Hey All,
-Very curious about the possible idea of Mast E instead of Deca. If anyone could share their experiences running Mast E, that would be great. How you felt, what results were seen?
-Been running on just low does Cyp for some time now, ready to up the dose some and add in a second compound.
-Goal is lean gains; more definition/fullness and strength. Don’t think I need to gain very much more weight.
-Traditionally have just added in Deca, around 400mg per week. Not opposed to doing that again, with Cyp around 750mg.
-Primo isn’t in the budget. I’ve used EQ long ago, unsure how my body would respond to it. More familiar with the Deca.
-Have used Mast P multiple times for drying out in contest preps, but not Mast E and not in the off-season.
-Very curious about the possible idea of Mast E instead of Deca. If anyone could share their experiences running Mast E, that would be great. How you felt, what results were seen?
-Been running on just low does Cyp for some time now, ready to up the dose some and add in a second compound.
-Goal is lean gains; more definition/fullness and strength. Don’t think I need to gain very much more weight.
-Traditionally have just added in Deca, around 400mg per week. Not opposed to doing that again, with Cyp around 750mg.
-Primo isn’t in the budget. I’ve used EQ long ago, unsure how my body would respond to it. More familiar with the Deca.
-Have used Mast P multiple times for drying out in contest preps, but not Mast E and not in the off-season.