Off-Season Plan - Mast E vs Deca?


Hey All,

-Very curious about the possible idea of Mast E instead of Deca. If anyone could share their experiences running Mast E, that would be great. How you felt, what results were seen?

-Been running on just low does Cyp for some time now, ready to up the dose some and add in a second compound.

-Goal is lean gains; more definition/fullness and strength. Don’t think I need to gain very much more weight.

-Traditionally have just added in Deca, around 400mg per week. Not opposed to doing that again, with Cyp around 750mg.

-Primo isn’t in the budget. I’ve used EQ long ago, unsure how my body would respond to it. More familiar with the Deca.

-Have used Mast P multiple times for drying out in contest preps, but not Mast E and not in the off-season.
Ive used it before, there's not going to be much difference in the long term as far as muscle gain between different anabolics assuming mg's is the same. It moreso comes down to preference. Mast will give you a better look throughout the offseason, which I did like and does help mentally motivate people. Personally Im a big fan of EQ because its cheap, mild on bloods and controls for estrogen, eliminating need for an AI.
Best "mass gaining" cycle I ever did was test, eq, and small dose of tren-e

deca gave me horrendous acne and bloat

but like anything else you have to see which compounds work best with your body
There are far better compounds than mast for off season, basically every other injectable would be better. Just find another one and save it for your cut. Test/EQ, Test/Primo, Test/Deca, or high test solo afterall. No reason to add mast for milligrams if it's just for the boners and reduced water retention.
Ive used it before, there's not going to be much difference in the long term as far as muscle gain between different anabolics assuming mg's is the same. It moreso comes down to preference. Mast will give you a better look throughout the offseason, which I did like and does help mentally motivate people. Personally Im a big fan of EQ because its cheap, mild on bloods and controls for estrogen, eliminating need for an AI.
Masteron does not impact e2 in a way that it eliminates the need for an ai. It does not reduce e2
I’m using mast in my offseason, but certainly not as my main injectable it’s not so much anabolic you can feel it if you do low test high mast you’re gonna be stringy , however I use it to manage the testosterone so I’m using high test and low mast to control some side effects and to bring more balance.
Mast is like hot fudge on top of ice cream for any test base cycle. I find it helps regulate side effects of creeping up on a high test run but allows your e2 to skirt the higher side and higher igf1 blood scores. I wouldn't necessarily say mast vs Deca. I'd more so be asking Deca vs EQ but mast on top
You won't really know until you try. Mast e was great in a recomp for me but I don't really want to use it anymore now that I've found it was the culprit, not tren, in putting me on edge mentally. Most people seem to love masteron though. The difference in a bulk between masteron and deca will be significant though as deca arguably puts on mass better than testosterone and masteron is a very weak anabolic. You could always combine them to try to keep the water down from deca/test
I figured lol, i feel like i remember alot of people saying mast for estro control back a couple years and i never saw a difference i could tell in my bloodwork
I still see people saying it. Personally, it's never effected my e2. I still need to run adex with mast if my test is high. I just managed to skim over EQ in what you typed up.
EQ crushes my estrogen, my E2 was 9 running 2:1 test to eq ratio. I honestly think the whole eq anxiety thing comes from alot of people walking around with crushed estrogen on it
Currently running EQ, I started it 1:1 with test and it dropped my e2 to 18. Raised my test up and it's been better. So I absolutely feel where your coming from with that.