Advice for First Cycle and AI


New Member
Hi everyone, I need some advice.

I want to start my first cycle (only testo-e) 300/350mg per week x10 weeks to see how my body reacts.

I had thought about doing 3 injections weekly to limit side effects. the other 3 days I thought about doing 250UI of HCG to avoid testicular atrophy.

my question: after 3 weeks I will have blood tests, how do I deal with estrogen levels that are too high with the dose of arimidex/aromasin?

that is, how can I understand how much AI to take based on the estradiol value? I want to control estrogen and not suppress it

Thanks all
You will have to monitor your individual response to know for sure. Your plans for bloodwork will be a good start. From there adjustments, if needed, then repeat testing.

Ideally, if an AI is needed a guy would start low and monitor (bloods and side effects) then adjust as needed. Some don’t have access to repeat bloodwork, but it sounds like you might, so additional testing wouldn’t hurt. If it does happen that you are only able to get a limited amount of testing done throughout the cycle, waiting a bit longer for your first blood test could be a good idea with Test E.
Thanks for reply, Yes, I'm thinking of doing this.
I read that, based on the bloodwork, someone takes half a tablet EOD, others half a tablet every 3 days, others still half a tablet every week...

This is confusing me a bit. I don't want to suppress estrogen
Thanks for reply, Yes, I'm thinking of doing this.
I read that, based on the bloodwork, someone takes half a tablet EOD, others half a tablet every 3 days, others still half a tablet every week...

This is confusing me a bit. I don't want to suppress estrogen

3 weeks maybe it's a bit soon for repetitive bloodwork, give it a week more. Also, if you're planning to add HCG either start from your first week or add it after you recheck E2 and proceed accordingly. Everyone aromatizes differently man, i started Nov 1 and first week of Dec i'll go for recheck my E2. I started with 40pg/ml, doing 30mg of Test E every day (210 per week), 6,25mg aromasin Monday-Thursday and i will add the HCG after i get bloods. If it's in 30s i'll keep it that way because HCG will raise it and if it's above 40 than maybe i'll go 6,25 EOD.
Aromasin is pretty gentle and if you have tablets you can split them until you find the right dose. With a deceptive half life of 24 hours people tend to do 2x a week due to it bieng a suicidal ai that actually destroys estrogen not just blocks it making it effective past 48 hours.

HCG has a half life if 36 hours and if you don’t mind pinning frequently then taking it on you off days is great. I’m lazy and just pull it in the same syringe as the test. If your running HCG to keep full functionality and make your PCT easier you should run it from the start of your test. Your natural production will be suppressed after your first or second shot, some other member had a great study I’m just not the guy who saves every relevant study, sorry.

You also are running a nice low dose of test but only for 10 weeks. Test tends to start to kick in around week 7 noticeably and that is why you see more 12-16 week cycles especially when it’s a lower dose. Just a thought to get more permanent gains.
3 weeks maybe it's a bit soon for repetitive bloodwork, give it a week more. Also, if you're planning to add HCG either start from your first week or add it after you recheck E2 and proceed accordingly. Everyone aromatizes differently man, i started Nov 1 and first week of Dec i'll go for recheck my E2. I started with 40pg/ml, doing 30mg of Test E every day (210 per week), 6,25mg aromasin Monday-Thursday and i will add the HCG after i get bloods. If it's in 30s i'll keep it that way because HCG will raise it and if it's above 40 than maybe i'll go 6,25 EOD.
Thanks very much for your reply, ok I'll wait 4 weeks.

Some questions:

How do you get on with the daily injections? Do you choose multiple injection locations? Do you think it's much better to limit side effects?

how do you take 6.25mg of aromasin? My tablet are 25mg for tablet

Aromasin is pretty gentle and if you have tablets you can split them until you find the right dose. With a deceptive half life of 24 hours people tend to do 2x a week due to it bieng a suicidal ai that actually destroys estrogen not just blocks it making it effective past 48 hours.

