500mg Test E per week: no libido, ED

I am running 500mg Test E only per week at the moment. Test I use is 100% real Androtardyl (Bayer) bought in Tunisia pharmacies.

I have absolutely no feeling of being on test. Strength gains and muscle growth is there, but I have absolutely no libido and ED. The prick feels dead, literally.

Nearly two weeks ago, I dropped Rimobolan (was 300mg per week) because of the same issue. I am using no AI, my nipples are very small, no gyno, no water retention.

I am also quite fatigued and joints are cracking too.

What can be wrong with me? Years ago, injecting test prop or sustanon gave me this "on" feeling. Now nothing.
Hey man, you need bloodwork asap. Testosterone, shbg and estrogen pref. sensitive.

How long in? Previous experience with anabolics? T levels before cycle and everything else, think maybe you're on some meds? What else are you taking, we need to know everything.

Also I heard that some countries sell fake shit like Turkish pharma to turists/foreigners. I'm not saying you bought fake, but know it's possible.
Hey man, you need bloodwork asap. Testosterone, shbg and estrogen pref. sensitive.

How long in? Previous experience with anabolics? T levels before cycle and everything else, think maybe you're on some meds? What else are you taking, we need to know everything.

Also I heard that some countries sell fake shit like Turkish pharma to turists/foreigners. I'm not saying you bought fake, but know it's possible.

Blast and Cruising for many years now. Last few months, mixed a lot of AAS, took AI, Serms. I suspect I did something stupid that is causing this to me now.

It just seems that I am not aromatazing, at all. Will definitely get the bloods done asap.

I am lost, really.
Test cannot be fake. It is 100% legit. Was from official pharmacies, and I even checked with Bayer. They reply to all product enquiries
Blast and Cruising for many years now. Last few months, mixed a lot of AAS, took AI, Serms. I suspect I did something stupid that is causing this to me now.

It just seems that I am not aromatazing, at all. Will definitely get the bloods done asap.

I am lost, really.
It's fine man, we all get lost sometimes. It is how it is in life.

You know, if you were coming off from high dosages of other injectibles then it's quite possible for you to not feel 500mg of Testosterone per week

Just anecdotal fact, I took proviron sometime ago at 50-100mg/day and was cruising on 250mg Testosterone and threw in random dbol pre workout. I felt like shit, depressed and unmotivated, I thought to myself wtf. Turns out my proviron was causing me to feel like crap. So I quit taking it.

After few days I already felt way better and then after a week I felt good. So I guess in your case primo might cause too much supression of estrogen. I'm no scientists, just something I observed with prov, primo and some other dhts.
I am running 500mg Test E only per week at the moment. Test I use is 100% real Androtardyl (Bayer) bought in Tunisia pharmacies.

I have absolutely no feeling of being on test. Strength gains and muscle growth is there, but I have absolutely no libido and ED. The prick feels dead, literally.

Nearly two weeks ago, I dropped Rimobolan (was 300mg per week) because of the same issue. I am using no AI, my nipples are very small, no gyno, no water retention.

I am also quite fatigued and joints are cracking too.

What can be wrong with me? Years ago, injecting test prop or sustanon gave me this "on" feeling. Now nothing.
All symptoms of Crashed E2 from the Primobolan. You wont have gyno or issues like this with crashed E2, explains that. Sure as hell will have everything else listed here that your experiencing.
Strange, you should feel the typical benefit, me too i runned 500mg test, probably everyone has done, it needs 20 days to feel a full effect. But yes, no one became superman with 500mg test, just a big improvement!
Strange, you should feel the typical benefit, me too i runned 500mg test, probably everyone has done, it needs 20 days to feel a full effect. But yes, no one became superman with 500mg test, just a big improvement!
Hey man, important fact is he was taking primobolan, so it in fact could have caused crashes e2 symptoms.
It's fine man, we all get lost sometimes. It is how it is in life.

You know, if you were coming off from high dosages of other injectibles then it's quite possible for you to not feel 500mg of Testosterone per week

Just anecdotal fact, I took proviron sometime ago at 50-100mg/day and was cruising on 250mg Testosterone and threw in random dbol pre workout. I felt like shit, depressed and unmotivated, I thought to myself wtf. Turns out my proviron was causing me to feel like crap. So I quit taking it.

After few days I already felt way better and then after a week I felt good. So I guess in your case primo might cause too much supression of estrogen. I'm no scientists, just something I observed with prov, primo and some other dhts.

Thanks for sharing this man! I hope that this is the case for me too, since the Rimobolan I took for good 7 weeks at 300mg. I have then also (stupidity) took Aromasin, nolva and Arimidex at different intervals during that period
Double the dose
Stop, quit giving terrible advice like this. I can't believe no one has called you out. Telling a dude on a 500mg test cycle to double his dose to fix a problem is the opposite of harm reduction.

Some of the older members no longer here wouldn't allow crap like this to fly.