8 weeks cycle Cutting var,test,t3,clen,provion


New Member
My Cutting Cycle starting 3.Jan 2011 :)

Around 207lbs, and around 14-17% fat
Age : 22
Done Cycles:
Tren A Only x2!
Winstrol, T-bol, testo E
Testo E, Tren E, Primo
T-bol only
Winny only while diet

My Goal with this cycle is to lose as mush fat % as possible and gain strenght ofc :)

My 8 week cycle now will be like :

1-8w Testo P 100 EOD
1-8w Anavar 70ED
2-8w Provion 100mg ED
2-8w T3 working up to 100-125mg?
1-8w Clen 2weeks on 2weeks off. If I can handel it :)

Armidex 0.25mg EOD, ED if needed


8-10w Clomid 100/150mg ED
10-12w Clomid 50mg ED
8-10w Nolvadex 40/50mg ED
10-12w Nolvadex 20/25mg ED

What you guys think?
I was wondering If I should add some Eph / eca stack into it?
And since I am hoping to get shredded, how much cal should I stay on and how to split up the Prot,Carbs and fat up?
This is just my opinion but if you have the money stretch the prop to 12 weeks, and if you can get your hands on ketofin so that the clen doesent loose effectiveness after 2 weeks and run the t3 and clen straight from week 8-12..... If not once again IMO i would run the t3 and clen a little later around week 4-8
I wouldnt bother with a 12wk cycle although the clen thought is cool. Just run clen through pct. Besides that I wouldn't run that much gear but that's just me I try not to ever use more then 3 types of gear on a cycle.
Posted from my iPhone