New Member
Source for AAS: IASP (B2G1 Promo, before the official announcement of Trump winning and causing the oil and oral sales to stop due to China’s changing policies)
Source for peptide: QSC (pre-shutdown, Black Friday Sale 2024)
Period: 22 weeks (20 weeks with, 2 weeks only HCG before PCT)
Start date: Nov 11, 2024
End date (before PCT): April 9, 2025
Last week Test dosage: March 24, 2025
Starting weight: 79.9 kg/176 lbs, 22.3%
Bulk period: Nov 11 to Jan 11, 2025
Cutting period: Jan 12 to March 29, 2025 (may increase depending if goal is reached or not)
Weight before cut: 84.9 kg/187 lbs BF 23.1%
Current weight: 77.7 kg/171 lbs, BF 19.5%
Goal: 75 kg with BF at 19 or lower.
Disabilities before starting: Uric acid is bad, was suffering from NASH (non-alcoholic steatohepatitis) due to my sedentary lifestyle before and eating habits (canned goods ftw) but the change of habits, lifestyle, and dramatic fitness change did decrease and improve my data. Clinically depressed and with severe anxiety.
Original stack:
Test E, 500 mg/wk, e3.5d
Orals at the last half (Tbol)
hCG EOD 250 IU
Aromasin, Cabergoline, Nova at hand
Vit C, Calcium, Zinc Picolinate, Fish Oil, NAC, UDCA (prescribed), LiverprimeHD (prescribed), s-acetyl glutathione, prebiotic (classic 50b CFU), digestive enzymes, protein powder (casein and isolate), metamucil and psyllium husk powders
What I actually did (kinda dumb yet gave me insane power boost, would not recommend and I still am mad at myself at deciding to test put a little bit of everything, silly me):
Test E 500/week for the first 4 weeks (250 IU hCG EOD)
Test E 750/week for the next 10 weeks (375 hCG EOD)
Test E 500/week for the last 6 weeks (375 hCG EOD)
I will not be running Test higher than 600 again.
E2 management had me starting with aromasin every 3.5 days to 3 times a week to EOD to ED. Will maintain ED dose until the last 3 weeks where it will be at 3x a week.
From Jan 12 to April 9, 2025:
Tren Ace-40 mg/day
Mast P-30 mg/day
T3 50 mcg 2/day Mon-Fri
My reasoning at that time that I managed to make myself believe:
Mast to help with E2 and other minor things, the “salt” in the stack to enhance the experience
Tren to help with the cut (kinda see its appeal, ngl)
Basically wanted to test these two compounds to see how I am able to hold out against the so called negative effects
Regarding the side effects, except for a slight decrease in sleep quality and increased HR variability while sleeping, energy levels are normal, strength is consistent but currently reached a limit at my bench presses / incline bench presses as I have mentioned in my intro post. For DL and RDL at 140kg/2reps right now, mixed grip, unbelted.
I do feel gayer (like seriously), which I did see anecdotal reports from other users, but it’s fine since I am already a gay bottom
The good effect tho, my god I cannot believe it, my mood and outlook in life in the past few weeks have stabilized; I feel more happy, confident, and less depressive episodes. I can still have suicidal or murderous thoughts passing through my head, but compared to when it gets stuck in one thought, it’s way easier to look at it, let go, and continue with my stuff. No more severe thought paralysis even with antidepressants.
Since starting I also increased my workout days from 4x to 5x a week with 3 targeted days for upper and 2 days for legs (Mon Tues, Th-Fri-Sat). I still had 1 hour low-moderate fasted cardio once I wake up in the morning daily ofc.
Turinabol first 8 weeks
Then tried the IM version since I got a freebie (suspended in PEG/MEG base, 50mg/mL, dosed at 0.3-0.4 mL daily) for 4 weeks.
Review for this oral: Whoa boy I could feel my blood vessels in my neck and the side of my head pulsating in a good way? Even after 1.5 hours of intense exercise (127-162 BPM range) I still have enough energy. I also feel and looked bigger.
Peptides: starting from Jan 4, 2025 (saturday)
Tirz 2.5 mg every 4 weeks, increase to 5 mg for 4 weeks, increase to 7.5 mg for 4 weeks, increase to 10 mg for 4 weeks; check if it is my effective maintenance dose, increases to 15 mg if not.
This will be running even during PCT ofc, one dose every saturday.
Review: I could see it working cuz the stubborn belly fat is rapidly shrinking/melting/disappearing, sagging skin is appearing tho, will work on that.
Current PCT protocol:
Nova ED 20 mg for 6 weeks
Will decrease to 10 mg and increase by 2 weeks if the sides get too much
Debating whether to stop my SSRI during PCT as it interacts with Nova
I do have clomid that doesn’t interact with it, but the dosage and effectiveness tho in comparison with nova…
Blood chem:
Jan 2025 (img 1586) vs June 2024 (img 1587) - General blood chem test. Note that the uric acid is high for the latter as I have not taken my maintenance meds at that time. Could see the effect of orals on my liver, with elevation on my ALT/AST values.
test test results (img 1588). Last 2 photos are my liver stuff, fibroscan results.
