<3 Great forum <3 - TRT, newbie need some guidance please


New Member

Just wanted to start by saying wow this forum is amazing and very helpful for newbies like me, I've learned tons by going thru the threads in the last few days.

Hope this post is ok, please let me know if anything here is not allowed.

I'm 26 yo and I'm just getting started so have a few questions cause I'm a bit worried.
I've started looking into getting testosterone from UGL because doctors here think my levels are in the range (they're at the lower end) and there any no TRT clinics in my AU/NZ. I'm planning to run the lowest required dose and hopefully convince my doctor to at least order blood tests for me every month or two.
I've tried everything to optimize it but now finally after a year of work into that looking into TRT.

I'm planning to order the test from steroidify, I've gone thru a few threads and seems like they sell high quality stuff.

The questions I have are about resources. I apologize if these are very basic questions but i cant find proper and quality answers anywhere and I hope this helps to other future memebers as well.

I'd really appreciate it if anyone can point me to any resources we have here on the forum or anywhere else around getting started with testosterone (I've found some bits and pieces but I kinda wanna check if experienced members here have a list of things they did before a successful start)

- how to verify sites and ugls and brands before ordering (I've been going thru tons of threads and looks like that's the best way unless there are other ways?)
- how to test the quality of your testosterone liquid?
- how to check if the batch is from a legit brand?

- guidance around how much to start with (I'm thinking of starting with 80mg a week)
- and how to inject? do I also need to place an order for injections from the same website or can I just get it from local pharmacies without a prescription? what kinda injections are best etc?
- I've seen different kinda bottles online - some are vials (10ml) and others are amps (1ml) - what do you prefer and what do you do after injecting with the rest of the vial or amp (e.g. if I was to inject 50mg / 250ml, can I keep the rest of the amp or does it go bad), does vial come with like a cap you can put on so it lasts longer after opening?
- videos or tutorials around injecting and sterilization etc
- what to do after injecting the first time, are there any indications you've done it right, any pain on anything you should keep in mind or go to an emergency room?

- lastly, what are your opinions on using UGL for long-term TRT, cause I cant get it from docs or clinics here? is there anything i should know or consider before going for it...?

Many thanks <3
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- how to verify sites and ugls and brands before ordering (I've been going thru tons of threads and looks like that's the best way unless there are other ways?)
- how to test the quality of your testosterone liquid?
- how to check if the batch is from a legit brand?

- guidance around how much to start with (I'm thinking of starting with 80mg a week)
- and how to inject? do I also need to place an order for injections from the same website or can I just get it from local pharmacies without a prescription? what kinda injections are best etc?
- I've seen different kinda bottles online - some are vials (10ml) and others are amps (1ml) - what do you prefer and what do you do after injecting with the rest of the vial or amp (e.g. if I was to inject 50mg / 250ml, can I keep the rest of the amp or does it go bad), does vial come with like a cap you can put on so it lasts longer after opening?
- videos or tutorials around injecting and sterilization etc
- what to do after injecting the first time, are there any indications you've done it right, any pain on anything you should keep in mind or go to an emergency room?

- lastly, what are your opinions on using UGL for long-term TRT, cause I cant get it from docs or clinics here? is there anything i should know or consider before going for it...?
In order:
-Best way to know what is legit is to see that lot of other people are happy, so going through threads and seeing what others have said is often easy. A flock of sheep can't be wrong, right?
-You can send a sample of your bought gear to a lab for testing(€£$), or you can order from a supplier who has done these tests and posted the results.
-Some brands have verification codes, or scratch codes you can put in their verified website to see if it is legit. But is the site you are checking these codes legit? Many producers on their site have a list of approved resellers, or a checking system you can insert a webpage to see if it is legit reseller. Mainly only big brands get faked, most are so underground that faking that brand will bring nothing to the one doing the faking.

-80mg/wk is a good starting spot, though you might want to scale it slightly upwards based on the ester you are using. Longer esters have lower actual testosterone content (but are better for TRT because less frequent injections and steadier release of the hormone into blood). Work your way upwards or start at a dose you feel will be "it" (100/150/200mg/wk or higher if you are into "sports" TRT).
-Google intramuscular injection sites pictures. Everyone has a favourite spot, only way to find yours is trying some of them. Some need a bit longer pin (~3/4"-1 1/2" depending on spot and bodyfat). 25-27G is good thickness for injecting, 20-22G for drawing. Online pharmacies sell needles and syringes for hometreatment, no prescription required in most of the world. Physical pharmacies might ask questions why do you need a hundred pack of X and X pins and syringes, or they might not even have those exact ones stocked.
-If you want to regulate the dose, 10ml vials (or bigger) are best. You can draw as much as you want and the rest of the content will stay sterile (unless you manhandle your pin with bare hands and then draw). The vial has a rubber stopper, you draw the liquid through that so in theory it is never fully open to air. 1ml amps sometimes break when opened, and few times I've seen a small glass shard or two in the content after opening (if there were smaller than eye could see, they are probably in my muscle permamently now). If you use half of 1ml amp, the rest of the amp should probably stay good for a week in fridge. Better than leaving it open to possible air contaminants, is to draw it in to your next needle and store that.
-Search from youtube if you are unsure about injection, most of the videos seem to be aimed at medical professionals but at a level of a nurse. For sterilization you can order a bulk pack of alcohol swipes from the same place as pins and syringes, also band-aids to cover the bleeding/hole from outside contaminants. Just swipe selected injection site and give a few seconds to dry. If you have sensitive skin, alcohol might dry the skin.
-While inserting the pin for the first time, you might feel a slight shock or nausea from seeing a foreign object inserted into you (same as getting a blood sample and seeing the big ass needle go into your vein). Might help to look away. If it hurts when the needle is on the skin (before inserting), that might be a nerve. If it hurts bit less when the needle is already in, you might have hit a vein. Neither are optimal, but not deadly either. Hit a nerve enough times and you might damage it. Hit a vein enough times and you might damage it. Most of the body heals on its own if given time. If you did everything right and hit just the right spot, you won't feel a thing when the needle is going in nor afterwards.

