Update on Bolus: A Practical and Reference Guide... (within 1 Mo.) & Article: Combined RhGH and GLP-1 Agonist: Rationales and Practical Use for Recomp


For those of you who would like regular updates about the forthcoming (albeit delayed, my apologies) book, Bolus: A Practical and Reference Guide for the Use of Recombinant human Growth Hormone and GH Secretagogues and other matters relating to the site from where it will be sold (Ampouletude: Home of Type-IIx) you may either:

Send a private message: Include "Mailing List" in the Subject, and in the Body of the PM, include your preferred email address. Preferably (though not required), for me, you use a Proton email. CounterMail is good too. Or,

If you cannot send PMs, Submit a Support request at Ampouletude: Home of Type-IIx by scrolling to the bottom of the page, and completing the input fields under "Make a Custom Request." Include your email address and Meso or board username, specifying alternate board name. Preferably (though not required), for me, you use a Proton email. CounterMail is good too.
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For those of you who would like regular updates about the forthcoming (albeit delayed, my apologies) book, Bolus: A Practical and Reference Guide for the Use of Recombinant human Growth Hormone and GH Secretagogues and other matters relating to the site from where it will be sold (Ampouletude: Home of Type-IIx) you may either:

Send a private message: Include "Mailing List" in the Subject, and in the Body of the PM, include your preferred email address. Preferably (though not required), for me, you use a Proton email. CounterMail is good too. Or,

If you cannot send PMs, Submit a Support request at Ampouletude: Home of Type-IIx by scrolling to the bottom of the page, and completing the input fields under "Make a Custom Request." Include your email address and Meso or board username, specifying alternate board name. Preferably (though not required), for me, you use a Proton email. CounterMail is good too.
looking forward to the book
Release date? Updates? We've gone well past the 4 week mark.
Every time I give a release date, I end up putting my foot in my mouth. It turns out that in 2024, pseudonymously publishing a book about practically using physique-enhancing drugs is a technical challenge.

The work is proceeding as best as it can, but we're on our third hosting provider, and it's looking like even Proton itself might not enable what's needed on the backend, so we might have to move on yet again.

Without this backend functionality, there's no practical way to self-publish. We have another provider selected, but really do want Proton, because we're in that ecosystem already and they are so secure.
To this segment of my readership –

I have been putting out a monthly (e-mailed) newsletter. If you'd like to subscribe for updates about the Bolus release and, this coming month:

Next newsletter sections (§§):

§1. Bolus: Status Update
§2. Article (full): Injury Prevention: Scapular Winging
§3. Article (full): Research: Phytoecdysteroids (e.g., pharma ecdysterone, turkesterone, etc.)
§4. Article Summaries (pre-prints; to be published in full soon):
§4.1. ACE inhibitors, more so than ARBs, but both, diminish hypertrophy
§4.2. Estrogen functions in men
§4.3. AAS, RhGH, and collagen, bone, and joints

Either PM me your email address or drop it here in the thread and I'll sign you up. I don't want to send people unwanted stuff, and I only do it monthly. The only exception might be when the book starts shipping.

My illustrator has finished her work (this book is going to look fucking awesome) and my developer his so that books can actually start shipping from Ampouletude: Home of Type-IIx

All that's left now is for me to arrange it, send some preprints to colleagues and to an editor for review, and then, START SHIPPING!

I promise to let everyone know by creating a thread here when it's shipping!

Thank you all for your strong interest; seriously!
"A practical and reference guide for the use of human growth hormone (GH) and GH its secretagogues"

I do not envy your editor.
This is hilarious, all the professional editors are coming out of the woodwork today. Goingstronger lecturing on stylistic matters as if they're semantic while misusing the Oxford comma, and FABulator not understanding context, title vs. body. Not to mention being unaware of the distinction between practice and research.
@Millard who knew?

Millard only runs the premier digital media company that focuses on performance- and physique- enhancing drugs, with international readership.

We've got a couple things to learn, it seems, Millard.
This is hilarious, all the professional editors are coming out of the woodwork today. Goingstronger lecturing on stylistic matters as if they're semantic while misusing the Oxford comma, and FABulator not understanding context, title vs. body. Not to mention being unaware of the distinction between practice and research.
English is clearly not your first language, so here you go for a definition: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/reference-guide
@Millard who knew?

Millard only runs the premier digital media company that focuses on performance- and physique- enhancing drugs, with international readership.

We've got a couple things to learn, it seems, Millard.
Really, you get the slightest criticism and instantly run to the boss to whine?
Really, you get the slightest criticism and instantly run to the boss to whine?
LOL, don't worry he's not going to ban you for basic mistakes of fact. Plenty of Dunning-Kruger to make the world go 'round.

I'd pray for him to ban you if you start citing the Oxford English Dictionary, however. People do not give a shit bro.
Why do you have such a thin skin? What are you trying to hide? Or are you just a narcissist who cannot bear being confronted with his own mediocrity?