9 months in work


New Member
Short story was a fat fat fatty, lost a bunch of weight. Started lifting 3 years ago and pushing.

Started TRT 9 months ago with a mini blast.
Was @ 25% bf stupid I know.

Ate .25adex at week 4 once a week entire blast.
Donated blood week 4
Never had estro sides

Week 10 went to trt 120mg a week.
Never had estro sides

Month 6 mini cut blast 250mg/week for 8 weeks.

.25 adex EOW until week 4. Then .25adex EW no estro sides.

I took 3mg of ostarine during this cut. ( I have it laying around and no use for it)

Back to 120mg/week.

Month 9 bloodwork

Still waiting on hormones, but I’ve felt amazing.

LDL needs to be better, but I’m sitting at 19% BF so I still got cardio to do.

Supplements - Zero

Anything glaring I need to worry about?

Best part before trt fasting glucose was in the high 90’s.


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You're good. Bloodwork looks great tbh
Just got my E2 results 26

Waiting on test results still

Ready for the biggest blunder, this is my first time checking bloods in the 9 months.

I donated twice during the 9 months.

I deserve a punch to the face for the stupidity

But a pat on the back for rookie feelz being spot on?
Nope. No pat. Still stupid.

But great bloods. Make it a usual thing, pre, mid and after cycle.

Pre: complete panel
Mid: RBC/Hem, lipids, hormones, kidney function
After cycle: complete panel.
I’m staying on TRT.

I know since I wasn’t in the best health starting (25%bf) I was nervous about it, I shouldn’t have buried my head in the sand.

I agree.

I plan to pull 3 times a year as I plan to blast twice a year, while staying on 120mg/week