Aborting deca. Mental effects have been crippling. What now?


New Member
This is my first time running deca. I usually run test and primo, but I wanted to try and put on a lot of mass quick. So I decided to throw in deca.

My current cycle is 6ius'hgh, 30-50 mcg's IGF-1, Lantus 3 times a week, 500 test, 400 deca, 500 Masteron.
I'm two months in. Felt absolutely great till now. Dick works fine, E2 and prolactin are dialed in.

Gains great, and the Masteron has been keeping me dry. Weight is up every week, but waist is the same. Really nice clean bulk. No matter what I eat I'm not getting fat, I will throw in some McDonald's and stuff like that. Insulin sensitivity has been great. And I got my insulin / peptide protocol completely dialed in.

Out of nowhere, mad depression (which I never have), panic attacks, numb, confused.

The issue is I work a ton and I have to make big decisions all the time (assets, investments etc..) , I have to eat a ton of food, and now I stare at my meals and I wanna die. Something is off in my head. I always feel great on test, mast, primo, anavar etc... Since I've been all depressed I can't even get the food down. I waited a week nothing has changed (probably getting worse), so I'm aborting deca.

From now I'll just stick to my usual stuff.

I don't know if I should just take the deca out, and maybe up the test to 600-700, remove the Masteron and throw in 500 primo and continue the bulk (deca will be in the system for a while). Or just cut down to my 250 TRT, sort the issues out and cruise for a bit?

Fuck i really hate having to back off like this, feel like a little bitch. But I can't let the gear get in the way with my work and sanity.

From now on I'll be real careful what I run, a big reason I'm on gear is the mental benefits.
If I don't feel good, everything falls apart.
In future you could just run a higher dose of Test in place of adding Deca. Then up the primo/masteron as AI modulation if needed. Test and Deca are both aromatising androgens, and outside of the joint effect and look Deca gives, the difference in anabolism is not going to be noticable or worth the baggage anyway.

In future if you find you can't increase Test beyond a certain point, you could always try EQ in place of the added Test dose. Or if you tolerate it, Tren, which is what I do. But I experience no sides, so I can get away with it.
Ok, I'll keep the bulk going.

I'd say to raise the test and mast a little, ditch deca and continue your plan.

If i had to guess I'd say going back to trt will make things worse as test will get clear faster than deca which is already problematic and then you ll have to suffer more until deca clears out. Just an assumption, maybe I'm wrong but that's what i would do.
Could have been the masteron and deca combo that sunk your cycle. Masteron gives me really bad mental sides. The worst experience I ever had with gear was during the brief period of time where I took mast alongside NPP but NPP I was fine felt for occasional mild anxiety and sinus issues in the evenings. In hindsight I’ve wondered if the anxiety I got from NPP wasn’t due to my claustrophobia which is usually heightened when I have sinus issues due to being short of breath cause of nasal blockage.

I could be dead wrong but it’s something to ponder whether that mast and deca combo was the issue. One or the other alone you may be just fine. Might be worth testing it out in the future by running a couple weeks of NPP and test alone to see how you react. NPP to me is the wonder drug where I get nearly the same results as tren with 1/10th the problems
Could have been the masteron and deca combo that sunk your cycle. Masteron gives me really bad mental sides. The worst experience I ever had with gear was during the brief period of time where I took mast alongside NPP but NPP I was fine felt for occasional mild anxiety and sinus issues in the evenings. In hindsight I’ve wondered if the anxiety I got from NPP wasn’t due to my claustrophobia which is usually heightened when I have sinus issues due to being short of breath cause of nasal blockage.

I could be dead wrong but it’s something to ponder whether that mast and deca combo was the issue. One or the other alone you may be just fine. Might be worth testing it out in the future by running a couple weeks of NPP and test alone to see how you react. NPP to me is the wonder drug where I get nearly the same results as tren with 1/10th the problems

I haven't run these 2 together (only run NPP with test+EQ) but many people swear on any 19nor + Masteron because it negates the side effects. Masteron is considered a "well being" ped. Obviously there are exceptions to the rule.
Nandralone doesn't sit well with me either although every time I've ran it I'm adding it on top of test and masteron. Those two are my base Cruise and blast hormones. Maybe it is the combination of Masteron and nanderlone together years ago maybe 15 plus I would run test and nandrolone just fine. Maybe here in the near future I will run it separately with just test. But it definitely fucks up my head. Crippling anxiety I get a ball or tightness in my chest that I assume is from the anxiety or panic attacks.
Seeing as nandrolone is known for it's effects on dopamine, I wouldn't overcomplicate it.

Even if someone has ran nandrolone successfully before and not experienced sides, you never know when you may lose some tolerance to it. A certain combination seeming better/worse may just be because the dopiminergic effects of nandrolone hadn't hit by that point.
Deca is great. Your approach was a little fucked up. 400 isn't a starting dose for a compound you’ve never ran, and something that is long ester. And adding more shit definitely isn’t the answer lol.

Npp and deca are my favorite compounds. They also hit me with heavy mental sides here and there. Happens in 2 stages for me every time. At sub 200 there’s no real issues. 200+ is fine…fine….fine…..big mental decline….then you adapt and becomes better.

