22 y/o first cycle design (Test, Primo, Var)

Been researching for 3 years, I understand most people suggest test only cycle for first cycle but I’ve spent long and late nights in forums, listening to podcasts, watching YouTube. I’ve gotten impatient and I just want to jump right in and not waste anymore time but feel free to call me retarded and tell me to do Test only

Your body does not care about this. It will react as it is programmed in your genes. And this you don’t know right now.

Test only is what you need, so you can learn how your body reacts
I wouldn't recommend any of that. Start with test c. Start slow. Get you blood work done often and whenever changing doses or adding compounds. Hcg will add estrogen. Your balls may never work right again regardless. I jumped right in with deca and it nearly fucked my life up I went completely bat shit crazy. I'd start at 100mg test a week and push it up a little each week until 500mg a week and run your hgh. Get blood work done every 4 weeks until you find a way to balance your e2 and test to the desired levels. Bulk up. Eat everything good and clean. I wouldn't use anavar until the next cycle when your looking to cut. Your not going to listen to anyone anyways. You've got the itch. Keep us posted. Try to play it safe man.
Maybe this has gone too far…now 22 year olds can afford var, growth and primo for their first cycle. What happened to high cheap test and Thai hearts
22 y/o first cycle design

Completely natural never touched any PED’s.

I train 5x a week recently switched to low volume high frequency training I’ve maintained most of my strength during my cut down from 190

Any and all advice is welcome

Current stats. 6ft 170lbs 12% BF
Goalweight: 195lbs <15% BF

(Week 1-4)Test E 250mg/wk
(Week 5-8) Test E 350mg/wk
(Week 9-14) Test E 400mg/wk, Primo 400mg/wk
(15-18/20) Test E 400mg/wk Primo 400mg/wk Anavar 25mg maybe 50mg per day splitting doses up

Planning on running HCG 150-250ui 3x/week throughout the entire cycle and dropping it before PCT

4-5 IU China hgh for the entire cycle, likely stay on 2-3IU post cycle

Not sure yet if I will cycle off or cruise

Aromasin for E2 sides and PCT
And tamoxifen for PCT

Haven’t done bloodwork yet.

Been researching for 3 years, I understand most people suggest test only cycle for first cycle but I’ve spent long and late nights in forums, listening to podcasts, watching YouTube. I’ve gotten impatient and I just want to jump right in and not waste anymore time but feel free to call me retarded and tell me to do Test only

Hair. I hear some people say primo is harsh on hair. Likely will start Dut by taking an approach recommended by Ghoul of taking .25mg to start w topical minoxidil and maybe adding topical RU to try and protect it.

Will the month on just 350mg test cause high E2?How will I know if my E2 is high? People say you can usually just feel it?

Advice for the cycle, is it too much? Too little ?
Is my goal realistic?
My compound selection good?
Anything else I should pay attention to or look out for before and during cycle
Lastly any list of supplements to take to maintain good overall health?


I don’t think your cycle idea is overly retarded. I just think you might need to be flexible with it. If you feel so compelled to go big on your first cycle, waiting until at least week 9 is a good idea.
If you do blood work in week 7 or 8 you’ll have a good idea of what that dose of test does to your e2. If you aren’t aromatizing much I say forget the primo and just add more test. Lots of it. Go up to like 750mg/week and run that until the end. Check your E2 again a couple more times.

You might find out that you can run 750mg/week without the need for much estrogen control at all. Then you won’t need other compounds for a while. You might find out at week 7 that you’re a heavy aromatizer, in which case you can keep your test at 400, add your primo and go from there.

Don’t underestimate a properly done test only cycle especially for your first run. Your body will change so quickly you’ll be worried.
Odds are you will be fine with that cycle but like others have said you aren’t planning for the future properly. The reason you start with test only and add a new compound each cycle is so you know what testosterone does by itself. Then you know how EQ or Deca treat you. Etc…

Let’s say you don’t react well to one of the compounds which is very possible. You would have to drop everything because you don’t know which one is fucking you up. That’s the reason everyone recommends test only on first run.
You're watching too much Victor Black, but have no idea what these compounds do to you. I dont care about doing one compound per cycle, as long as you have a way to distinguish between them. You need to let one come into it's full effect before changing.

You'd also be well served by bulking 20 pounds naturally, but people will do it anyways so I'll attempt to prevent your off the rails cycle.

1-12 test e/c 300-500mg per week
8-12 oral of choice, or short Ester (low dose)
11-14 hcg 250eod if you want
Keep an ai on hand

The big understanding you should gain from this thread is that you'll still gain 15+ pounds from a 300mg test only cycle. Even if it sounds boring. All the rest is unnecessary.