32 year old lab results 2 years after last cycle

Hey guys, so I cycled as a teen. Did the whole prohormone thing for about 3-4 years. Fast forward to a few years ago and I ran a year long cycle w test and other compounds.

I’m currently 32 and have been off everything for about 2 years and 3 months.

I was about to hop on TRT forever. Decided to check my test levels for the first time. Here’s what I found:

what y’all think about the results? More specifically the shbg and free test


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Supplement borom 3-6 mg ED, vitamin d3( i like 4000-5000 iu ED) and magnesium if you are not already taking. They might boost your free T levels. Diet plays a role on SHBG, if you are not eating clean enough (also enough carbs)
You should have checked E2 too. If you acomplish to lower your SHBG, you'll have more free test circulating. Your Total T is high for your age and having a couple of cycles on your back.
Supplement borom 3-6 mg ED, vitamin d3( i like 4000-5000 iu ED) and magnesium if you are not already taking. They might boost your free T levels. Diet plays a role on SHBG, if you are not eating clean enough (also enough carbs)
You should have checked E2 too. If you acomplish to lower your SHBG, you'll have more free test circulating. Your Total T is high for your age and having a couple of cycles on your back.
Thanks bro. I’m gunna try this and will let you know. I have not been eating as much carbs lately to drop some water weight so that may be it. I will definitely try these supplements and test again in a few weeks. My health insurance let’s me test for free so I’ll try these to find out
To get bigger. I’ve hit a huge plateau... las time I did a clomid only cycle and got to 230lbs. Maybe I’ll just do that again
A medical TRT dose will do more harm than good for you in terms of muscle gain. True TRT is prescribed to maintain testosterone levels within the normal range.

You say your testosterone levels are already 801 ng/dl on a range of 240 to 871 ng/dl after you "have been off everything for about 2 years and 3 months". If true, you are already at the top of normal.

TRT may bump you slightly above 871for a few days every week but ultimately you will spend more time below that due to HPT suppression.

Unless, by TRT, you are misusing the term to describe a testosterone based steroid cycle or blast and cruise approach.

Are you including Clomid when you say you were off everything for over 2 years? When was your Clomid cycle?
My clomid cycle was in Summer 2019 and only lasted 2 weeks. It made me emotional so I didn’t even finish the bottle. Also, my previous cycle of a year on test / Anadrol I didn’t pct from cause I was sent to rehab and didn’t have access to anything. I did the 2 week clomid “cycle” around Summer 2019 so it’s been well over a year since then
it may be worth noting I’m completely sober. No drugs/ alcohol. High protein. Have been consistently lifting for a minimum of 3+ times a week for 17 years since I was 15. My cycles in teens also I never correctly pcted from. One cycle I got up to 50 mgs of SuperDrol a day. I was addicted to that shit. I did have a liquid nolvadex but who knows if that shit was real l and I really didn’t know wha I was doing
Your shbg and free test are good. That reference range is really off. Most don’t go up to 36 ng/dL. Should be like 4-24ng/dl imo. A 16ng/dL is great. Most guys on this forum would trade an arm and leg for those natty numbers.
Your shbg and free test are good. That reference range is really off. Most don’t go up to 36 ng/dL. Should be like 4-24ng/dl imo. A 16ng/dL is great. Most guys on this forum would trade an arm and leg for those natty numbers.
Thanks bro. Appreciate that. Someone else said those were low so I was looking at supps to increase them
I only asked because that can seriously affect a lot of what you are talking about here. I agree with Millard, above, though. There is no reason for TRT with the numbers you have. If you want to get bigger, then you need higher than TRT levels. First, get as lean as possible, and then your bulk will work so much better (just my two cents that nobody wants to hear).
Thanks bro. I’m gunna try this and will let you know. I have not been eating as much carbs lately to drop some water weight so that may be it. I will definitely try these supplements and test again in a few weeks. My health insurance let’s me test for free so I’ll try these to find out
I have been on trt for few less then 5 years, real trt to have "nomal tt values" and not gym-trt that is only a stouid extra light cycle.
Talking about muscle trt canìt add absolutely nothing.
To take muscle it need to cycle....
if you go that way, you may spend the rest of your life missing those natural 801 ng/dl. I wouldn´t risk it. Normal young healthy males have an average of 679 ng/dl.
I've never heard of a clomid only cycle and I've been doing this since the 90's.
Some trt doctors will try prescribing clomid only cycles to bring test levels up before putting a guy on testosterone for the rest of his life. If it works, then why not? I believe it is fairly common or I've at least read about it quite a few times.