Added Deca to my TRT, got the sads, worth trying NPP after letting it clear my system?


New Member
Been on TRT at 180mg/week for several years, added 100mg Deca and after 4 weeks to the day started getting the negative sides, not horrible but noticeable, but was starting to notice some strength and size gains. Stopped the Deca, would it be worth it to try NPP down the line or will I probably get the same problem?
Been on TRT at 180mg/week for several years, added 100mg Deca and after 4 weeks to the day started getting the negative sides, not horrible but noticeable, but was starting to notice some strength and size gains. Stopped the Deca, would it be worth it to try NPP down the line or will I probably get the same problem?
Was in the same boat when I did ND twice for 16 weeks each time. Similar T and N dosing.

This time I am doing a ramp. 70 mg/week TC and started at 140 mg/week ND. Now week 8 I am up to 350 mg/week ND keeping TC constant. It's fire! But bumpy road to get there. Sometimes you just gotta break on through to the other side.

All hail the Dark Priestess Nandrolona. She is so fine and I live to serve her.

**all this just educational, don't abuse androgens.
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Title of thread says, "sads," but your post says, "sides." Is it supposed to both be Sides, or is "the sads" the sides? What were all the sides?

Anyway, I was on 200mg/wk TC + 200mg/wk ND for over a year... only "sides," or should I say, "negative sides," I experienced were additional levels of RBC/H&H.

I can't say I remember any "bumps." But yes, I have to say it was "fire." Looking forward to going back to the "dark side," preferably deeper. So, I'm in the same temple as @readalot. I didn't know we were sweet on the same woman :)
Title of thread says, "sads," but your post says, "sides." Is it supposed to both be Sides, or is "the sads" the sides? What were all the sides?

Anyway, I was on 200mg/wk TC + 200mg/wk ND for over a year... only "sides," or should I say, "negative sides," I experienced were additional levels of RBC/H&H.

I can't say I remember any "bumps." But yes, I have to say it was "fire." Looking forward to going back to the "dark side," preferably deeper. So, I'm in the same temple as @readalot. I didn't know we were sweet on the same woman :)
Haha, sorry that I wasn't more clear. I meant sads=depression, it started with some dullness mentally and emotionally at about week three and then some days where I felt like I had a dark cloud hanging over me emotionally on week four. Seems like I might just be one of those that can't handle the Deca. Any idea if it would be worth trying NPP in a month or two after the Deca leaves my system.

It sucks because I was looking forward to a little boost being added to my TRT after a year of so being plateued on my lifts, although I did just get some HGH after finding this forum in Steroid Underground. Haven't started that yet though
Was in the same boat when I did ND twice for 16 weeks each time. Similar T and N dosing.

This time I am doing a ramp. 70 mg/week TC and started at 140 mg/week ND. Now week 8 I am up to 350 mg/week ND keeping TC constant. It's fire! But bumpy road to get there. Sometimes you just gotta break on through to the other side.

All hail the Dark Priestess Nandrolona. She is so fine and I live to serve her.

**all this just educational, don't abuse androgens.
So you had negative side effects on similar doses to mine (100 mg) and then just fought through and now you're ok with taking 3.5x more Nandrolone?!?! Not sure I'm man enough to try that haha
That's what I was thinking, appreciate the input
just fyi they are both the same hormone, just different ester. i personally dont handle nandrolone well, npp or tren. deca is the super long version of npp. FROM what i was told, i only ever run cyp esters, besides npp, but fast in fast sides, fast out. just be careful. the ratio IMO is off