500mg Test E per week: no libido, ED

Get a blood work done. Your estrogen may or may not be a problem.
Also you could try boosting your calories and water intake for few days, maybe your under eating or are dehydrated?
Stop, quit giving terrible advice like this. I can't believe no one has called you out. Telling a dude on a 500mg test cycle to double his dose to fix a problem is the opposite of harm reduction.

Some of the older members no longer here wouldn't allow crap like this to fly.
Did he say he was looking for harm reduction?
Bad advice. GTFO
Please call this guy out if you see him continue his BS. Guys SHOULD NOT be giving advice like this around the forum.

Did he say he was looking for harm reduction?
2nd thread today you posted garbage, other is telling a guy with a 126pg E2 and nip issues he didn't need an AI. You should just stay in QSCs thread where you pad your post count with useless posts. Don't contribute to threads outside unless you actually know what you're talking about.
Please call this guy out if you see him continue his BS. Guys SHOULD NOT be giving advice like this around the forum.

2nd thread today you posted garbage, other is telling a guy with a 126pg E2 and nip issues he didn't need an AI. You should just stay in QSCs thread where you pad your post count with useless posts. Don't contribute to threads outside unless you actually know what you're talking about.
did i hit a nerve?
Please call this guy out if you see him continue his BS. Guys SHOULD NOT be giving advice like this around the forum.

2nd thread today you posted garbage, other is telling a guy with a 126pg E2 and nip issues he didn't need an AI. You should just stay in QSCs thread where you pad your post count with useless posts. Don't contribute to threads outside unless you actually know what you're talking about.
I take advantage from this post to Say to everyone Who Tries to give advices about things he doesn't know DON'T PLAY WITH HEALTH'S PEOPLE, High e2 brings you into problems that last months to be fixed!!
Blast and Cruising for many years now. Last few months, mixed a lot of AAS, took AI, Serms. I suspect I did something stupid that is causing this to me now.

It just seems that I am not aromatazing, at all. Will definitely get the bloods done asap.

I am lost, really.
May be a good time to take a break. Especially if your blood work is not conclusive.
i think the price brother, definitely the price
I'm sure that's true for a lot of people, but in that case they shouldn't be on gear to begin with. If something goes wrong (and it eventually will), how much can you afford to fix?

Everyone gets to pick how much risk they want to take, but IMO it's stupid as hell to just close your eyes and hope everything works out. That's why you get bloodwork done before you start, and it's why you buy from sources that test often and give credit. It's a little bit more expensive up front, but it saves you money down the road. If you can't afford that, then don't fuck around with your health and wait until you can buy what you need.
I am grateful for all your advice and help. I decided to give it a few more weeks on test only and avoid using any other AAS, AI etc. I hope that my body will aromatise again.
I am grateful for all your advice and help. I decided to give it a few more weeks on test only and avoid using any other AAS, AI etc. I hope that my body will aromatise again.
Good idea, I think you will be fine soon after ceasing other anabolics and ai.
I'm sure that's true for a lot of people, but in that case they shouldn't be on gear to begin with. If something goes wrong (and it eventually will), how much can you afford to fix?

Everyone gets to pick how much risk they want to take, but IMO it's stupid as hell to just close your eyes and hope everything works out. That's why you get bloodwork done before you start, and it's why you buy from sources that test often and give credit. It's a little bit more expensive up front, but it saves you money down the road. If you can't afford that, then don't fuck around with your health and wait until you can buy what you need.
Definitely in this Road having the right amount of Money Is the best way to keep ourself healty
Thanks for sharing this man! I hope that this is the case for me too, since the Rimobolan I took for good 7 weeks at 300mg. I have then also (stupidity) took Aromasin, nolva and Arimidex at different intervals during that period
And now you complain about low Libido ?
Do a blood test, and test your Estrogen at least.
Itś normal to do a blood test after 6-7 weeks during your cycle. So you can also check how is your test-level on the gear you use.