aburaihan test e 250

reece the beast

New Member
any information available on these
just wondering when should I no if it's good or not 2 weeks in at 500mg a week. first cycle btw

3 weeks or so and you should have signs of being on, like increased libido.

6 weeks you should have noticeable improvements in your physique and strength in the gym should be up.

There are definitely counterfeit Aburaihan amp's out there.....ideally you should get bloodwork done mid-cycle.
I've read that if it has the handle on the teacup logo, which yours does, it's legit. You can actually get on their website and email them directly and they will tell you if it's a legit batch number.
I've read that if it has the handle on the teacup logo, which yours does, it's legit. You can actually get on their website and email them directly and they will tell you if it's a legit batch number.

Legit batch numbers are often faked. But definetly a place to start.