150-200mg deca/npp on a bulk is plenty. Cut back or sub in npp.
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I haven't run these 2 together (only run NPP with test+EQ) but many people swear on any 19nor + Masteron because it negates the side effects. Masteron is considered a "well being" ped. Obviously there are exceptions to the rule.
Yes that's exactly why I went this route. In fact I was feeling really good up till the 2 month mark.
This is my first time running deca. I usually run test and primo, but I wanted to try and put on a lot of mass quick. So I decided to throw in deca.

My current cycle is 6ius'hgh, 30-50 mcg's IGF-1, Lantus 3 times a week, 500 test, 400 deca, 500 Masteron.
I'm two months in. Felt absolutely great till now. Dick works fine, E2 and prolactin are dialed in.

Gains great, and the Masteron has been keeping me dry. Weight is up every week, but waist is the same. Really nice clean bulk. No matter what I eat I'm not getting fat, I will throw in some McDonald's and stuff like that. Insulin sensitivity has been great. And I got my insulin / peptide protocol completely dialed in.

Out of nowhere, mad depression (which I never have), panic attacks, numb, confused.

The issue is I work a ton and I have to make big decisions all the time (assets, investments etc..) , I have to eat a ton of food, and now I stare at my meals and I wanna die. Something is off in my head. I always feel great on test, mast, primo, anavar etc... Since I've been all depressed I can't even get the food down. I waited a week nothing has changed (probably getting worse), so I'm aborting deca.

From now I'll just stick to my usual stuff.

I don't know if I should just take the deca out, and maybe up the test to 600-700, remove the Masteron and throw in 500 primo and continue the bulk (deca will be in the system for a while). Or just cut down to my 250 TRT, sort the issues out and cruise for a bit?

Fuck i really hate having to back off like this, feel like a little bitch. But I can't let the gear get in the way with my work and sanity.

From now on I'll be real careful what I run, a big reason I'm on gear is the mental benefits.
If I don't feel good, everything falls apart.
Doesn’t matter. I love Deca, as it works great from me and I don’t get mental negatives on 99% of PEDs.

If I did…. GONE. This is about life balance and feeling good in your own skin. What is the point if you don’t ENJOY life.

Too many alternatives.

You aren’t a “bitch” you are a thinking and emotionally intelligent man. Making smart decisions is a leadership quality. Let followers and cretins be driven by ego.
Had this my first time with deca. Horrible depression was a basket case. Stopped it. Tried npp a couple years later and loved it. For some reason the first time with deca for a lot of guys it’s a shit show. Sorry your cycle got fucked sounds like you were having a good one.
This happened to me every time I tried running NPP, even at 100-150 per week. Depression , paranoia etc. this was just adding 150 NPP to 300 test, 300 primo 300 mast

For me the only way to run 19nors is TRT dosage of test. (200mg of test or less). Then I can run high levels of 19nors like 600 deca , or 400 NPP. (Plus Mast)

I’m not certain what happens in the brain but I feel like nandrolone not so much makes me aromatize more but makes my brain more sensitive to e2 mental effects (negative ones and positive ones). So if my e2 blood level maybe acceptable on a test and dht compound cycle that e2 level can have more pronounced effects on me and thus I feel better at lower e2.

Again im only speculating here and going off how I’ve felt. Like at a particular test and primo ratio I turn into a complete asshole (lower e2) but with the same ratio a sprinkle of nandrolone fixes the mood
This is my first time running deca. I usually run test and primo, but I wanted to try and put on a lot of mass quick. So I decided to throw in deca.

My current cycle is 6ius'hgh, 30-50 mcg's IGF-1, Lantus 3 times a week, 500 test, 400 deca, 500 Masteron.
I'm two months in. Felt absolutely great till now. Dick works fine, E2 and prolactin are dialed in.

Gains great, and the Masteron has been keeping me dry. Weight is up every week, but waist is the same. Really nice clean bulk. No matter what I eat I'm not getting fat, I will throw in some McDonald's and stuff like that. Insulin sensitivity has been great. And I got my insulin / peptide protocol completely dialed in.

Out of nowhere, mad depression (which I never have), panic attacks, numb, confused.

The issue is I work a ton and I have to make big decisions all the time (assets, investments etc..) , I have to eat a ton of food, and now I stare at my meals and I wanna die. Something is off in my head. I always feel great on test, mast, primo, anavar etc... Since I've been all depressed I can't even get the food down. I waited a week nothing has changed (probably getting worse), so I'm aborting deca.

From now I'll just stick to my usual stuff.

I don't know if I should just take the deca out, and maybe up the test to 600-700, remove the Masteron and throw in 500 primo and continue the bulk (deca will be in the system for a while). Or just cut down to my 250 TRT, sort the issues out and cruise for a bit?

Fuck i really hate having to back off like this, feel like a little bitch. But I can't let the gear get in the way with my work and sanity.

From now on I'll be real careful what I run, a big reason I'm on gear is the mental benefits.
If I don't feel good, everything falls apart.

Time heals all wounds.

Since the reason for nandrolone's mood effects is increased dopamine metabolism (net breakdown), and since dopaminergic effects implicate reward/reinforcement/addiction, the adult thing to do is simply wait it out. This too shall pass.
Took me a solid year to come out of the depression but feel much better now.

These days I agree, 150 deca is great for me with trt test and no issues.