6 - 8 EQ / deca cycle (old school cycles)

back in the days . most of people used to switch compounds every 6 - 8 weeks ''to reset your receptors sensitivity and tolerance to compounds''.
if i am not mistaken there is a study debunking this theory.

Now, according the papers EQ takes at least 8 -10 weeks to reach full concentration. the same thing happens with deca which is interesting because back in the days people switching from EQ to deca was very common

what are your thoughts on this ?
if you have tried this type of cycles what was your experience?
I don't switch up compounds regularly.

I use a bulking cycle and a cut cycle, for like 6-24 months
EQ and deca take a long time to reach serum saturation due to their long half lives, however it doesn't mean that they only start working once serum saturation stabilizes.

They begin to work the day after injection.

There is no "resetting receptors or tolerance" so changing compounds frequently doesn't make sense, which is why it's not really done any more.