New Member
Howdy Guys and maybe Gals -
No stranger to the gym I'm benching 315 and squatting close to the same. Deadlift is much lighter with a knee and back injury.
History:I did a cycle way back at 21years old (t400, tren, equipoise) - ruined my testosterone
Now on TRT: since 31 and 120-240mg/week + aromasin on injection days + viagra (100mg)/cialis(20mg daily on non Viagra days) that barely work when I'm with a partner
I now have a real prescription for Testosterone Cypionate from my urologist. As a nomad I travel all over, it's hard to get quality meds all the times. In Bosnia they had no earthly idea what anti-aromatase was. While in Serbia all they'd give me is Depo Test which I believe is a cypionate. I hate it.
I don't like it because it's easy to accidentally have it linger in my system too long and do too much. Screwing with my mood swings.
My biggest concern is: MOOD - I have a lucrative very public facing role where I negotiate large contracts and I can't be weepy or over aggressive or passive aggressive with no filter like I was in my 20s taking the t400, tren and equipoise - or even now if i accidentlly do too much depo. I cannot afford to lose this job.
Questions then:

No stranger to the gym I'm benching 315 and squatting close to the same. Deadlift is much lighter with a knee and back injury.
History:I did a cycle way back at 21years old (t400, tren, equipoise) - ruined my testosterone
Now on TRT: since 31 and 120-240mg/week + aromasin on injection days + viagra (100mg)/cialis(20mg daily on non Viagra days) that barely work when I'm with a partner
I now have a real prescription for Testosterone Cypionate from my urologist. As a nomad I travel all over, it's hard to get quality meds all the times. In Bosnia they had no earthly idea what anti-aromatase was. While in Serbia all they'd give me is Depo Test which I believe is a cypionate. I hate it.
I don't like it because it's easy to accidentally have it linger in my system too long and do too much. Screwing with my mood swings.
My biggest concern is: MOOD - I have a lucrative very public facing role where I negotiate large contracts and I can't be weepy or over aggressive or passive aggressive with no filter like I was in my 20s taking the t400, tren and equipoise - or even now if i accidentlly do too much depo. I cannot afford to lose this job.
Questions then:
- So what test should I switch too that's safer to not overdo accidentally and keep my mood stable ( I have to take it by prescription for the rest of my life). I try to stay around 140-240mg per week. Enough to be peak normal values. Maybe enanthate instead of cypionate?
- What additional compound could i add to help with weight loss without crazy moods. I was thinking anavar or ostarine or mk2866, and semaglutide
- Will the other compound be safe if i've had a knee reconstruction - no adverse effect? - Ex: I here Winstrol is bad on joints
- I was also prescribed Ozempic/Wegovy (Semaglutide) but it's sold out where I am. If i find some can i use it conjunction with the above?
- When I was in my 20s doing that crazy cycle my mood was crazy but my libido was destroyed and I still have trouble with it. I've done 100mg Sildenafil before and 25mg tadalafil daily before both with minimal effects. Once in Thailand I took 100mg of their Sidegra and that's the only thing that worked but I don't know where to find it or if there's something better. By taking all these I want my libido and sexual performance to not get any more depressing. Low libido and i barely have any sensativity. So Sidegra if i can get it maybe something else too?
- I take one arimidex the day i do my weekly trt do i need to do more?