4th cycle advice for 48 year old


New Member
Hey guys,

All my previous 3 cycles have been exactly the same; 30mG Dbol PD, 500mG Sustanon PW, and 400mG Deca PW - the last cycle with some Anadrol thrown in pre-workout.

On my last cycle 4 or 5 years ago, I found it a little difficult bouncing back when I come off cycle - probably because of the Deca.

Can anyone suggest an alternative good bulking cycle please?

By the way, I intend on permanently blasting & cruising now.

Many thanks all.
Do the same, add a dht derivative like masteron or primo
Hey Narta,

Thank you for the input.

Please can you tell me how much PW of Primo or Masteron to add to the stack, and what benefit would either of these add?

Many thanks.
IF you liked your previous cycles and had good results, just run that again. Now that you plan to BnC you won’t have to worry about having a hard time bouncing back..
IF you liked your previous cycles and had good results, just run that again. Now that you plan to BnC you won’t have to worry about having a hard time bouncing back..
Very true.

I must've been having a blonde moment when I made my first post, as I definitely plan on staying on.

As this is my first blast & cruise, please can you give me the heads up on a typical year of use?

Is say 14 week blast, 2 month cruise, 14 week blast, 2 month cruise, ongoing reasonable or are longer cruise times a better idea?

Sorry about the newbie questions, but this style is a first for me.
Very true.

I must've been having a blonde moment when I made my first post, as I definitely plan on staying on.

As this is my first blast & cruise, please can you give me the heads up on a typical year of use?

Is say 14 week blast, 2 month cruise, 14 week blast, 2 month cruise, ongoing reasonable or are longer cruise times a better idea?

Sorry about the newbie questions, but this style is a first for me.

You gotta decide what you’re after a define a cruise. Are you gonna get to a relatively healthy high/normal? Or are you gonna do a small blast cruise?

Considering you’ve been PCT’ing I can’t imagine a world we’re just staying on a true TRT during your cruise isn’t the best option.

I just helped my buddy start TRT and I had him start at 125mg once a week. We’re gonna pull bloods 6-8 weeks in and evaluate feels along side factual data (bloods) and go from there. I suggest doing the same.

I’d also stretch those “cruises” out a little longer (just my opinion). Your last cycle was 5 years ago.. why are you all of a sudden aggressively pushing drugs/blasts? Slow and steady seems to have the better outcome as we age..
that said, health markers are more important than any set time frame.
With your age where you’re at now and likely not going to be going for a pro card I am assuming? I would say 14-16 weeks on with 8-12 weeks off IF bloodwork is in a good spot is reasonable. I wouldn’t suggest long blast times and short cruise times with where you’re at in life. If you have other goals however that you didn’t mention that may change things but you can get plenty of gains going 14-16 weeks on, 8-12 weeks off
Your initial cycle was exactly the same as my first cycle, as I stated on another recent post. It was awesome. As suggested above, just dive back into it.
Many thanks all for the replies.

I'll take all the information on board & do a duplicate cycle, except this time with a blast & cruise.