Peace out. Will be using this thread to add some thoughts of mine time to time.
Source for peptide: QSC (pre-shutdown, Black Friday Sale 2024)
Period: 22 weeks (20 weeks with, 2 weeks only HCG before PCT)
Start date: Nov 11, 2024
End date (before PCT): April 9, 2025
Last week Test dosage: March 24, 2025
Starting weight: 79.9 kg/176 lbs, 22.3%
Bulk period: Nov 11 to Jan 11, 2025
Cutting period: Jan 12 to March 29, 2025 (may increase depending if goal is reached or not)
Weight before cut: 84.9 kg/187 lbs BF 23.1%
Current weight: 77.7 kg/171 lbs, BF 19.5%
Goal: 75 kg with BF at 19 or lower.
Disabilities before starting: Uric acid is bad, was suffering from NASH (non-alcoholic steatohepatitis) due to my sedentary lifestyle before and eating habits (canned goods ftw) but the change of habits, lifestyle, and dramatic fitness change did decrease and improve my data. Clinically depressed and with severe anxiety.
Original stack:
Test E, 500 mg/wk, e3.5d
Orals at the last half (Tbol)
hCG EOD 250 IU
Aromasin, Cabergoline, Nova at hand
Vit C, Calcium, Zinc Picolinate, Fish Oil, NAC, UDCA (prescribed), LiverprimeHD (prescribed), s-acetyl glutathione, prebiotic (classic 50b CFU), digestive enzymes, protein powder (casein and isolate), metamucil and psyllium husk powders
What I actually did (kinda dumb yet gave me insane power boost, would not recommend and I still am mad at myself at deciding to test put a little bit of everything, silly me):
Test E 500/week for the first 4 weeks (250 IU hCG EOD)
Test E 750/week for the next 10 weeks (375 hCG EOD)
Test E 500/week for the last 6 weeks (375 hCG EOD)
I will not be running Test higher than 600 again.

From Jan 12 to April 9, 2025:
Tren Ace-40 mg/day
Mast P-30 mg/day
T3 50 mcg 2/day Mon-Fri
My reasoning at that time that I managed to make myself believe:
Mast to help with E2 and other minor things, the “salt” in the stack to enhance the experience
Tren to help with the cut (kinda see its appeal, ngl)
Basically wanted to test these two compounds to see how I am able to hold out against the so called negative effects
Regarding the side effects, except for a slight decrease in sleep quality and increased HR variability while sleeping, energy levels are normal, strength is consistent but currently reached a limit at my bench presses / incline bench presses as I have mentioned in my intro post. For DL and RDL at 140kg/2reps right now, mixed grip, unbelted.
I do feel gayer (like seriously), which I did see anecdotal reports from other users, but it’s fine since I am already a gay bottom
The good effect tho, my god I cannot believe it, my mood and outlook in life in the past few weeks have stabilized; I feel more happy, confident, and less depressive episodes. I can still have suicidal or murderous thoughts passing through my head, but compared to when it gets stuck in one thought, it’s way easier to look at it, let go, and continue with my stuff. No more severe thought paralysis even with antidepressants.
Since starting I also increased my workout days from 4x to 5x a week with 3 targeted days for upper and 2 days for legs (Mon Tues, Th-Fri-Sat). I still had 1 hour low-moderate fasted cardio once I wake up in the morning daily ofc.
Turinabol first 8 weeks
Then tried the IM version since I got a freebie (suspended in PEG/MEG base, 50mg/mL, dosed at 0.3-0.4 mL daily) for 4 weeks.
Review for this oral: Whoa boy I could feel my blood vessels in my neck and the side of my head pulsating in a good way? Even after 1.5 hours of intense exercise (127-162 BPM range) I still have enough energy. I also feel and looked bigger.
Peptides: starting from Jan 4, 2025 (saturday)
Tirz 2.5 mg every 4 weeks, increase to 5 mg for 4 weeks, increase to 7.5 mg for 4 weeks, increase to 10 mg for 4 weeks; check if it is my effective maintenance dose, increases to 15 mg if not.
This will be running even during PCT ofc, one dose every saturday.
Review: I could see it working cuz the stubborn belly fat is rapidly shrinking/melting/disappearing, sagging skin is appearing tho, will work on that.
Current PCT protocol:
Nova ED 20 mg for 6 weeks
Will decrease to 10 mg and increase by 2 weeks if the sides get too much
Debating whether to stop my SSRI during PCT as it interacts with Nova
I do have clomid that doesn’t interact with it, but the dosage and effectiveness tho in comparison with nova…
Blood chem:
Jan 2025 (img 1586) vs June 2024 (img 1587) - General blood chem test. Note that the uric acid is high for the latter as I have not taken my maintenance meds at that time. Could see the effect of orals on my liver, with elevation on my ALT/AST values.
test test results (img 1588). Last 2 photos are my liver stuff, fibroscan results.
Peace out. Will be using this thread to add some thoughts of mine time to time.