500mg test e/week. 6 week cycle


New Member
AnabolicLab.com Supporter
What would be the necessary PCT for a cycle as simple as this one?
There used to be a pct calculator but idk what happened to it
You'd just be getting to the gains man.

Go ten. Same pct. Clomid 50 for for weeks. Nolva if desired 40/40/20/20. Or whatever further tweaking you wish to try.
Why would you run test e for only 6wks?
I've been out of the game for some time lol despite being 25
Anyways I just wanted something simple to ease back into it.
I might do 8 weeks depending on how I feel
your test e wont even kick in until a few weeks, I suggest you wait and do some research. i HAVE A GREAT THREAD FOR NEWBIES YOU SHOULD READ GOOD LUCK
All good input I appreciate everyone's responses.
Regardless my question would be what would the pct look like for a cycle of say 12 weeks test e 500 mg a week
Just a simple cycle to get back into things