Adding anavar to test e


New Member
Hello guys i am on my 4th week of my cycle. Currently i am running 400mg of test, on 6th week i am planing to add 30-50mg of anavar.
But first id like to do a blood work. So my question is when should I do mid cycle blood work? And when should I do post cycle blood work?
This are blood results before the cycle:

Triglyceride 37 mg/dL

Cholesterol HDL 65 mg/dl

Cholesterol LDL 83 mg/dL

LH 8.7 mUI/mL

FSH 2.4 mUI/mL

17 Beta Estradiol 29.3 ng/L

Total T 6.05 ug/L

Free T 26.1 pg/mL

DHT 309.7 pg/mL