400mg test undecanoate. Success !!

The recipe I followed and attempted was this:

Final Recipe (All in Grams):

1. Testosterone Undecanoate: 8 grams

2. Benzyl Alcohol (1%): 0.209 grams

3. Benzyl Benzoate (50%): 11.18 grams

4. Castor Oil: 9.42 grams

For those measuring in mL:

1. Testosterone Undecanoate: 8 grams

2. Benzyl Alcohol (1%): 0.2 mL

3. Benzyl Benzoate (50%): 10 mL

4. Castor Oil: 9.8 mL

I do my brewing in grams after I do some math. I use density to do that.

Here are the factual densities for the ingredients:

1. Benzyl Alcohol (BA): The density is 1.044 g/mL.

2. Benzyl Benzoate (BB): The density is 1.118 g/mL.

3. Castor Oil: The density is 0.961 g/mL.

This is a total solution of 20 mL with a slight overage to account for any filter hold-up.

I let it cool before filtering to truly make sure what I'm doing is going to work.

It worked. God damn it. It just worked. I heated it right to 50°C for 10 minutes. It all just dissolved. I suspected it wouldn't hold, so that's why I did this test batch. It filtered very well, much better than my testosterone cypionate. Got it done in 15 minutes for 10 mL. About to fill up another 10 mL and call it a day. I'll put one in the fridge to see if it crashes.1000008353.webp