A sneak peek at Bolus: A Practical Guide and Reference for recombinant Human Growth Hormone Use [Author: Type-IIx]


Well-known Member
Table of Contents from Bolus (Dec 10 2022)
[download link (pdf)]

The book will almost certainly be distributed as a high quality softcover textbook. Its anticipated release is early 2023. The price point has not yet been determined, but it will be reasonable. There will likely be some shuffling around and reorganization of chapters, e.g., chapter XXVIII, the Practical section, considered by many readers to be the heart of the book will probably be oriented towards the very front with the reference material to follow.
Table of Contents from Bolus (Dec 10 2022)
[download link (pdf)]

The book will almost certainly be distributed as a high quality softcover textbook. Its anticipated release is early 2023. The price point has not yet been determined, but it will be reasonable. There will likely be some shuffling around and reorganization of chapters, e.g., chapter XXVIII, the Practical section, considered by many readers to be the heart of the book will probably be oriented towards the very front with the reference material to follow.
Good morning,Type ll-x. I need your advice. It seems like igf-1 is washing out from my blood very fast. Even after 4 weeks pinning 10 iu before bed my igf-1 about 300 ng/ml, i'm not dieting, e2-17,71 pg/ml (baseline igf-1 before rhgh 200 ng/ml). I have good response from rhgh, 10 iu gives me 19 ng/ml after 4 hours sc pin. I think that i have low level igfbp-3. But igfbp-3 test isn't available in my country. How can i increase igfbp-3 to proof this? May melatonin or zinc picolinate help me? Sorry for my english, I'm not native speaker.
Will this be a textbook/teaching book? Or a collection of your research (like your forum posts)? You're very knowledgeable but you choose to write out things in the least reader friendly way. it's exhausting to read your posts. PeterBond is a lot easier to understand because he types like a normal person.
Will this be a textbook/teaching book? Or a collection of your research (like your forum posts)? You're very knowledgeable but you choose to write out things in the least reader friendly way. it's exhausting to read your posts. PeterBond is a lot easier to understand because he types like a normal person.
It's written as a textbook with a straightforward practical section and a reference section, as well as a primer for the layperson on how to interpret studies on GH (a "how to").

I find it ironic that my posts were good enough for you to plagiarize over on Reddit, and now they're exhausting for you. You're actually the reason the book won't be released in a digital format.
Just letting @Type-IIx know that early 2023 is in 12 days ;)
& digital format would have been great, especially to note/search easily...ah well. Old school textbook is cool too.
It's written as a textbook with a straightforward practical section and a reference section, as well as a primer for the layperson on how to interpret studies on GH (a "how to").

I find it ironic that my posts were good enough for you to plagiarize over on Reddit, and now they're exhausting for you. You're actually the reason the book won't be released in a digital format.
They're good and exhausting for everybody. Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about lol. And we've been over the reddit thing already. I made an error and apologized.
Table of Contents from Bolus (Dec 10 2022)
[download link (pdf)]

The book will almost certainly be distributed as a high quality softcover textbook. Its anticipated release is early 2023. The price point has not yet been determined, but it will be reasonable. There will likely be some shuffling around and reorganization of chapters, e.g., chapter XXVIII, the Practical section, considered by many readers to be the heart of the book will probably be oriented towards the very front with the reference material to follow.
Im so excited and eagerly need to adquire as much knowledge about the book you are writing.

Please realease it as soon as you are able to, you will have a great impact on people:D
For those putting in Book pre-orders, I will not be taking funds yet for the book, but you will receive an email that it has become available for purchase at that time
Ampouletude: Type-IIx's June 2024 Newsletter just dropped!

In this month's newsletter:
  1. Forthcoming Meso-Rx Article Series: Unique Facets of AAS by Compound (11 part series looking at different effects of each of eleven different selected steroids)
  2. Show results: Scruf, 1st place (Won) Light-Heavyweight Bodybuilding (Open, Overall), 1st place (Won) Classic Physique Masters 40+, 1st place (Won) Novice
  3. Exclusive Article: Unique features of EQ, Deca/NPP, Anadrol, and Tren (quick glance, informal)
  4. Bolus: Status Update on Release of the highly anticipated book about Growth Hormone and GH Secretagogues

For those who haven't signed up, PM me here, subject containing "Newsletter" & message containing your email address.

For those brave enough and particularly lazy, you can just drop your email in this thread also, and I'll add you for next month's newsletter.

Back issues (May & Jun 2024) are available upon request. 16 Jun 2024. Subject to change.