65 year old test is 502


10+ Year Member
Got my blood work back and my test was 502 natural,dont think the doc will give me TRT with that level.My last test shot was sustanon 250mg on oct 3rd,last Nolvadex was dec 7th.Does that seem like long enought to have my system back to normal. the blood work was done jan 5.
That is a great total T for your age especially post PCT. Might test again in a month but man that looks good brother.
Heres the thing,i have done over 30 cycles since 1980 and up untill my last 2 cycles i never did PCT.My last cycle was Tren A and Sustanon for 8 weeks,then a PCT of Clomid and Nolvadex.I feel great and have plenty of energy and i get great pumps in the gym.I held on to most of the gains after my last cycle,it definately helps to do PCT.I might go to an Endo in a month and get tested again,
Heres the thing,i have done over 30 cycles since 1980 and up untill my last 2 cycles i never did PCT.My last cycle was Tren A and Sustanon for 8 weeks,then a PCT of Clomid and Nolvadex.I feel great and have plenty of energy and i get great pumps in the gym.I held on to most of the gains after my last cycle,it definately helps to do PCT.I might go to an Endo in a month and get tested again,
not being an asshat but is that pic recent? 30+ cycles would = big mofo in my mind, unless you stay at a specific weight?
That avatar was in 1982 after 4 years of training. My goal now is to just to be lean and muscular.
Heres the thing,i have done over 30 cycles since 1980 and up untill my last 2 cycles i never did PCT.My last cycle was Tren A and Sustanon for 8 weeks,then a PCT of Clomid and Nolvadex.I feel great and have plenty of energy and i get great pumps in the gym.I held on to most of the gains after my last cycle,it definately helps to do PCT.I might go to an Endo in a month and get tested again,

Yeah, these "snapshots" are nice but seeing several labs would be ideal brother.
Got my blood work back and my test was 502 natural,dont think the doc will give me TRT with that level.My last test shot was sustanon 250mg on oct 3rd,last Nolvadex was dec 7th.Does that seem like long enought to have my system back to normal. the blood work was done jan 5.

That is a great total T for your age especially post PCT. Might test again in a month but man that looks good brother.

Always good to see a 30+ cycle veteran with strong endogenous testosterone levels post-cycle especially at age 65!
I have a lot respect for you, MR10X, but my credibility is stretched for anyone to have that high of natural test at 65 years old. But for someone of 65 who's also been injecting the roid for 32 cycles in 30 years, I am dubious, though I admit it's not impossible.

What was your test bioavailability (free test)? Do you take anything at all, including creams or orals (like dbol or proviron) or even corticosteroids that might affect your test levels?

I have a lot respect for you, MR10X, but my credibility is stretched for anyone to have that high of natural test at 65 years old. But for someone of 65 who's also been injecting the roid for 32 cycles in 30 years, I am dubious, though I admit it's not impossible.

What was your test bioavailability (free test)? Do you take anything at all, including creams or orals (like dbol or proviron) or even corticosteroids that might affect your test levels?


I was just as surprized as you it was that high,they didnt do a full hormone panel,i am going to an endo later and get everything done again. I am not using anything,no drugs of any kind except a little Motrin every now and then. I was hoping it would be low so i could get a script for some test.My last shot of test sustanon 250mg was oct 3rd,my last nolvadex/clomid was dec 5 and the blood work was done jan 7th. I dont feel like i have low test at all,maby it takes a little longer for your test levels to drop,i dont know this is the first time i have had my test level checked.
whats the free test at? Do you have a copy of the lab work? Just keep in mind, a lot of Docs are afraid of this shit because they dont know much about it. I have to basically tell my Dr. what to do and prescribe, and he knows that I know my stuff so he doesn't disagree
I turned 65 last November. April of 2011 I tested at free test 605. Based upon how I feel, I believe that my test today is at least at that level. So it is not impossible for us older men to maintain our endogenous test. Never used AAS although solely tempted when younger. Now I am glad that I did not. Several years ago I was tested with low test (225). Treated with Dr. Shippen using HCG monotherapy and later added some conpounded test cream. Stopped using anything in 2008. Since then diet, exercise and supplementation have kept my testosterone at a healthy level. Also, my Estradiol was a little low at 11.
I definately feel like mine is 502,good sex drive,good pumps in the gym,plenty of energy. I will get it retested again in another month,but right now i feel like its in that range.


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