Acne break out- First Cycle- Test E


New Member
So I just wrapped up my first 8 week Test E cycle, and am a week into my PCT and I am breaking out with acne all over my stomach, lower back, upper back, and shoulders. It looks like it is growing every day, and I am freaking out.

My cycle looked like:
8 Weeks Test E (250 mg, twice a week).
Arimidex, 1 mg EOD.
HCG, Twice a week.

After the 8 weeks, I cut everything off for two weeks, except for two shots of HCG and a few Arimidex.

Now I'm on PCT at:
Clomid 100/100/50/50mgs (Per day)
Nolva 40/40/20/20mgs (Per day)
Arimidex 1 mg EOD.

I started getting a few zits on my stomach shoulders toward the end of my cycle, and that coincided with me having to take a last minute trip for 5 days away from my arimidex and hcg. I got some facial swelling, but that has went away with finishing up my cycle and sticking to my PCT. The issue though, is the zits are spreading into some potentially serious acne and I don't know what to do. My doc gave me some Mupirocin 2% ointment as a antibacterial salve to put on my acne. I still think something is up with my PCT, and I need some advice. Thanks guys!
Any good sources for research aromasin? I am hesitant to buy from the same company now, thought they were reliable rx...
Research aromasin is hit or miss, just roll the dice and order some up.
Get pharma grade ancillaries! You can try and save a few dollars and get research or ugl but they're most likely underdosed or even bunk so you really don't save any money in my opinion anyway. So pay the couple bucks extra and order pharma grade! If you read a little you can get all the answers you need.
yeah but he is not on cycle anymore he is doing pct, so it doesn't matter if adex is bunk or not!

take my other post for future reference Op. Although I also insist you get pharma grade nolva and/or clomid too!
He probably has exess estro from running bunk adex the whole time.
It's not unheard of to have high e2 during PCT, many folks take aromasin during PCT just for that reason.

what would the dosage be for aromasin w/ PCT?
if it's pharma... something like 3mg a day worked well for me.
you're hormones are all fucked up bro.

get your estro checked and in control. Sometimes i will get random acne badly and up my arimidex and BOOM no more acne