Adding T4 to GH


New Member
Would adding in T4 be beneficial to me?

My thyroid panels in the past have always shown
Normal TSH
High t3 reuptake
Low T4

Adding GH lowered T4 some more, as expected. I know GH increases the conversion of t3-t4.

Currently on 4iu/ day

I’d really hate to go and throw in more drugs, but if it is warranted and might be beneficial then I would start supplementing with T4.
What do you guys think?


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Would adding in T4 be beneficial to me?

My thyroid panels in the past have always shown
Normal TSH
High t3 reuptake
Low T4

Adding GH lowered T4 some more, as expected. I know GH increases the conversion of t3-t4.

Currently on 4iu/ day

I’d really hate to go and throw in more drugs, but if it is warranted and might be beneficial then I would start supplementing with T4.
What do you guys think?
Post your TSH [done], fT4, fT3 before and after.

The panel shared above is outdated practice.

For your reference...

PS don't fall for the RT3 BS.
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Thanks for the references.

So the only thing I’m missing is free T3. Is it possible to have such a low free T4 but normal free T3 therefore no intervention needed?
Would adding in T4 be beneficial to me?

My thyroid panels in the past have always shown
Normal TSH
High t3 reuptake
Low T4

Adding GH lowered T4 some more, as expected. I know GH increases the conversion of t3-t4.

Currently on 4iu/ day

I’d really hate to go and throw in more drugs, but if it is warranted and might be beneficial then I would start supplementing with T4.
What do you guys think?
Is this before or after you've added HGH?
Thanks for the references.

So the only thing I’m missing is free T3. Is it possible to have such a low free T4 but normal free T3 therefore no intervention needed?

Quite possible yes. GH upregulates T4 to T3 conversion. It's one of the primary mechanisms how it protects against fat gain and how it induces fat loss.

In regards to GH and thyroid, TSH is your primary biomarker which you need to keep an eye on. Yours is not optimal (optimal levels being 1 - 1.5) but it's fine.

Should you add T4 ... You wont hurt yourself if you do, but imo it's not necessary, not with your labs.

The T3 uptake is high because GH lowers thyroid binding globulin, this is normal, and it means your free T3 levels are higher, which is normal for rhGH use.
it means your free T3 levels are higher
Speculation. lowering TBG does not drive / influence fT3 just the same as lowering SHBG does not increase fT levels.

You have to consider how the feedback control loops function.

Starting with TSH, fT4, fT3 will give OP clinically relevant picture of serum status.
Speculation. lowering TBG does not drive / influence fT3 just the same as lowering SHBG does not increase fT levels.

You have to consider how the feedback control loops function.

Starting with TSH, fT4, fT3 will give OP clinically relevant picture of serum status.

It's not speculation, not really. GH's effects on thyroid hormones are well characterized. However, ofc nothing is a medical certainty. You're picking on grains of salt here, if you want to philosophy ...

Starting with TSH, fT4, fT3 will give OP clinically relevant picture of serum status.

Ofc. Is it really necessary? Not really. However I'm not the one who'll dismay others from doing more labs.
Quite possible yes. GH upregulates T4 to T3 conversion. It's one of the primary mechanisms how it protects against fat gain and how it induces fat loss.

In regards to GH and thyroid, TSH is your primary biomarker which you need to keep an eye on. Yours is not optimal (optimal levels being 1 - 1.5) but it's fine.

Should you add T4 ... You wont hurt yourself if you do, but imo it's not necessary, not with your labs.

The T3 uptake is high because GH lowers thyroid binding globulin, this is normal, and it means your free T3 levels are higher, which is normal for rhGH use.
So this was on the last time I was running about 4iu of gh a day. Would you say this is fairly normal then?


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If the absence of thyroid disease, no. TSH with reflux T4/fT4 typically all you really need and the rest is details. Thanks for the discussions!

Ofc I'm speculating he doesn't have an underlying pathology. I've seen such bloods on GH more then I can count. I'm exaggerating .... but I've seen them plenty of times.

I see you have plenty of vigour, I don't have energy to delve in to too much detail in some random thread. So don't take my short handed writing as too dismissive.

If you wish to explain your theories; go ahead. This isn't a well known topic on meso.
To follow up with this thread. I have. received my new labs. TSH, free T4, and free T3. Here are the results.


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