A kinda newb at least to PED's


New Member
Hey all, I just turned 61 and while I've been a gym rat for about 45 years I am now on TRT and wanted to finally start some PEDs to get some more gains. I am 6'3" and currently 255 having just lost 40 pounds of fat with diet and a small amount of cardio. I have just altered my routine to the Mentzer Heavy Duty approach as I was doing a standard 9-12 sets per bodypart twice weekly. Now 2 warm up sets and one - two sets to failure per bodypart. Aside from a niggling tricep tendon in the left arm, no injuries.

All my bloods are good, BP perfect, pulse rate 60. I have been on approximately 200mg of Test Cyp weekly split into 2 for about 8 months and I got some anavar that I've been on for about 6 weeks at 50mg a day.

I can access gear in Mexico (hence the Anavar) and I was thinking of this as a stack (after a month off the Anavar).

400 Mg week of test cyp.
50 mg day of Anavar.
HGH (dose?)
Deca 300mg week.
Dbol 15mg day.

I would very much appreciate any thoughts you may have on any of this.
I would very much appreciate any thoughts you may have on any of this.
Lose the var, lose the dbol, lose the Deca.

You are going to make good gains with Test.

If you like how that goes then I would experiment with adding in a SINGLE compound at a time.

Dumping the whole kitchen sink into your body isn't going to do shit but give you side effects with little or no way to really know which compound is doing what.
Lose the var, lose the dbol, lose the Deca.

You are going to make good gains with Test.

If you like how that goes then I would experiment with adding in a SINGLE compound at a time.

Dumping the whole kitchen sink into your body isn't going to do shit but give you side effects with little or no way to really know which compound is doing what.
Much appreciated !!!
What's you bf% ? You're 61...stay away from orals!
Currently I'm not exactly sure. As I said Ive lost 40 pounds of fat and can almost see abs...I'll go do some research on how to work it out and get back with you Sir...
Hey all, I just turned 61 and while I've been a gym rat for about 45 years I am now on TRT and wanted to finally start some PEDs to get some more gains. I am 6'3" and currently 255 having just lost 40 pounds of fat with diet and a small amount of cardio. I have just altered my routine to the Mentzer Heavy Duty approach as I was doing a standard 9-12 sets per bodypart twice weekly. Now 2 warm up sets and one - two sets to failure per bodypart. Aside from a niggling tricep tendon in the left arm, no injuries.

All my bloods are good, BP perfect, pulse rate 60. I have been on approximately 200mg of Test Cyp weekly split into 2 for about 8 months and I got some anavar that I've been on for about 6 weeks at 50mg a day.

I can access gear in Mexico (hence the Anavar) and I was thinking of this as a stack (after a month off the Anavar).

400 Mg week of test cyp.
50 mg day of Anavar.
HGH (dose?)
Deca 300mg week.
Dbol 15mg day.

I would very much appreciate any thoughts you may have on any of this.
That is a lot of orals for your age brother.

maybe look on the healthier side after bloodwork
150 mg Test (E/C)
200MG of Mast OR Deca depending on what your needs are. 255lbs, lost 40, still could go either way.

Cruise into 70 looking good and feeling good :)
For anti-aging/fat benefits you can do 1.5 - 2.0 iu hgh daily.
I recommend you monitor your blood sugar levels even if you're not diabetic. Hgh can reduce insulin sensitivity.
That is a lot of orals for your age brother.

maybe look on the healthier side after bloodwork
150 mg Test (E/C)
200MG of Mast OR Deca depending on what your needs are. 255lbs, lost 40, still could go either way.

Cruise into 70 looking good and feeling good :)
Much appreciated Sir...when you say what my needs are what do you mean ? Sides etc ?
Much appreciated Sir...when you say what my needs are what do you mean ? Sides etc ?
No sir, but more like what are you physiologically lacking naturally. Leaving cookies out of it, as you said you were loosing weight.

Naturally I am scrawny, I am constantly battling to "fill out" or I look flat or am underweight for my class. So I gravitate toward things like:
5mg Dbol (strategically, like 3 weeks out from pics lol)

Whereas people who don't really have an issue looking "full" or "dense" may not need that. So they MIGHT be better placed having something like Primo or Masteron.

Does that make sense ?
Roger that...should I leave the HGH out ?
I think you'd be ok with 1.5iu hgh if you monitor your blood sugars. It can possibly cause insulin resistance for some people. If you have any nerve issues like carpal tunnel it may increase symptoms. 1.5iu is tolerated by most pretty well. The rich and elites love this stuff for anti-aging. If you can afford it and monitor your health it can be pretty awesome.
Some people notice mild benefits pretty quickly. But you really need to use hgh for 3-6 months to reape full benefits. Then take some time off before starting back on.
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Roger that...should I leave the HGH out ?
Hell, with 200mg test a week and 1iu hgh daily, you'd have better hormone levels then a 20 year old man. Then a few blasts a year of 500mg test with very close monitoring of health (blood work, monitor blood sugars, and blood pressure). This is what I'd do anyway if I was 61. The most important thing here is a big emphasis on monitoring your health and not pushing it beyond what your body can handle.
As everyone is saying forget the orals.
Test 200-400mgs
Mast or primo 200-400mgs.

Titrate up. Find the ratio that works best for you and allows you to not need an a.i with the testosterone.

Maybe gh at 2iu
As everyone is saying forget the orals.
Test 200-400mgs
Mast or primo 200-400mgs.

Titrate up. Find the ratio that works best for you and allows you to not need an a.i with the testosterone.

Maybe gh at 2iu
Yeah I'd agree with this. 1:1 ratio of Test/Primo (probably no more than 600/600), titrating up to find a comfy spot + 2-4iu p/d of GH. I'd also look at adding in a GLP1 like Tirzepatide/Semaglutide + Metformin ER 500-1000mg p/d as well.
