Added Deca to my TRT, got the sads, worth trying NPP after letting it clear my system?

So you had negative side effects on similar doses to mine (100 mg)

Yes, "sads" and anhedonia. Depression is lifelong and the ND exacerbated it. Both times I was doing 100-150 Test C with 100-150 ND over course of "cycle".

and then just fought through and now you're ok with taking 3.5x more Nandrolone?!?!

Ok for right now LOL. We will see what happens for last half of this run. Still relatively early as I've been ramping from 2:1 ND/TC to 5:1. Maybe this time I'll finally break the 500 mg/week barrier. She is so tempting the more you get to know her when running a TRT base of Test.
Also @Tednacious ...another variable.

This time I finally dropped my book brain and am pinning ED instead of twice a week. Just listened to the real BBers instead of calculus. That way serum peak level is minimized for any Cavg you want to do. Some strongly believe this is the trick to side effect minimization at higher dosing levels of AAS.

But it sounds like you got a good plan. Best wishes.
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There's nothing that nandrolone dose that some other compound won't do.
Along with oxandrolone and stanozolol, it will keep you legal in US. Probably good I don't do UGL, I'd be taking too much stuff as the addict I am.

I am screwed if the vendors ever clean up their act.
Yes, "sads" and anhedonia. Depression is lifelong and the ND exacerbated it. Both times I was doing 100-150 Test C with 100-150 ND over course of "cycle".

Ok for right now LOL. We will see what happens for last half of this run. Still relatively early as I've been ramping from 2:1 ND/TC to 5:1. Maybe this time I'll finally break the 500 mg/week barrier. She is so tempting the more you get to know her when running a TRT base of Test.
I admire your dedication, good luck man!
Been on TRT at 180mg/week for several years, added 100mg Deca and after 4 weeks to the day started getting the negative sides, not horrible but noticeable, but was starting to notice some strength and size gains. Stopped the Deca, would it be worth it to try NPP down the line or will I probably get the same problem?

how is your e2? i have to keep my e2 significantly throttled if running ANY dose of 19nor compounds.

i am a heavy aromatizer, so your dosage may vary but my TRT/cruise test is 175-200 + 12.5 mg aromasin EOD. bumping test to 225 and i can add 175 primo + maintain same aromasin dosing
how is your e2? i have to keep my e2 significantly throttled if running ANY dose of 19nor compounds.

i am a heavy aromatizer, so your dosage may vary but my TRT/cruise test is 175-200 + 12.5 mg aromasin EOD. bumping test to 225 and i can add 175 primo + maintain same aromasin dosing
My E2 stays around 45-50 while I'm on 180mg test cyp and taking 0.25mg Anastrazole weekly. I'm planning on increasing to 250mg test and 0.5mg Anastrazole, does that make sense? When I started trt I was on 140mg test and no AI and I got up to a 90 E2

My E2 stays around 45-50 while I'm on 180mg test cyp and taking 0.25mg Anastrazole weekly. I'm planning on increasing to 250mg test and 0.5mg Anastrazole, does that make sense? When I started trt I was on 140mg test and no AI and I got up to a 90 E2

isn't top of the reference range something like 40s? you may want to experiment in taking down e2 slightly, maybe to middle of the reference range?

i *feel* best when my e2 is low. so low 20s is best for me, even teens. I get the tradefoffs

- less joint lube from e2 (got deca for that)
- less IGF-1 production from the HGH i take (i can live with that)

- no mental sides. no depression, or emotional roller coaster
- appetite is in check. when my e2 climbs, NOTHING can stop my appetite, so if recomping or cutting it's very tough to do it. tirz, sema etc, almost like they do not work at all. it makes sense cuz they give e2 in tren pellets to cattle

you COULD try running masteron alongside deca/NPP. it doesn't lower e2 for many people (i get zero e2 suppressionn for mast but the mental boost from mast really counteracts negatives of 19nors.
isn't top of the reference range something like 40s? you may want to experiment in taking down e2 slightly, maybe to middle of the reference range?

i *feel* best when my e2 is low. so low 20s is best for me, even teens. I get the tradefoffs

- less joint lube from e2 (got deca for that)
- less IGF-1 production from the HGH i take (i can live with that)

