Adex makes my nipples sensitive and itchy?


New Member
Has anybody had this happen to them before? I am currently on a trt dose of 200mg test c. 100mg twice a week the evening after my shot I take 1/2 mg of adex. But my nipples were very sensitive and would itch. Since then I stopped taking the Adex and no more itchyness or soreness. Bout to go pull some bloods here in a couple weeks.

Anybody else hear anything like this?
Dr JIM would tell you take your tamoxifen.

Dont believe that adex do that.Its the test itself to me.
Has anybody had this happen to them before? I am currently on a trt dose of 200mg test c. 100mg twice a week the evening after my shot I take 1/2 mg of adex. But my nipples were very sensitive and would itch. Since then I stopped taking the Adex and no more itchyness or soreness. Bout to go pull some bloods here in a couple weeks.

Anybody else hear anything like this?
Itching and sensitive nipples are the beginning of gyno.
Itching and sensitive nipples are the beginning of gyno.

so sorry for the same question but if milk thistle gave me nipple pain after just three days of intake at 400mg each day(I solved the problem in three days more with tamoxifen and aromasin)so hcg is gyno yes or yes in my case...?thanks
so sorry for the same question but if milk thistle gave me nipple pain after just three days of intake at 400mg each day(I solved the problem in three days more with tamoxifen and aromasin)so hcg is gyno yes or yes in my case...?thanks
Like I said you make no sense. You obviously don't understand what you are reading. You are doing stupid shit that is going to mess up your body. You need to buy or get a good translator. Either that or go see a good doctor because the stuff if been reading that you are doing is completely stupid and harmful. What you are doing makes no sense.
so sorry for the same question but if milk thistle gave me nipple pain after just three days of intake at 400mg each day(I solved the problem in three days more with tamoxifen and aromasin)so hcg is gyno yes or yes in my case...?thanks
Why are you taking milk thistle?
What else are you taking?
Why are you taking this stuff?
"So hcg is gyno yes or yes in my case". What does the shit even mean?
Like I said you need to get mental help.
The language barrier is not the total problem here I am sure.
Stop doing all this stupid shit and go to a doctor. It's obvious you have no clue what you are doing and you are fucking yourself up.
Has anybody had this happen to them before? I am currently on a trt dose of 200mg test c. 100mg twice a week the evening after my shot I take 1/2 mg of adex. But my nipples were very sensitive and would itch. Since then I stopped taking the Adex and no more itchyness or soreness. Bout to go pull some bloods here in a couple weeks.

Anybody else hear anything like this?

are you sure you have adex ?
Like I said you make no sense. You obviously don't understand what you are reading. You are doing stupid shit that is going to mess up your body. You need to buy or get a good translator. Either that or go see a good doctor because the stuff if been reading that you are doing is completely stupid and harmful. What you are doing makes no sense.

ok no mind games here, but if run a little trt you would say oh what a smart boy.I think my English is bad but not horrible.
And have a little theory about the difference between Dr Scally and Dr Crisler.
Seems to be my question give you a kick but understand,anyway,your good intentions.
But im an alpha or beta but I will do all the things to decrease my BF,because I think this is the root of my problems.



@Michael Scally MD
ok no mind games here, but if run a little trt you would say oh what a smart boy.I think my English is bad but not horrible.
And have a little theory about the difference between Dr Scally and Dr Crisler.
Seems to be my question give you a kick but understand,anyway,your good intentions.
But im an alpha or beta but I will do all the things to decrease my BF,because I think this is the root of my problems.



@Michael Scally MD
I'm not playing mind games. I'm trying to help your dumbass. I don't even know what the fuck your problem is because your questions make no dam sense. Is obvious that you need to seek mental help.
ok no mind games here, but if run a little trt you would say oh what a smart boy.I think my English is bad but not horrible.
And have a little theory about the difference between Dr Scally and Dr Crisler.
Seems to be my question give you a kick but understand,anyway,your good intentions.
But im an alpha or beta but I will do all the things to decrease my BF,because I think this is the root of my problems.



@Michael Scally MD
Why would you start Trt? Do you even have bloodwork? You are doing and taking all this shit and you have no idea what you are doing or how do do it properly. You are asking questions that should be addressed to a doctor not someone online. GO SEE A REAL DOCTOR BEFORE YOU FUCK YOURSELF UP MORE. If you want to lose body fat all you have to do is diet and exercise. All these questions you are asking are pointless and stupid
Why are you taking milk thistle?
What else are you taking?
Why are you taking this stuff?
"So hcg is gyno yes or yes in my case". What does the shit even mean?
Like I said you need to get mental help.
The language barrier is not the total problem here I am sure.
Stop doing all this stupid shit and go to a doctor. It's obvious you have no clue what you are doing and you are fucking yourself up.

trying to clean my liver because when I was testing anavar I felt a warm on my liver. But dont drink,no smoke(never). I eat a lot of eggs and healthy fat.And currently dont running nothing. Only when Im angry,really angry I take some aromasin 3 - 6 mg. Do you believe that my gynocomastia probability is high?
Why would you start Trt? Do you even have bloodwork? You are doing and taking all this shit and you have no idea what you are doing or how do do it properly. You are asking questions that should be addressed to a doctor not someone online. GO SEE A REAL DOCTOR BEFORE YOU FUCK YOURSELF UP MORE. If you want to lose body fat all you have to do is diet and exercise. All these questions you are asking are pointless and stupid

yes I have my baseline labs
I'm not playing mind games. I'm trying to help your dumbass. I don't even know what the fuck your problem is because your questions make no dam sense. Is obvious that you need to seek mental help.

Dr told me that Im healthy but have a very little mania.
just that
trying to clean my liver because when I was testing anavar I felt a warm on my liver. But dont drink,no smoke(never). I eat a lot of eggs and healthy fat.And currently dont running nothing. Only when Im angry,really angry I take some aromasin 3 - 6 mg. Do you believe that my gynocomastia probability is high?
Like I said stop taking all this stuff and you will be fine. Aromasin is used to lower estrogen levels. It is not used to treat mental problems. If you keep taking drugs you have no idea how to take yes you are going to grow tits. Like I said go see a real doctor not someone claiming to be a doctor on the internet.