HCG has a half life if 36 hours and if you don’t mind pinning frequently then taking it on you off days is great. I’m lazy and just pull it in the same syringe as the test. If your running HCG to keep full functionality and make your PCT easier you should run it from the start of your test. Your natural production will be suppressed after your first or second shot, some other member had a great study I’m just not the guy who saves every relevant study, sorry.

You also are running a nice low dose of test but only for 10 weeks. Test tends to start to kick in around week 7 noticeably and that is why you see more 12-16 week cycles especially when it’s a lower dose. Just a thought to get more permanent gains.
Thanks, Ok so I have to split the tablets and take 1/4 of each tablet and adjust. I hope they are easily divisible :)

ok then I'm going to 12 weeks

Ok so I can pull both Testo and HCG in the same syringe? Nothing happens?

Sorry for the various questions but I'm really new. When adding other molecules, can they be inserted into the same injection? For example, Testo + Primo

Buy a pill splitter. They are really cheap and one of the only ways to get clean breaks on tabs.

I load everything in the same syringe including water based. I tend to pull in some oil then the water based compounds then more oil. All oils get mixed. However some other members have mentioned water based compounds should not go in the same barrel but they failed to present any studies/evidence why they shouldn’t be mixed.
Buy a pill splitter. They are really cheap and one of the only ways to get clean breaks on tabs.

I load everything in the same syringe including water based. I tend to pull in some oil then the water based compounds then more oil. All oils get mixed. However some other members have mentioned water based compounds should not go in the same barrel but they failed to present any studies/evidence why they shouldn’t be mixed.
Thanks very much for your reply, ok I'll wait 4 weeks.

Some questions:

How do you get on with the daily injections? Do you choose multiple injection locations? Do you think it's much better to limit side effects?

how do you take 6.25mg of aromasin? My tablet are 25mg for tablet


Buona sera amico! I pin subq with insulin syringes. I backload 8-9 syringes when i crack an ampule and store them in a locker. I only pin glutes, basically it's more on the hip side, i pinch some fat with one hand, pin the needle and inject. One day left side, the other day right side. So far so good, no pain, no side effects, nothing. I believe the more frequent you pin the more stable your hormonal system will be. Also you will need less AI because you aromatize less. Less hormonal flactuations means less chance to develop acne for example if you're prone too.. If you're relatively lean with no much fat you'll be good with 3 pins per week, if you're more than 15% bodyfat it would be more beneficial to pin every day.

Now for the aromasin, is a pain in the ass. I do have the pfizer from the farmacy and it is tiny and of course no line marked because women with breast cancer are supposed to take it whole. I bought a 2 euro pill cutter and the first time was able to divide it into 4 but since then i messed up the next two pills, one i was able to cut in 3 and the other one it tore to pieces. Maybe next time i'll ask the pharmacist if he knows any generic brand that has a split line, or at least anyone bigger.
Buona sera amico! I pin subq with insulin syringes. I backload 8-9 syringes when i crack an ampule and store them in a locker. I only pin glutes, basically it's more on the hip side, i pinch some fat with one hand, pin the needle and inject. One day left side, the other day right side. So far so good, no pain, no side effects, nothing. I believe the more frequent you pin the more stable your hormonal system will be. Also you will need less AI because you aromatize less. Less hormonal flactuations means less chance to develop acne for example if you're prone too.. If you're relatively lean with no much fat you'll be good with 3 pins per week, if you're more than 15% bodyfat it would be more beneficial to pin every day.

Now for the aromasin, is a pain in the ass. I do have the pfizer from the farmacy and it is tiny and of course no line marked because women with breast cancer are supposed to take it whole. I bought a 2 euro pill cutter and the first time was able to divide it into 4 but since then i messed up the next two pills, one i was able to cut in 3 and the other one it tore to pieces. Maybe next time i'll ask the pharmacist if he knows any generic brand that has a split line, or at least anyone bigger.
Thanks bro