Deca dosing?

but it did cure my lameness BA DUM CHING
Still debating this. A few posts in there with details if interested.

I’ve been going back and forth with myself over to nandrolone or not to nandrolone.

Being 45 im more heart scared today than I was a couple years back. As much as I love NPP I’ve ruled it out and the upper deca dose with the long water makes me nervous.

I’ve settled on just taking the conservative route and will probably settle for 50mg per week of deca for the joints and just be happy with my 125mg a week trt dose of cyp with 50mg deca and just cycle on and off using test prop for 6 months. Thanks for all the feedback y’all!
I’ve been going back and forth with myself over to nandrolone or not to nandrolone.

Being 45 im more heart scared today than I was a couple years back. As much as I love NPP I’ve ruled it out and the upper deca dose with the long water makes me nervous.

I’ve settled on just taking the conservative route and will probably settle for 50mg per week of deca for the joints and just be happy with my 125mg a week trt dose of cyp with 50mg deca and just cycle on and off using test prop for 6 months. Thanks for all the feedback y’all!
Great thread. Best wishes!
Still debating this. A few posts in there with details if interested.

Thats a very interesting study, especially since Stan is often negatively associated with joints, at least in bodybuilders presumably without OA.

I will add it to my exploratory toolkit if/when needed for OA
Thats a very interesting study, especially since Stan is often negatively associated with joints, at least in bodybuilders presumably without OA.

I will add it to my exploratory toolkit if/when needed for OA
There's a bunch of posts in that thread if you want to go deeper. Commercial product for horses. I think I may try it if I can find a Doc/Vet to get the injection right. What the hell...What do I have to lose? Just my leg.
There's a bunch of posts in that thread if you want to go deeper. Commercial product for horses. I think I may try it if I can find a Doc/Vet to get the injection right. What the hell...What do I have to lose? Just my leg.
You have two of 'em so...
I’ve been going back and forth with myself over to nandrolone or not to nandrolone.

Being 45 im more heart scared today than I was a couple years back. As much as I love NPP I’ve ruled it out and the upper deca dose with the long water makes me nervous.

I’ve settled on just taking the conservative route and will probably settle for 50mg per week of deca for the joints and just be happy with my 125mg a week trt dose of cyp with 50mg deca and just cycle on and off using test prop for 6 months. Thanks for all the feedback y’all!
Keep aromasin and masteron or raloxifene nearby in case you get firey nipples.

If I add 50mg deca to my trt I'll get firey nipples without the above. But if I do 1200mg deca and 50mg test I have no problem. Nandrolone can be a little tricky with some people
I’ve been going back and forth with myself over to nandrolone or not to nandrolone.

Being 45 im more heart scared today than I was a couple years back. As much as I love NPP I’ve ruled it out and the upper deca dose with the long water makes me nervous.

I’ve settled on just taking the conservative route and will probably settle for 50mg per week of deca for the joints and just be happy with my 125mg a week trt dose of cyp with 50mg deca and just cycle on and off using test prop for 6 months. Thanks for all the feedback y’all!
I am in a similar mindset about the deca. I have really been enjoying it at 200mg per week and would love to stay on this dose forever, I am just not sure if it’s worth the risk so I am dropping to 100mg as a TRT add on for the time being. I will probably bump it back up to 200mg next time I feel like blasting. I haven’t gotten any mental sides some people mention or anything like that.

There is an older doctor on YouTube named Jeffrey Rutterbusch who said he was on 200mg for 20 straight years before stopping and said he felt great on it, for what that’s worth. I didn’t hear him mention getting any sort of heart scans though.
Keep aromasin and masteron or raloxifene nearby in case you get firey nipples.

If I add 50mg deca to my trt I'll get firey nipples without the above. But if I do 1200mg deca and 50mg test I have no problem. Nandrolone can be a little tricky with some people
I had some issues with estro my first couple cycles on higher doses.

My last blast and cruise regimen in 2021 was a breeze. I was using 350mg test prop and 350mg NPP for 3-4 weeks on and 3-4 weeks off and it was the most easy going side effect free experience I’ve ever had on gear and I’ve done it all cept for primo.
I’ve been going back and forth with myself over to nandrolone or not to nandrolone.

Being 45 im more heart scared today than I was a couple years back. As much as I love NPP I’ve ruled it out and the upper deca dose with the long “ester” makes me nervous.

I’ve settled on just taking the conservative route and will probably just stick at for 50mg per week of deca for the joints and just be happy with my 125mg a week trt dose of cyp with 50mg deca and just cycle on and off using test prop for 6 months. Thanks for all the feedback y’all!

Had a few “spellcheck” things to correct in my last post.
I’ve ran pretty much everything I’ve ever had an urge to run.

Tren, anavar, d-bol, anadrol, test prop, test cyp, test e, test phenylpropionate, masteron, NPP, Deca (not for long though), sustanon even prohormones years back RPN Havoc etc.

I have never run primo. That’s the last one on the list I’ve wanted to run. Might see where this goes and finish with a longer primo regimen but I know it doesn’t line up with my hit and run cycle time frames I’ve grown so fond of. Who knows my old ass might just stick to the prop and be a happy little large for my age sized old fart haha
I’ve ran pretty much everything I’ve ever had an urge to run.