-Living with high T is in my opinion better than living with low T as long as your gear supplier follows basic hygiene. If you get infection from injecting, change supplier. First few times might be just a slight allergic reaction to oil/preservatives if you have ordered from supplier everyone else had no problems with. Many people all over the world take their fate in their own hands as the medical field in their country has a backwards attitude towards TRT.

If your T serum is on the lower end of reference range, you might try some other alternatives to "naturally" increasing your testosterone levels before committing to TRT. SERMs, AIs, HCG, few mineral/vitamins, some foodstuffs, diet, sleep, training etc. quite many things have an effect on hormones. If you fix your lifestyle, you might find the end result you are looking for with no need to inject yourself for presumambly rest of your life. There is always time to start TRT later if you have exhausted other options.
No reason to put him on TRT if his levels don't need it. Especially going a ugl route.

He would need a consistent supply. Atleast 3 years worth imo...

But he said his levels are lower than normal,? also risk of infertility.
Yeah I've been struggling to make the decision to go on TRT for the last 6 months. Dont really wanna but feel like i have to, coz low test is holding me back.

Ideally wanted to work with a doctor but no luck so far.

My levels are (avg last two blood tests) total: 400ish Ng/dl, free 14 ng/dl. Other markers look in the range too.

So i know its not too bad, but im overall struggling with everything everyday (sleep, energy, confidence, stress, anxiety, strength n muscle - 67kg, struggling to gain quality weight for over a year now)

Have my lifestyle all really dialed in.

Eating 90% whole foods, good macros, in a surplus
200g protein total, 10 eggs a day for cholesterol
Lift 5 days a week, 1 day conditioning, 1 day cardio
Tongkat ali, ashwaghandha etc
High quality multivitamin and other supporting things

I feel like the pros of being on upper range are gonna outweigh the negatives in my life
But i still wanna figure out how to prevent all the common side effects especially fertility
If you have any links to resources or pointers here would be grea.

Yeah as you mentioned, im also concerned about how to not run out of stock and always have enough. Dont wanna order tons coz customs might seize it and itll be a loss but wanna have some ordering strategy in place.
Any ideas?
Customs is notoriously strict in your area. Keep in mind if you’re on self prescribed trt and a few of your packs gets seized, you’ll be shit out of luck.

Have you tried a different doctor or have they offered an alternative solution besides TRT?
Customs is notoriously strict in your area. Keep in mind if you’re on self prescribed trt and a few of your packs gets seized, you’ll be shit out of luck.

Have you tried a different doctor or have they offered an alternative solution besides TRT?
They said fix your diet - but it's really good, I've worked with a nutritionist and have tweaked things a lot of times.
I don't drink or smoke or do anything really (stuff that's in my control) that would damage my health.
everything else is already on point.

I have seen 4 docs and 2 endos, but no luck - all are saying your levels are normal even if you feel they're low. we cant help.

kinda odd that one guy even implied I look into self-medication if I really want it.

even tried reaching out to clinics in the states and they said we want to help but can't coz because prescriptions won't work outside of the US.

I'm confused and need to think about this more, will try searching the threads if anyone has found a doc who is PRO TRT.

And yeah one of the main things im worried bout is customs seizing stuff, if i run out of stock - damn thatd feel worse than now
you can take a postinor pill (Levonorgestrel) a night before the blood test. and your testosterone levels will be zero. if you can get birth control pills they are cheaper and they will also work. and you can always fly to thailand and buy bayer testoviron ampoules and smuggle them in your suitcase and bring it in nz. in thailand you don't need prescription for testosterone or any other medication. you can also buy syringes in thailand. my natural t levels are 600ng/dl. and i got great benefits from trt. if i could talk to my past self and tell him one thing it would be to start trt earlier. you can pm me if you want more help and information.
You need to take into consideration about if you travel in the future. You cannot carry around illegal testosterone with you.

Take in consideration how many people are on a cycle and don't know what to do when they go overseas.

We had some bozo named Hudson who would inject test prop everyday and was scared of the police. Fucking loser probably never traveled because he was on prop and afraid of cops.

No reason to go on TRT illegally if you have an issue getting supply.
you can take a postinor pill (Levonorgestrel) a night before the blood test. and your testosterone levels will be zero. if you can get birth control pills they are cheaper and they will also work. and you can always fly to thailand and buy bayer testoviron ampoules and smuggle them in your suitcase and bring it in nz. in thailand you don't need prescription for testosterone or any other medication. you can also buy syringes in thailand. my natural t levels are 600ng/dl. and i got great benefits from trt. if i could talk to my past self and tell him one thing it would be to start trt earlier. you can pm me if you want more help and information.
thanks mate, i'll look into these pills
thailand option seems too risky, would getting this stuff from a UGL not be better than thailand if i was going the self medication route any ways?
I wouldn't trust anything this Fredy guy says, 18 yo on trt? Yeah, that's a no no, plus, trying to push you a clinic while being extremely rude with tren in one of the few times he was actually polite and helpful.

Fuck that guy.
I wouldn't trust anything this Fredy guy says, 18 yo on trt? Yeah, that's a no no, plus, trying to push you a clinic while being extremely rude with tren in one of the few times he was actually polite and helpful.

Fuck that guy.
Yes I agree. Tren3times is a sensitive guy. After all we have all seen more of his naked body than all other members combined. He has feelings. Just not sure for what he feels.