2nd cycle/long term effects?


New Member
Hey guys,

In September last year I started my first cycle which consisted of 12 weeks/500mg test e and 4 weeks mid cycle of Anavar 50mg a day.
I had some great results going from 205lbs approx 13% body fat to 225 lbs and 8%(Height 6'3).
Throughout my cycle I didn't come across any serious side effects except some gyno (but stupid me not taking an ai) and some acne post cycle which is now all cleared up. The one thing that concerned me the most was my lack of sex drive after my cycle. Although I was still having occasional sex, I just had absolutely 0 drive which has only just seemed to recover to normal now - about 6 months post cycle.

I am considering another cycle sometime this year, but I'm just a little concerned about the long term effects it could have on me. (Shutting down etc)
Obviously I am well aware that this is the risk of AAS and my use is way lower than 99% of you out there, but does anyone have any further experience/knowledge about this? How much of an effect will a test only cycle every 8-10 months have on me? Would not be running any AAS besides test
and possibly var.

Current stats
Age 23
Weight 215lb
Bf 11-12%

At 23 your to young to juice. You should focus on your natty gains!wait till your older.
But if your willing to play to pay by all means have at it nothing i can say to convince you since you have already cycled once.
You should research blood work befor during and after .that will give you all the info you need while on gear.if your going to do it might as well do it right
Hey guys,

In September last year I started my first cycle which consisted of 12 weeks/500mg test e and 4 weeks mid cycle of Anavar 50mg a day.
I had some great results going from 205lbs approx 13% body fat to 225 lbs and 8%(Height 6'3).
Throughout my cycle I didn't come across any serious side effects except some gyno (but stupid me not taking an ai) and some acne post cycle which is now all cleared up. The one thing that concerned me the most was my lack of sex drive after my cycle. Although I was still having occasional sex, I just had absolutely 0 drive which has only just seemed to recover to normal now - about 6 months post cycle.

I am considering another cycle sometime this year, but I'm just a little concerned about the long term effects it could have on me. (Shutting down etc)
Obviously I am well aware that this is the risk of AAS and my use is way lower than 99% of you out there, but does anyone have any further experience/knowledge about this? How much of an effect will a test only cycle every 8-10 months have on me? Would not be running any AAS besides test
and possibly var.

Current stats
Age 23
Weight 215lb
Bf 11-12%

Blood work ?
I do not believe that most people fully recover from steroids.

I was in a similar situation to you, started cycling in early 20's. High sex drive, high energy.

When I came off and did PCT my bloodwork would always show test 300-400. "Normal" range, but I doubt it was as high as before cycling. I have one blood test from before cycling showing 700s.

I did three years of self administered / doctor assisted PCT - numbers went up on clomid and than dropped down instantly when I stopped.

TRT now. Sex drive is much better. At 23 you might have "recovered" but I don't think you will feel right with lower end test levels. Get it up to 700-900 and you will feel normal again.

Also, post cycle my estrogen was always low (I don't know why). 8-12. TRT helped that a lot which I think impacted sex drive.

I am still new to trt - so take it with a grain of salt. But I don't think "full recovery" is a thing in most users.
But I don't think "full recovery" is a thing in most users.

I wouldn't say that. I've done several cycles and my test has always gone back to where it started.

Proper PCT, using HCG and keeping your cycles to reasonable doses and lengths all give you the best chance of recovering fully. You're always rolling the dice every time you shut yourself down, though. There are no guarantees in this game.

A lot of the people who never recover properly use things like deca. They add it in to cycles for "joint relief" not knowing how insanely suppressive it is, and run it for 16+ weeks.
I do not believe that most people fully recover from steroids.

I was in a similar situation to you, started cycling in early 20's. High sex drive, high energy.

When I came off and did PCT my bloodwork would always show test 300-400. "Normal" range, but I doubt it was as high as before cycling. I have one blood test from before cycling showing 700s.

I did three years of self administered / doctor assisted PCT - numbers went up on clomid and than dropped down instantly when I stopped.

TRT now. Sex drive is much better. At 23 you might have "recovered" but I don't think you will feel right with lower end test levels. Get it up to 700-900 and you will feel normal again.

Also, post cycle my estrogen was always low (I don't know why). 8-12. TRT helped that a lot which I think impacted sex drive.

I am still new to trt - so take it with a grain of salt. But I don't think "full recovery" is a thing in most users.

So you are on TRT now? That's certainly not what I want to happen in the future.
Steroids isn't a huge thing for me, I've had some fun with a cycle and would be good to go again but just need to weigh up the risks. It's really hard to get bloods done in Australia and I can't seem to get
any answers as to where to get them done. After my cycle I did seem to feel a bit flat for a while but feels as though my test levels are back up to normal now 6 months later. I wouldn't be using any of the harsher AAS like dbol, tren etc, would more than likely just be 500mg test e 10-12 weeks. I just don't want to massively decrease my natural test to the point where it permanently affects sex drive etc and i guess bloods is the only real way to tell hey
So you are on TRT now? That's certainly not what I want to happen in the future.
Steroids isn't a huge thing for me, I've had some fun with a cycle and would be good to go again but just need to weigh up the risks. It's really hard to get bloods done in Australia and I can't seem to get
any answers as to where to get them done. After my cycle I did seem to feel a bit flat for a while but feels as though my test levels are back up to normal now 6 months later. I wouldn't be using any of the harsher AAS like dbol, tren etc, would more than likely just be 500mg test e 10-12 weeks. I just don't want to massively decrease my natural test to the point where it permanently affects sex drive etc and i guess bloods is the only real way to tell hey

Yes sir. I am on TRT now. I think I did four rounds of PCT at different dosages, durations etc. before giving up.

My levels came back, just not high enough for a 23 yr old. Last test my levels where 350ish which was about avg.
Yes sir. I am on TRT now. I think I did four rounds of PCT at different dosages, durations etc. before giving up.

My levels came back, just not high enough for a 23 yr old. Last test my levels where 350ish which was about avg.

So you weren't happy with what your test levels came back to? If they were average why the need for trt? What kind of dose is it and won't you need to be on that for the rest of your life? From 23?
Sorry for the lack of knowledge, don't know much about trt
My guess is your pct failed. You may have started before you allowed test level to drop far enough for your body to respond.

Use hcg during your cycle or after you pin for the last time but before you begin pct. Hcg can fuck up your pct also if you don't allow enough time for test to drop if you use it at the end of your cycle.

Pct for 4 weeks, and get blood work when you finish. If you need a couple extra weeks do it. Also the only way you can be certain about pct is if you are using pharmaceutical grade. Ugl is almost certainly under dosed.
Hey guys,

Throughout my cycle I didn't come across any serious side effects except some gyno (but stupid me not taking an ai) and some acne post cycle which is now all cleared up. The one thing that concerned me the most was my lack of sex drive after my cycle. Although I was still having occasional sex, I just had absolutely 0 drive which has only just seemed to recover to normal now - about 6 months post cycle.


Now you know one of many reasons WHY the first cycle is followed by another and another and another.

And even more important baseline recovery becomes more difficult with EACH CYCLE!

From a purely mechanistic perspective IDK what exactly is responsible but again AAS have a blunting or cumulative effect on HTPA recovery over time.