Advice for Cycle and PCT protocol for ongoing regimen?


New Member
Hi guys. I am currently getting into a third cycle one year after my last one.
Last time i developed gyno during PCT. Not a big deal - little lump under left nipple and some heightened sensitivity in both of nipples and the
gyno is still there inappreciable but without remision at all. I need some advice ( and critique - if necessary ) about the protocol im following.
Should i add Raloxifene (for the gyno), because i know its not ok to mix it with Tren.?
Is Clomid better for PCT than Raloxifene ( i have both of them from pharm.) ?
Do i need Pregnyl shot during Cycle? And anything other that can help me please.
THANK YOU very much guys !

PS. i will go for lab test in 10 days again.

186cm/6.1ft 90kg/200lbs 31years old

Cycle Protocol

Stanozolol - week 1-9 x 40mg Every day
Turinabol - week 1-9 x 40mg Every day
Testosterone Propionate - week 1-9 x 300mg Every week (Mon, Wed, Sat)
Drostanolone Propionate - week 1-9 x 300mg Every week(Mon, Wed, Sat)

Anavar - week 5-9 x 40mg Every day

Trenbolone Acetate - week 6-9 x 300mg Every week(Tue,Thu,Sun)

Proviron - week 7-9 x 25mg Every day


Aromasin - 12.5mg Every other day (from week 2) till when?
Dostinex - 0.25mg Every fourth day (from week 2) till when?
Pregnyl - 500 IU immediately after week 9 and 500 IU week later
Clomiphene Citate - week 10-12 x 50mg Every day
Raloxifene ????

Blood test befor cycle:

Prolactin 155 mIU/I(85/325)
LH 9.50 IU/I(1.70/8.60)
FSH 5.65 IU/I(1.5/12.40)
Testosterone 18 nmol/l(9.90/27.80)
Estradiol 50 pmol/l (41/159)
Should i add Raloxifene (for the gyno), because i know its not ok to mix it with Tren.?

Not ok to mix ralox with tren? That's not correct... You can take them together.

Is Clomid better for PCT than Raloxifene ( i have both of them from pharm.)

Clomid is better for PCT, much more research to support it.

Do i need Pregnyl shot during Cycle?

You can either run HCG throughout the cycle a few times a week or run it in between your last shot of AAS and finish it right around the time you start PCT drugs.

Cycle Protocol

I'm honestly not sure where to even start here... 3 orals being ran at the same time, 4 orals if you count the 3 weeks of proviron you're adding at the end. I'm going to assume that you're running as many as 6 new compounds for this cycle... It doesn't really make much sense to me at all. Too overcomplicated and, although the dosages are pretty conservative, the quantity of compounds appears aggressive based on your experience level.

Starting PCT way too early, you'll be finished with your PCT before the drugs have even cleared your system all the way. Two shots of HCG at 500iu a week apart?

I think this is way too overcomplicated for a third cycle and not setup very well. I'm not sure what else to add other than make sure you fix your PCT at a minimum if you run this cycle like it is laid out.
Thank you very much for your sincere opinion.
Would you give me some advice about what to change in my PCT (and when to start it) , if i add Reloxifene during cycle (30mg ED) and in spite of everything keep the AAS as I have already started it.
@Eman gave you good advice about your cycle. It appears you are going to ignore it.

Why 4 orals? For what?

Just do this....

Test P 300 for 9 weeks
Mast P 300 9 weeks
Tren A 75 mg EOD 9 weeks
Anavar week 5 to 9 40-50 mg ED

See... this cycle is still sort of stupid for a 3rd cycle. Just not as stupid.

If you wanted to be smart I wouldn't fuck with 19 nors if u r still PCTing.

You're gonna do what you're gonna do, but you really don't need all this shit. (most likely)
thank you very much , i will take you advices.
Is this regimen better now ?
I want to stick with Raloxifene because of the gyno.
If there is still something "wrong" i will appreciate your help .

Screenshot 2021-02-16 at 21.45.29.png
That looks better. I would be careful of that much AI though, you are only using 300mg of aromatizing compounds in that cycle... My estrogen would Be. Fucking. Crashed. Hard. You could just take the Ralox throughout the entire cycle and drop the AI.
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Hi guys , some update with blood works.

I m in the middle of week 3 , and i m stick to the regimen ( 300mast p/300 test p) and the only thing i changed was Aromasin 12.5mg not EOD but Every third day. But the blood works show high E2 , so think to change to 12.5mg ED. What do you think about it

Estradiol (Естрадиол)³239.00pmol/l41.40 - 159.00
DHEA-S ( ДХЕА-С )10.90µmol/l4.95 - 12.70

Prolactin ( Пролактин )99.00mIU/l85.00 - 325.00
LH ( Лутеинизиращ Хормон )¹<0.30IU/l1.70 - 8.60
FSH ( Фоликул Стим. Хормон )²↓↓<0.30IU/l1.50 - 12.40
Testosterone ( Тестостерон )>52.00nmol/l9.90 - 27.80

A bit inflated ALT.

Холестерол - общ ( Total Cholesterol )3.36mmol/lДо 5.20
Холестерол - HDL-Cholesterol↓↓0.80mmol/lНад 1.45
Холестерол - LDL-Cholesterol calc.2.24mmol/lДо 3.00
Холестерол VLDL-Cholesterol0.32mmol/lДо 1.10
Триглицериди (Triglyceride )0.70mmol/lДо 1.70