A brief history of time


New Member
Hello, I thought after so many years it was time to get off the bench and participate in the game.

I've been training off and on for 25+ years. I train as a strength enthusiast using the conjugate method and occasionally a push/ pull/ legs bodybuilding split. Off training time has been due to autoimmune issues regarding my CNS as well as heart issues. I'm recently coming off of a 5 year lay off and have been overjoyed with getting back into the swing of things and training hard again.

I started cycling in my mid twenties. I have mainly used; all common testosterone esters, trenbolone, masteron, primobolan, dbol, and anavar. Anything else I've used here and there and wouldn't consider myself experienced enough with to make intelligent comments about.

I used to post on T-Nation back in it's heyday and lurked here off and on because I was a Bill Roberts disciple. He was always generous in sharing knowledge and I have learned a great deal from him reading his profiles, articles, post, and private messages. He helped me experiment with trenbolone and anavar quite a bit, including a few 2 week cycles of anavar at 200mg/day.

I started on simple TRT a few years ago, but am currently using:

30mg Test C EOD

30mg Primo E EOD

25mg TD Test ED

250iu - 1000iu HCG EOD

3-4iu HGH ED

6mg Tirz EOD

I'm looking forward to participating when I can in this legendary forum. Thanks!