750mg test or 500test/30mg dbol a day?


New Member
Hi bros,

i have 3 cycles of 500mg test a week. I did not have much gains on my last cycle so i guess it is time to add something. I was wondering what would put more lbm on me 750mg test a week or 500mg test and 30mg dbol for 6-8 weeks?
Hi bros,

i have 3 cycles of 500mg test a week. I did not have much gains on my last cycle so i guess it is time to add something. I was wondering what would put more lbm on me 750mg test a week or 500mg test and 30mg dbol for 6-8 weeks?

Age? Stats? What type of Test? What is your diet (calories per day on cycle)?
Better yet, how long of a cycle? If three months or longer, I'd stick with the 750 program, less than 3 months tickle the liver with some d bol.
thanks for the answers.. so far it seems dbol would be the choice. the cycle will be 8-10 weeks. diet is high pro, mod carb, low fat and lots of calories. bump for some more opinions
thanks for the answers.. so far it seems dbol would be the choice. the cycle will be 8-10 weeks. diet is high pro, mod carb, low fat and lots of calories. bump for some more opinions

How would dbol be the choice if you didn't answer the question of:

Age? Stats? What type of Test? What is your diet (calories per day on cycle)?

Just curious as to how you came to your conclusion. 750mg of test made me awesome and made me lift more then I could imagine but 500 makes me close to awesome and made me pretty freaking strong so I think you need to answer the above question before you can just make an assumption to add dbol.
Im with LK ... whats your caloric intake? what are your stats? 500mgs of Test E is more than enough to make some solid gains man ... 750 would have me Big and Bloated in a few weeks, but strong as a fucking OX ... 500 mgs has me strong, big with little bloat ...

Dbol is a good drug - puts on weight real fast ... and strength goes up within a week of use ... i personally use tren ace instead of dbol ...
Im about to run 500mgs of Sust per week along with 30mgs of dbol for the first 4 weeks. People keep telling me to up the dbol to 50mgs...im not so sure especially never running the dbol before.
Im about to run 500mgs of Sust per week along with 30mgs of dbol for the first 4 weeks. People keep telling me to up the dbol to 50mgs...im not so sure especially never running the dbol before.

Anything above 30mg and you'll be experiencing significant water retention. I'd keep it where it is.
yeaa man ... at 50mgs/day of dbol ... i was kinda bloated ... but if you want to, take it as following - at 40mgs/day

10mgs am

20mgs pre-workout

10mgs before bed

... thats what ive done, works pretty well man ...
Thats not a bad cycle. You would see more gains taking sust 250 instead of the reg test. Case you dont know what sust 250 is its 4 different testosterons and it by it self people have reported 15-20 lbs. So then stack it with dbol or referit-b has exsplosive gains in size and strenth. Been there , know what I am talking about. Next if your not seeing gains there is something bad wrong !!!!! you better get it checked out, may be fake, or deluted. also keep in mind your arms are only going to get so big and ask around to see what peoples arm size is before and after taking. first timers will have arms like 13 1/2 to 15. all said and done your arms will get no bigger than a 18- 18 1/2 I am sure theres just some big guys out there with bigger ones, but say Hulk Hogan has I think 22's His were the biggest known for a while. I'm not talking about that freck that shot up in his arms doing stupid shit like that. Just your normal average male. When I was lifting, thats as big as my would get was little over 18. Any lifter will tell you a nice cut pair of 18's looks prty dam big.
Getting back on the suject, I hope your diet had alot of protein and caleries, thats a big key because you can put all the juice you want to in your butt, if you dont have the fuel going in to build you wont see much at all. I know a little about this , I been lifting for about 12 yrs or so. Not saying I know everything but I do know alot. Also try bumping up on your dbol to 50-60mg aday and do you pyrimid it ? I hope I help you some, just remember The only dumb question is a question never asked. Dont be afraid to ask because every body on here was once in your shoes.

Go with 600mg of Test +dbol, dont go over 600.. past 600 there becomes too high risk problems that will sometimes outwiegh the potential muscle growth. There are quite a few studies that can show this. Personally I will be going 500mg test (2x shots) per week with 50mg dbol ED. Add in some arimidex because of both have high estrogen risks, and then a good pct

something like this

week 1-12 Test E 500mg (2x shots eo4d)
week 1-4 (i woudlnt suggest much more tahn 5 wks) Dbol 50mg ED

PCT Nolva/Clomid/HCG
Btw if you are worried about water retention you can always get some lasik. However since you are wanting to bulk up, (by reading you are considering doing 750mg+dbol) shouldnt be too much of a concern for you.. Just do yourself a favor and dont go past 600mg per week.

And of course you know train hard/sleep hard/eat hard (but clean) for the most part. Give yourself some treat cheat meals every now and then to help pump up the calo intake, but always add shakes! Shakes are amazing for loading in those nutrients at prime times!
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dbol half life is about 4 hours. i use 40 ed for first 4 weeks of cycle to jump start. 20 when I wake up, 10 and 10, 4 hrs apart thru the day. Currently running it with test cyp 750, tren 100 eod adx .5