- no mental sides. no depression, or emotional roller coaster
- appetite is in check. when my e2 climbs, NOTHING can stop my appetite, so if recomping or cutting it's very tough to do it. tirz, sema etc, almost like they do not work at all. it makes sense cuz they give e2 in tren pellets to cattle

you COULD try running masteron alongside deca/NPP. it doesn't lower e2 for many people (i get zero e2 suppressionn for mast but the mental boost from mast really counteracts negatives of 19nor
Interesting, maybe I'll try to double my Ai and see how I feel. I've had my e2 in the low 20s and up to 90 before and never really noticed a difference, maybe I'm more in tune with stuff now though. I'll keep the Mast idea too if I ever go down the road of adding more things. Thanks for the reply
Been on TRT at 180mg/week for several years, added 100mg Deca and after 4 weeks to the day started getting the negative sides, not horrible but noticeable, but was starting to notice some strength and size gains. Stopped the Deca, would it be worth it to try NPP down the line or will I probably get the same problem?
Npp would work better. Deca will take 3-4 weeks before you notice a benefit.

To blast while on trt add another 100mg of test if you use deca or npp. 2 to 1 ratio worked best for me
Also @Tednacious ...another variable.

This time I finally dropped my book brain and am pinning ED instead of twice a week. Just listened to the real BBers instead of calculus. That way serum peak level is minimized for any Cavg you want to do. Some strongly believe this is the trick to side effect minimization at higher dosing levels of AAS.

But it sounds like you got a good plan. Best wishes.
You're pinning both your TC and ND daily?
Yep, doing my best Todd Lee impression. 350 ND/70 TC mg/week. May take the up some more. Doing OK right now.

How are you doing?

Looking at GH but that may be a while, LOL.
And shout out to @FunkOdyssey for sharing that Todd Lee/J3U content. Most cool/useful stuff I learn is through interactions with Funk. Helluva Dude!
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Makes sense to me, maybe I'll try some NPP down the road. For now I'm thinking I'll just bump my test C from 180mg-250ish and add 2iu HGH daily and that might give me a little bump. I'm not looking for anything drastic, just a little help. Apologies if I'm in the wrong sub forum with my newbie stuff
Im 58, been on TRT for a year, and just finished my first blast of 350mg Test/175mg NPP. The strength/size gains were incredible coupled with serious relief of shoulder pain. I also just started 2iu's HGH daily last month and have been very slow in titrating upwards due to CTS and increased RHR...
Yep, doing my best Todd Lee impression. 350 ND/70 TC mg/week. May take the up some more. Doing OK right now.

How are you doing?

Looking at GH but that may be a while, LOL.
Doing well right now on just TRT with good bloods. Planning my winter "Blast" and stocked with some ND so may go that route. Will have a little more strength focus in my training for this winter as I will challenge myself to get 400 on the bench, which I havent done in 30+ years.

I'm not familiar with Tom Lee but will check him out - thanks.

GH is fantastic. I've never needed more than 2.4 iu for great results but I'm not trying to win the Olympia either.
Doing well right now on just TRT with good bloods.
Man I respect your discipline and logical approach to riding the line. Kudos.

Planning my winter "Blast" and stocked with some ND so may go that route. Will have a little more strength focus in my training for this winter as I will challenge myself to get 400 on the bench, which I havent done in 30+ years.

My shoulder cried uncle when I tried that earlier this year. I don't think my joints are sturdy enough to do that while also maintaining a non sloppy bodyweight/midsection. Training heavy with low BF is really something special for the mutants out there. I wish you ever success and hope you crush it. I really should get a coach at this point.

I'm not familiar with Tom Lee but will check him out - thanks.
Todd Lee. He is a lunatic and very funny. I give Funk credit for introducing me to his content. AS much as i had looked at pk profiles etc it never occurred to me to use ED injection to minimize peak serum levels (for a given mg/week AAS dosing) for potential side effect management. Just goes to show the blind spots we (I) have.

GH is fantastic. I've never needed more than 2.4 iu for great results but I'm not trying to win the Olympia either.
Your rational approach is awesome. Thanks for sharing your update.