 mg test e, 250 mg deca, and 30 mg dbol for first 4 weeks…results were decent but not exactly what I had in mind. I just swelled up like a balloon more than anything. Any suggestions/advice?
A dose of test you can tolerate without needing an AI then throw some primo, mast, nandrolone, or EQ on to that and adjust your test dose if needed. easy. once you get that dialed in you can throw some hgh/slin in the mix if you want.

of course you were bloated to shit running 3 aromatizing compounds.
I’m looking into doing my second bulk cycle. My first was 500 mg test e, 250 mg deca, and 30 mg dbol for first 4 weeks…results were decent but not exactly what I had in mind. I just swelled up like a balloon more than anything. Any suggestions/advice?
That was my bulk cycle for years. Slow and steady. Test and Primo.