52 year old New Member


I am 52 years old and I started TRT in March of this year with a local office of a national chain providing these services. During the initial consultations and prior to beginning treatment, my Testosterone level was measured as 350 on 02/25 and 406 on 03-15, which is within "normal" levels according to conventional wisdom. Other than being overweight, I really did not have any other medical concerns, other than about five years of being considered "pre-diabetic" with Glucose ranging from 102-116 during those years and approximately ten years of my Cholesterol being just over 200. I felt reasonable overall, but I wanted to see if there was anything I would receive from TRT.

I did three months of TRT, 180 mg test c per week, though that clinic and paid about $150 per month, doing injections at home. I quickly became frustrated with my second and third monthly shipments arriving a week to ten days late, which required me to visit the clinic in order to inject myself there. The small irritation with this led me to seek out other options.

I researched and found another company, which would send me approximately 2.5 month supply at once, basically a 10ml vial, for only $100 per month. I ordered my first supply, replacing the local clinic, and injected 200 mg per week. Just prior to completing my ten week supply, I ordered another 2.5 month supply from them. I felt that $250 for a small vial of "liquid" was potentially excessive, although it was less than using my local clinic. I will pay $50 for a good steak at a nice restaurant, without even thinking twice, but I probably would not want to do so if I was cooking and eating it at home. It was not about not being able to afford the first two options, it was about exploring what options existed.

After just under six months of 180mg - 200mg test c per week, I felt amazing. Even though I had not had any ED issues, I can tell you it felt like I was 16 and my wife would vouch for that with a big smile on her face. I started simply doing pushups at home, initially only being able to 4-5 at a time, to doing 30 at a time 3x's per day. This took about 3 months, and to be honest, I was feeling good about the results.

Prio to opening the second vial, I decided to order test c from a UGL which seemed to have a reasonable reputation, or at least as good as one could expect when you are taking substances such as this. I purchased from US inventory and I only paid about $50 per vial, which was significantly less than what I was paying at the other two places. Also, I wanted a benchmark to see what my bloodwork looked like after 5 months of TRT through "official" sources prior to beginning with the UGL.

I did not open the second vial from the second company, instead began taking 250 mg per week from the UGL product.

I am attaching my bloodwork results from the approximately 5 1/2 months I was on TRT from the first two companies.

My bloodwork was amazing! My primary care doctor was dumfounded by how much things had improved. I had agreed that while I was on "TRT" I would get bloodwork every three months and send him the test results.

I have more to add to my story, which is a daily work in progress, but I wanted to give an adequate introduction to my quest for a better me.


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52 here too. Looks like yer on the right track. Test and estrogen levels are where you want em.
Welcome brother! I'm also 52. I just posted my intro above. I'm down almost 100lbs. in 3 years. I've totally reversed my pre-diabetic condition as well. Seems like you are on the right track! Are you tracking macros and resistance training in a gym?
I read your intro and I am impressed. Congratulations on your transformation. I started going to the gym about two months ago, hitting the weights pretty hard. As a result, I have gone from 213 to 185 in two months, with a significant increase in muscle mass. I am only 5’ 8” tall, so for the moment I am at an acceptable weight, as long as I continue to covert fat to muscle. I am interested in discussing, in private, some species about what you are taking and how it has influenced your journey.
Welcome brother! I'm also 52. I just posted my intro above. I'm down almost 100lbs. in 3 years. I've totally reversed my pre-diabetic condition as well. Seems like you are on the right track! Are you tracking macros and resistance training in a gym?
As I stated before, congratulations on the transformation.

I have just started an increase in Test C to 500mg per week and began 400 mg DHB this week. I am curious about the Norditropin, as well the rest of what you are taking. How did you decide on what to take, how are are they benefitting you, and is your Doctor assisting you with these, or are you having to use alternate sources.

As I stated before, congratulations on the transformation.

I have just started an increase in Test C to 500mg per week and began 400 mg DHB this week. I am curious about the Norditropin, as well the rest of what you are taking. How did you decide on what to take, how are are they benefitting you, and is your Doctor assisting you with these, or are you having to use alternate sources.


I'm prescribed 200mg of Test C per week. 7 years ago, I had my testosterone checked by my doc. This was back when I was fat. It came back at 21 ng/dL if you can believe it. Been in TRT ever since.

I get the norditropin from IndiaMart and the other stuff from reputable UGL sources.

500mg of Test C and 400mg of DHB seems pretty crazy for someone who just started working out a couple of months ago. Just sayin' :)
You are likely correct, but I did read that at 200 test per week, you already shut down your testosterone production without any performance enhancement benefits. After almost 6 months on TRT, my bloodwork showed everything to be on track. I decided to see how my body would react to a higher dose of test, since I understand 500 is the minimum dose for performance enhancement, along with “something else.” I chose DHB, due to the lower dosage requirements as well as the claims of no gyno issues. I plan on doing bloodwork at 30/60/90 to evaluate and will likely have to pull back, depending on what my bloodwork shows.

I go to the gym 6 days a week and spend about 1.5 - 2 hours per day hitting weights fairly hard.

I know I sound like an 15 year old who just kissed a girl for the first time, but this has been absolutely amazing. I draw blood in 3 weeks, so I will update on how it goes.

Thanks for the information and the warning!
but I did read that at 200 test per week, you already shut down your testosterone production without any performance enhancement benefits.

My testosterone was 21 ng/dL before TRT. Once I added 200mg per week of Test C it leveled out at about 1,000 ng/dL. 200mg definitely has had a performance impact!

What does your split look like?
Enjoyed reading your intro and story, very articulately written and inspiring. Look forward to reading more.