Tren, anavar, d-bol, anadrol, test prop, test cyp, test e, test phenylpropionate, masteron, NPP, Deca (not for long though), sustanon even prohormones years back RPN Havoc etc.

I have never run primo. That’s the last one on the list I’ve wanted to run. Might see where this goes and finish with a longer primo regimen but I know it doesn’t line up with my hit and run cycle time frames I’ve grown so fond of. Who knows my old ass might just stick to the prop and be a happy little large for my age sized old fart haha
I’ve dabbled with orals as stated but I had hep c many years and have moderate scarring on my liver and my liver quickly said “FUCK YOU!” Everytime I ran an oral within the first 3 weeks even though my liver enzymes were in healthy normal range prior to starting.

The only one I was able to run past the 3 week mark was Dbol. Anavar was one of the worst for me even though it’s “supposed” to be the least loved toxic of them all. I felt like complete dog shit after just 2 weeks on var. I had ok results from the RPN havoc pro hormone and was able to run a full 4 weeks with it.
I’ve dabbled with orals as stated but I had hep c many years and have moderate scarring on my liver and my liver quickly said “FUCK YOU!” Everytime I ran an oral within the first 3 weeks even though my liver enzymes were in healthy normal range prior to starting.

The only one I was able to run past the 3 week mark was Dbol. Anavar was one of the worst for me even though it’s “supposed” to be the least loved toxic of them all. I felt like complete dog shit after just 2 weeks on var. I had ok results from the RPN havoc pro hormone and was able to run a full 4 weeks with it.
I've heard great things about epistane(havoc).
You aren't missing much with primo imho. I usually start to feel just not right in general the same day I do my first injection of primo. I've tried several UGL's too. Now it's cousin masteron I love. It's part of every cycle of mine now. Helps with focus and drive in the gym and as a bonus keeps the gyno away if you add something wet like dbol or deca to testosterone
I've heard great things about epistane(havoc).
You aren't missing much with primo imho. I usually start to feel just not right in general the same day I do my first injection of primo. I've tried several UGL's too. Now it's cousin masteron I love. It's part of every cycle of mine now. Helps with focus and drive in the gym and as a bonus keeps the gyno away if you add something wet like dbol or deca to testosterone
Masteron was the compound I had the most side from emotionally. Biggest issue was I didn’t see it until it had done a lot of damage to my relationship with my wife and pretty much everyone I came into contact with. I was a whole entire asshole the entire time I ran it. I tossed the rest I had after I had that epiphany moment when I realized how much I’d changed.

Honestly tren didn’t have shit on masteron with me when it came to anger and irritation.
Masteron was the compound I had the most side from emotionally. Biggest issue was I didn’t see it until it had done a lot of damage to my relationship with my wife and pretty much everyone I came into contact with. I was a whole entire asshole the entire time I ran it. I tossed the rest I had after I had that epiphany moment when I realized how much I’d changed.

Honestly tren didn’t have shit on masteron with me when it came to anger and irritation.
To be honest tren wasn’t all that rough on me other than the sweating and 24/7 drained feeling but it was manageable. The real reason I dropped tren from my cycle was the fact I would have most likely cheated on my wife had I continued messing with that shit. The 24/7 wanting to fuck any woman that made eye contact with me was a mental drain trying to keep myself on the righteous path of devotion to my wife.
Nandrolones mental sides hit me harder than everything else combined. Never even got to take it long enough to enjoy the gains from it. Tried with both NPP and Deca going from 100 - 300mg a week. Usually by 48 hours I'm having really messed up dreams and at 2 weeks the water retention gets so bad that my hands hurt at night from being numb.

Sucks because it always gets described as a well researched, decently tolerated, and efficient compound. Only drug I get negative sides almost immediately from though
I’ve been going back and forth with myself over to nandrolone or not to nandrolone.

Being 45 im more heart scared today than I was a couple years back. As much as I love NPP I’ve ruled it out and the upper deca dose with the long water makes me nervous.

I’ve settled on just taking the conservative route and will probably settle for 50mg per week of deca for the joints and just be happy with my 125mg a week trt dose of cyp with 50mg deca and just cycle on and off using test prop for 6 months. Thanks for all the feedback y’all!
Just anecdotal experience. 48 soon to be 49 years old. (Holy shit I’m still 28 in my head)

Been using Deca 20 years. Heart EKG, ECG and MRI solid as of 90 days or so ago. (Wife forced me)

I believe it is about using at “reasonable” doses and individual predisposition. I generally match test dose and run 3 injectable compounds at 33%. (1/3,1/3,1/3)

Never more than 800mg and generally 500 on blast. I drop to cruise is almost always my blast dose at 33% and only Test/Deca
Just anecdotal experience. 48 soon to be 49 years old. (Holy shit I’m still 28 in my head)

Been using Deca 20 years. Heart EKG, ECG and MRI solid as of 90 days or so ago. (Wife forced me)

I believe it is about using at “reasonable” doses and individual predisposition. I generally match test dose and run 3 injectable compounds at 33%. (1/3,1/3,1/3)

Never more than 800mg and generally 500 on blast. I drop to cruise is almost always my blast dose at 33% and only Test/Deca
Are you permanently on deca or are you saying you only use it on cycle/blast?

Curious what your permanent low dose is if you’re on it indefinitely.