Planning a cycle for a fuck load of mass (health is not an object here)

This is most definitely not true for everyone lol you cannot speak in absolutes with just about any steroid.

True for about 80% of my clients.

I am not the kind of person to preface my messages with "for me", "in my personal opinion" or "sorry".
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Or you wake up next to a blow up doll dressed in drag next to a naked tranny, then find out you’re already divorced because you rage out whenever your wife doesn’t answer your text lol.

Hope everything went back in order after that aweful experience !
High test + rHGH > High Tren in terms of muscle acrual, protein synthesis and glycogen retention.


You feel incredibly good and driven on Tren which can lead to better workouts.
Life feels also brighter, more colorful.
Yeah I really think guys that feel like a god on tren are at a huge advantage. Ive talked to dudes who love it makes then feel amazing and actually increases their appetite. Shit if tren increased my appetite I would be a monster imagine being on an assload of tren and actually being able to eat in a huge surplus. Talking serious size.
Yeah I really think guys that feel like a god on tren are at a huge advantage. Ive talked to dudes who love it makes then feel amazing and actually increases their appetite. Shit if tren increased my appetite I would be a monster imagine being on an assload of tren and actually being able to eat in a huge surplus. Talking serious size.
Tren actually gives me the worst heartburn of my life, makes it hard to eat, especially with semaglutide or tirz

But the heartburn is so bad I'm actually dropping the tren for a while. Going to switch to:
500-750 test
1g eg
6iu gh

For a while, drop the semaglutide and do a nice bulk. Hoping to gain 30lbs between the water weight influx and some post-cut muscle rebound. Obviously I don't expect it to happen fast, but I'm looking forward to the tren break and being able to eat again.
Tren actually gives me the worst heartburn of my life

It's because of whatever is used to make the tren hold in solution.

I take my tren by mixing raw tren base in ethanol + MCT oil and applying plenty of it transdermally.

It amounts to around 500mg per week with almost none of the side effects that people who inject talk about and all the benefits.
It's because of whatever is used to make the tren hold in solution.

I take my tren by mixing raw tren base in ethanol + MCT oil and applying plenty of it transdermally.

It amounts to around 500mg per week with almost none of the sides that people who inject talk about and all the benefits.
Transdermal seems interesting. Saw transdermal tren years ago, one of the sources on gh15 used to carry it.

I wonder why we don't see it anymore though. Would be a much easier way to get it into the system, but I imagine you lose some efficiency with the absorption?
Transdermal seems interesting. Saw transdermal tren years ago, one of the sources on gh15 used to carry it.

I wonder why we don't see it anymore though. Would be a much easier way to get it into the system, but I imagine you lose some efficiency with the absorption?

Around 30% is absorbed with transdermal instead of 100% with injections, but it's completely worth it.
Haven't read the whole thread but from the op that is a ridiculous cycle

Most of the size you gain on that won't be sustainable long term and you would be just as well off running 2 maybe 3 compounds at most

this is boston loyd worthy and look where he ended up
Yeah, it’s tough to judge people who are willing to sacrifice everything to attain their dreams.

People risk their lives everyday just to earn a living around the world, hence, I cannot judge Cbum on what he is doing to become the best in his chosen field of endeavor.

It’s sad to see anyone sacrifice their health, I bet they already made peace with the consequences.
I would not judge him, in a critical way.
He is part of an industry where that's the only way to be.
When you sign up for it, you know what's coming, in many respects.
You are right, it's part and parcel of what he does and the same goes for people in other industries that may involve any kind of danger to their person.
I am just sorry he has been unwell.
But he's got the means to take care of himself, unlike many other people in his situation.
Thanks for the reply, sweetie :)
Yeah I really think guys that feel like a god on tren are at a huge advantage. Ive talked to dudes who love it makes then feel amazing and actually increases their appetite. Shit if tren increased my appetite I would be a monster imagine being on an assload of tren and actually being able to eat in a huge surplus. Talking serious size.

can confirm,its easy to get fat on tren just like any other steroid. its not the magic reddit sarmgoblins make it out to be.
can confirm,its easy to get fat on tren just like any other steroid. its not the magic reddit sarmgoblins make it out to be.
its pretty magical for me. Crazy changes, I morph on it. I have like 10 bottles of tren right now so im going to have to bite the bullet and start running it. Would be a shame to waste it.