A good or the best cycle for a first cycle?


New Member
What do you think about people who have been on Testo only (250-400mg per week) for a long time (more then 1 year) and then use the following stack?

- 300 mg NPP
- 150 mg Testo E
- 150 mg Primobolan (or other DHT)

per Week - Inject e2d
Is this better than 300mg Testo per week?

Or is there something better with fewer side effects?

I think it's a reasonable stack with little risk. What do you think?

Thanks for your opinions

Sorry for my bad english!
I’d save the NPP for later. It’s a great compound but there are some mental sides that can derail a first cycle. Other than test NPP is was my most commonly ran compound. I don’t have any experience with primo so I don’t have any experience there but you really can’t go wrong sticking with test e or c at 400-600mg for 10 to 14 weeks for a first cycle plus this will make it much easier when you come off to get everything back to normal
What do you think about people who have been on Testo only (250-400mg per week) for a long time (more then 1 year) and then use the following stack?

- 300 mg NPP
- 150 mg Testo E
- 150 mg Primobolan (or other DHT)

per Week - Inject e2d
Is this better than 300mg Testo per week?

Or is there something better with fewer side effects?

I think it's a reasonable stack with little risk. What do you think?

Thanks for your opinions

Sorry for my bad english!
IMO, 500 mg testosterone is a tad high. I like 300 mg, maybe 375 (1.5 mL * 250 mg/mL) mg, since I don’t agree that MOST people handle 500 mg well (without an AI). Test solo is basically the ideal first cycle since it is so basic and fundamental, the glue that binds any cycle. It provides synergy, basically. We should see how we handle it… it’s also remarkably effective.
I completely agree with you. But if someone has only taken testosterone for a year (or longer) - then they want to do something new... does the stack as above make sense for you? I know a lot of people who were very happy with it and i would like to do this stack too.
Sorry for my bad english
Too many compounds for a 1st cycle. A cc or 2 of test weekly, and titrate up if you're not getting sides and you hit a plateau or the gains aren't enough. Primo needs to be run higher to see any results, if you're gonna go down that road.
you can't compare these compounds growth wise,
if you want something stronger than 400mg test, then do 600mg test
Keep It Simple
Agreed 100%! People started going on and on about 500mg test being a bad choice for a first cycle ever since a certain young YouTuber started pushing the 250mg test only BS. A guy in his grandmas basement starts talking and a bunch of guys start preaching it as gospel but never mind the 10s of thousands of guys who’ve been doing this shit for decades telling you test only at 400 to 600 is a good starting point for a first cycle.

My first cycle was 500mg test only for 12 weeks and it was a wonderful experience with almost zero sides and the results were amazing. My only regret was not getting another bottle and running 600mg for the entirety as I’m sure the extra 100mg would have been no different for sides than the 500mg was but maybe a little more results but even that hard to fathom considering how much my body had changed looks and strength wise.

Don’t overthink a first cycle. 500mg is where it’s at. Put your efforts into procuring pharmacy grade PCT. That’s where I messed up. I used the UGL supplied PCT from the same supplier I got my test from and it was woefully inadequate for a proper PCT if not outright bunk altogether.