3 weeks post pct still no libido (18 YO)


I regrettably ran a test cycle for 6 weeks and i know i did wrong and realized my ways and just want to be normal again

its 3 weeks post pct and i ran

weeks 1-4 clomid 100mg ED
weeks 1-6 nolvadex 20mg ED

on the last day of pct i took a blood test as i was advised to see if the body is reacting to serms as should and this was the result on the last day of pct

Test total: 1088 348~1197

estraidol 42 11-42.6

Lh: 11.4 1.7~8.6

Fsh: 4.1 1.5~12.4

two weeks post pct i think i had some libido but tbh now that i think about it i had to go on porn and actively search it to get a semi but no physiological arousal signs what so ever. So i'm going to assume that I never did.

also around the 2 weeks mark balls started to ache for around 2-3 days and they felt light and soft also hunged high they weighed about 9 grams. after about 5-6 days (currently) they have gotten firmer bigger and now weigh 11 grams again (I'm using my dealer's scale for exact measurements).
I was advised to stop tapping and not think about it which i haven't in about a week. although I'm concerned as most of what i have researched shows on average you should feel something after 3 weeks esp. with a short test cycle.
balls on a scale.
Because you ran juice at 18 you'll probably never get quite back the levels of an 18 year old. But old guys can still fuck with our average old guy test levels.
Enjoy rubbing one out with that bendy dick for a another month or two, and if youre lucky you'll get back to teenager wood one of these days.
All those 18 year old girls will be digging those rock hard abs..... but not the semi hard pecker.
balls on a scale.
Because you ran juice at 18 you'll probably never get quite back the levels of an 18 year old. But old guys can still fuck with our average old guy test levels.
Enjoy rubbing one out with that bendy dick for a another month or two, and if youre lucky you'll get back to teenager wood one of these days.
All those 18 year old girls will be digging those rock hard abs..... but not the semi hard pecker.

idk what to say, i hate to read it because deep down this will most likely be reality for me.
if anyone my age is reading this feel the pain and reconsider, life is to precious and short to throw away so young
I know you're having a rough time but fuck if you don't make me literally laugh out loud everytime you post. The image of you weighing your nuts on your dealers scale is going to stay with me for awhile, fuck. I stand by my comment that your symptoms are psychological. Lay off the porn and try to quit thinking about it and just keep in mind it's going to be temporary. Then go find actual pussy and I think you'll be right as rain. I'd love to hear about anymore shenanigans you get into though you goof.
I know you're having a rough time but fuck if you don't make me literally laugh out loud everytime you post. The image of you weighing your nuts on your dealers scale is going to stay with me for awhile, fuck. I stand by my comment that your symptoms are psychological. Lay off the porn and try to quit thinking about it and just keep in mind it's going to be temporary. Then go find actual pussy and I think you'll be right as rain. I'd love to hear about anymore shenanigans you get into though you goof.

idk what to say about pyshicological I can say no but no way to prove it. i thought the scale was a good idea because the way they ached seemed similar to the way they did during pct when they got bigger or on cycle when they got smaller. iv been measuring them for awhile now and at I'm thinking when they are full it's 11g's and since they felt light and ached i tested again and found they are 9g's. until now when i think they are back to full size.

i think its a good idea the way some people get precycle bloods to get pre cycle testes weight. record it every day for a week to get baseline weight so you can know if they are back to full size. but of course i never got baseline weight so ill never truly know if testes are fully recovered
Lmfao...im sorry but damn lol. An dont get so down on yourself. The body is an amazing thing. It can an will bounce back from most anything you put through it. I have seen some of my old friends shoot fuckin vodka into their veins an live. Granted they did get royally fucked up an almost over dosed but the point is, they made a full recovery an lived to party another day. I have put some nasty shit throughy body an lived to make a full comeback. Hell ive almost OD'ed a few times an had to be taken to the hospital an I'm still goining stronger than ever lol. You'll be fine bro, just give it time!!!!
Hahah you've got one great dealer to let you come over and use his scale! I remember in high school I could barely get my dealer to answer the fuckin phone most of the time lol

he didnt know i was using it for my testes. i don't feel bad because he puts a cup on the scale then measures out the weed so my sac isn't coming into contact with anything. and i wipe if after each time
I am so sorry bro but I also have never laughed out loud so much reading some of this shit lmao dealers scales for your balls i've heard it all now hahahah. Hope you recover well.
I know you're having a rough time but fuck if you don't make me literally laugh out loud everytime you post. The image of you weighing your nuts on your dealers scale is going to stay with me for awhile, fuck. I stand by my comment that your symptoms are psychological. Lay off the porn and try to quit thinking about it and just keep in mind it's going to be temporary. Then go find actual pussy and I think you'll be right as rain. I'd love to hear about anymore shenanigans you get into though you goof.
balls on a scale.
Because you ran juice at 18 you'll probably never get quite back the levels of an 18 year old. But old guys can still fuck with our average old guy test levels.
Enjoy rubbing one out with that bendy dick for a another month or two, and if youre lucky you'll get back to teenager wood one of these days.
All those 18 year old girls will be digging those rock hard abs..... but not the semi hard pecker.
Haha i agree gor that semi hard pecker might as well cruze at 200 for 10 weeks and blast again for life haah
Did I just read a real thread
Lol, ahhh Shit. And I was having suuuch a bad day until now! Can always count on meso to cheer me up! I swear, just when I thought I'd heard it all. Future reference: educate, then ask for feedback, then make decision. This whole ball weighing thing should probably be it's own thread. There have to be other knowledgeable guys here that do it. Just busting balls man. You'll be fine just don't cycle again for a good few years at least