Adding HCG to TRT


New Member
28 year old male, been on TRT for 18 months and want to regain fertility. I’m going to start adding some HCG. I’m very sensitive to compounds so it shouldn’t take much. What’s a good minimum baseline to start at for HCG? For reference, I’m on 75 mg/week TRT.

Side note: I’m very sensitive to getting gyno so I did order some clomid in case symptoms flare up. I just had my gyno removed 1 year ago (got gyno from a cycle 8 years ago). Terrified of getting it again.
300-500iu three times a week seems to be average. quite a few ppl complain of e2 going up while taking hcg, so have some ai just in caseif you’re saying u r extra sensitive to stuff. (T level can go up as your balls getting kickstart to start producing natural testosteron, on top of exogenous one. Btw 75pw sounds v low, where does it take your T level to?